Solstice: Sun enters Capricorn

Dear Friend and Reader,

Happy Solstice! Today’s aspects are pretty spectacular. The Sun has entered the domain of Capricorn, conjoining Pluto and striking a square to the Aries Point. This solstice arrangement is about earthbound, grounding transformations on a social, spiritual and personal level. While that’s going on, Psyche stands opposite Hades — reminding us not to harp on the approach of old age.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Solstice means the Sun (sol) stands sill (stis, as in stasis). For about a week (it actually started about three days ago), the Sun as reached its southernmost extreme along the horizon. It’s down south, visiting New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. After a few more days of pausing, it slowly starts to make its way northward again, and as a result the days get longer, for us here in the north.

For those in the south, there is the slow approach of winter, though it’s not quite the same for them as it is up here. It is indeed a milder climate in the Southern Hemisphere in the cold months, though we seem to get about equal heat in the hot months.

Part of the solstice symbolism means that the Sun transits the sign Capricorn, the sea-goat, where much has been happening lately and much more is about to happen.

Laying the groundwork, or the bones and core (Cap theme), of the change (new season) we’d like to see in ourselves (the Sun) and the world we care for (the Aries Point) is the sentiment of the Sun’s progression into Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign which rules the skin and the bones. Conversely, with the Sun in a conjunction to Pluto, matters can take on a proportion so deep that they can demand you move beyond surface mentality. Note, this is the first Capricorn solstice with the Sun conjunct Pluto in nearly 250 years.

The sources of your power and will may take on a new sensitivity with this transit. Or perhaps you will be able to feel with clarity the forces which have power over you. As with all solstice occasions, Source is sensitive to tapping today. It is a good time to consider who you are, where you are, and how aligned you feel with your spirit.

The Moon enters Scorpio at 6:36 pm EDT.

Happy Solstice All! Blessed Be!

Genevieve Sophia

22 thoughts on “Solstice: Sun enters Capricorn”

  1. Janes… “p.s. Pan can’t be sick, you know that. Little black, on the other hand, apparently would like to speak with you.”

    Hard to be sick when Plutarch (and the hills around him) pronounces you dead.

    But really. How could Pan be well in our time?


  2. :). So I have about ten thousand things to say about all this business of channeling deities and pan who is *not* capricornus, but he used to be because really *all* archetypal energy is hiding in the zodiac somewhere( how could it not be? ) and how this is connected to Carl Jung, who though totally batshit identified how archetypes are really…*really* out there just waiting to illuminate you in the process of completely fucking up your life forever (note: use extreme care with the aboriginals especially because it’s hard to contact their original purpose) and why I don’t think I’ll ever have sex with a kid half my age ( boys are people too) and Persephone, who is spraytagged all over my life and chart and all my marriages to the same fucking dude who turns out to rule the underworld * every* single time.

    But this is Genevieve’s blog post about the Solstice (bravo maam), which I have developed a sort of gooey relationship with for some reason while there’s this unrelenting blizzard outside and I’ve been working ten hour days. Coincidentally.

    The goal is transcendence, as Mme Half de Witte pointed out. You go to the center of the wheel, not the next space on the board. If you’re still on the board you can’t win, but it takes, what, ten million spins or so before we figure that out.

    Capricorn is the last stop before the process of de-everything starts. Maybe at the birth of psychotherapy you’d expect to slog through the same crap over and over again, but we’re here to become geniuses. War is over if you want it. I’m sure I mentioned this already.

    :). Oh, actually it goes: Happy Christmas. And then the war part.

    To all.


    p.s. Pan can’t be sick, you know that. Little black, on the other hand, apparently would like to speak with you.

  3. I just want to wander us back over to the Goat/Fish/Pan question for a sec. My sense that Pan –m’animal wisdom– is not having a great time right now. I hadn’t looked at Dreamflesh Journal (Gyrus’ creation at in a couple of months, but I *just* found this:

    “Last year I sat alone atop Waden Hill in Avebury on the summer solstice eve, watching the moon and soaking up the landscape all night. Around 1am, out of the darkness, a little black goat that I’d dreamt about two nights before came hurtling towards me up the slope, from the direction of Silbury Hill. Its spry dash never ceased, but arced away as it neared me—and quickly it was gone again. [. . .]

    Wandering around the next day, I confirmed that there weren’t any farm animals on the hill, and decided to accept the experience without вЂ?explanation’. In the months that followed, the goat started appearing in my dreams […] In my dreams, I nicknamed it “Little Black”.

