Note to our blog commenters

Dear Friend and Reader:

We welcome your participation in our comments area. I truly appreciate the lively conversation.

Just so you know, the system has an occasional glitch that causes a post to be put into moderation when we didn’t actually apply the setting. If this happens, please drop a brief email to editorial (at) and we’ll straighten it out. Our system is an ordinary WordPress blog and does not have any content-based monitors.

Also, if you are a subscriber to one or more of our services, you will need a different login identity to use the comment area. Looking around the site, I’m not seeing that this is placed in an obvious location, so I will ask Anatoly, our webman, to make it a little easier, and I’ll post the instructions for how to comment in this space later today.

Reader comments are what make this series really interesting, and I am sure that just as many people show up to read what you write as what the writers here have to say. That’s a way of expressing my heartfelt appreciation. Keep at it, let us know if we screw up, expand on our ideas and introduce your own. Among other things, I’ve learned a lot of really interesting, useful astrology from my readers in 12 years on the Internet.

Many thanks,

Eric Francis

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