    This year, as the idea of having it tattooed was forming, I found it in a very different state in a dream. I could hardly bear the thought that it was the same goat as I approached the prone, mangled animal, but I knew it was. It was older, shaggy, grizzled. It horns were jammed down, seemingly growing out of its chin, and it was horribly mutilated. Something I can’t describe happened, and I melted into it, with a hot, familiar, messy and painful feeling. . . ”

    If you take a look at Gyrus’ website, you’ll find the goat story under keywords ‘little black,’ but then confirm the connection to Pan by looking under ‘pan-bridge. ‘


    Guillermo del Toro was on the right track when he was breaking out the Pan/Minotaur connection in Pan’s Labyrinth last year. My family had a whole series of creative breakthroughs around that motif; I am *wild* to see what the fish/goat brings…

  4. I just want to wander us back over to the Goat/Fish/Pan question for a sec. My sense that Pan –m’animal wisdom– is not having a great time right now. I hadn’t looked at Dreamflesh Journal (Gyrus’ creation at in a couple of months, but I *just* found this:

    “Last year I sat alone atop Waden Hill in Avebury on the summer solstice eve, watching the moon and soaking up the landscape all night. Around 1am, out of the darkness, a little black goat that I’d dreamt about two nights before came hurtling towards me up the slope, from the direction of Silbury Hill. Its spry dash never ceased, but arced away as it neared me—and quickly it was gone again. [. . .]

    Wandering around the next day, I confirmed that there weren’t any farm animals on the hill, and decided to accept the experience without вЂ?explanation’. In the months that followed, the goat started appearing in my dreams […] In my dreams, I nicknamed it “Little Black”.

    This year, as the idea of having it tattooed was forming, I found it in a very different state in a dream. I could hardly bear the thought that it was the same goat as I approached the prone, mangled animal, but I knew it was. It was older, shaggy, grizzled. It horns were jammed down, seemingly growing out of its chin, and it was horribly mutilated. Something I can’t describe happened, and I melted into it, with a hot, familiar, messy and painful feeling. . . ” and then confirm the connection with this ::


    Guillermo del Toro was on the right track when he was breaking out the Pan/Minotaur connection in Pan’s Labyrinth last year. My family had a whole series of creative breakthrough’s around that motif; I am *wild* to see what the fish/goat brings…

  5. Should we use mythological language when constructing our personal mythologies? My personal favourite, in terms of a ‘fluid intra-culture of shared mythology’ (my just invented ascription), that is nonetheless autogeneris, is where the goddess Lucidia usurps the power of the Meta-God Obscurantia and, after ‘conquering’ him, shares her gifts with the collective.. including said Meta-God.

    Happy yuletide, all; with a blessing and wish that the eternal Tao infuse your living spirit so that you may transcend, yet remain within, your immanence..

  6. JD…”I did this once with Persephone for about five years. Bad idea. I thought I was being very creative and clever, waking up an archetype to channel a writing voice. Mine, is what I really thought. And then the rest happened.”

    !! Can you expand on this a bit please? !! It may be how/why I keep hearing Mr. P in your voice!

    Tachi… The prose is not purple so much as green. Not sex so much as Tantra. Not romance so much as awakening. Green being the color of my futureself (ah’m starting with the hair, don’t you know…).

    Now the neoplatonic gang in Florence (Ficino, for one) swear in their revival of the Mysteries, that Venera (Venus) is the psychopomp to Wisdom. So this isn’t an Eastern conceit, the process has been among us for as long as that spiral has been incised over doorways…

  7. ~JanesD… once again, I ask: when is that book coming out?

    :). The last two were RPGs my ex made some money off of before he went Waco.

    But I was trying to help with this Capricorn problem. I didn’t think of it before but it makes perfect sense given all the intense interaction you’ve had with this archetype. You’re encircuited, kiddo. It’s not really a problem, more a nuisance.

    I did this once with Persephone for about five years. Bad idea. I thought I was being very creative and clever, waking up an archetype to channel a writing voice. Mine, is what I really thought. And then the rest happened.

    Strong Capricorn liquor would set definitely set off some local electromagnets around you. In fact, when you’re in the environment of these women you’re probably juicing up the precise coordinates of them that can’t be seen.

    Man, I have had the weirdest day.


  8. ~janes… I think we’ve got it covered. When Tachi invoked the Tigris, she hit pretty close to the mark: it was indeed Enki who flooded the river at various points along the line with … what did you call it? oh yeah: jizz.

    What we really want to see is not one river but two; and not three rivers but one. And to ask ourselves how it is that they issue in two ‘points’ or horns on Pan as well as Enki. The best time to ask this question is *as* you have ceased your efforts toward orgasm, as its Arrival is beginning to carry you.

    There is a way to think *directly* with what we call ‘pleasure’ as it rises in the physiology. Well, not so much ‘think’ as discern.

    And there’s another space available through that discernment. Eric is one of the scribes of that space. I am as well; and there is a savant named John Denowsky whose voice turns up in disparate traditions. He’s worth a listen. Here’s a little bit of him about Dagda,


    ~JanesD… once again, I ask: when is that book coming out?

  9. ” Tigris•Euphrates
    and what

    :). Phew. Thanks. I was starting to worry. For a minute there I thought I was going to have to post a map and start with the Epic of Gilgamesh….


  10. “But Mystes, I am mostly interested about this Pan energy. Could you describe it?”


    “When the thunder exploded over us again, dry as a sack of flour, I suddenly spotted the other, the impossible question. A surge of irritation hardened my resolve: this would *not* become an issue of who loved whom; it was about power, and finally, I had more of it than he did. I smiled backward into his eyes, and let the sexual fire caress the shield around my heart, annealing it.
    “I see,” he said, hissing into my right ear. He placed his thumbs on the back of my neck and applied the gentlest pressure to the occipital openings at the base of my skull. Despite the July heat, chillbumps flew up my back. “Well, Wanderer, have you forgotten this?” and he pressed my head forward, massaging the two points at the top of my spine. A soft pop high in my nasal passages signalled the critical crossover. The leftfooted fire stepped back onto its customary path, detonating my wrath. Drew clamped his hand over my mouth and withdrew to steady himself; then bolted into me as lightning cracked the sky over our heads.
    I was caught in the crossfire. As the air stunned my skin, the burnt river inside overflowed its confident banks, and wasted the aegis behind my breasts. Still holding his hand over my mouth, Drew began to rant softly. He secured my hips with his other arm and brought his lips to my ear; as he plunged through each phrase, his voice split into suasion and plague, the words clinging like wreckage to the waves of his breath. . .”

    Will that do?


  11. Tachi… I’m not sure what you are saying, but in my view, Lord Pan is having a pretty hard time these days. I mean the Root God, not the particular emanation who has been my lover.

    Flattery? Lord Pan doesn’t need or want it, in my view. He just needs the Wilderness in womankind to wake *out,* through our preening and our recalcitrance. (Here, let me own that: *my* preening and recalcitrance. )


    I’m still musing all of this. It is a long puzzle I am working on, and the pieces keep falling off of the table of this plane.

    And thanks JanesD for continuing the linkage between the Horned Ones.


  12. ” Jane, I already have my own real lovers. I don’t like men who like to turn goddesses into jealous women. He can have them all, but I think there is one that loves him more than the others.”

    :). Hey there, can you elaborate on this? You’re right, Pan/Bacchus is Saturn’s son, and he is also Enki who was Enlil’s son. He’s the male fertility principle…Cernunnos, King Stag, etc. But when he manifests as Capricornus, it’s later in the story. He’s manifested in material reality. he’s two things; the intercessor/advocate between Earth and Heaven (sounds like somebody else we meet later, in the next book); and also the order created on earth as a compromise between the chaotic life principle and the limitations of the flesh. Also known as the patriarchy.

    Pan doesn’t have a steady girl as far as I know. He’s a little busy. As far as he’s concerned once they’re pollinated they can fight all day.


  13. Hmmm… I’ve had a relationship with one of Pan’s emanations for more than three decades, and I am here to tell you that there is *no* containing It. And what’s more, as the years went by, I was more and more convinced that he had Something that women –most, if not all women– vitally needed.

    Convincing him to take it outside was the hard part. And how that finally came to pass was an irony beyond ironies.

    Becoming aware of this took Emanation was through a loooong dawning. I have fucked literally hundreds of men, and none of them had *that* energy (but 2 of the Five come close). It finally hit me as I was compiling a slideshow for one of his paintings. There were two figures, the female had the smallest points on her ears (pinniped, as does the artist), and the male had these subtle, small, hooflike feet.

    I had been looking at (and living with) that painting for years. It wasn’t until I was seeing it again and again in digitized form that the Word came in: Lord Pan. It nearly knocked me out of my chair.

    So, no Tachi, He doesn’t induce jealousy. If such is present, his unbound energy will reduce it to a whimpering, eye-rolling, drooling frenzy. *Bound Pan* is another issue, one I am presently, patiently cutting through.


  14. LOL friendly fire!
    Anyone who wants Pan’s vitality all to themself has eyes much bigger than their stomach.
    But I’m curious, Tachikata, has Pan ever turned a goddess jealous?
    I’ve never heard of that.

  15. 🙂 Eh, Tachi: Given that gloriously thorough pollination is Pan’s particular superpower most cut him a little slack on the friendly fire issue. You’re free to reject him, though. But I have to tell you this never seems to work out very well either.

    Mystes: You know that’s what they all say, right?

    Genevieve: 🙂 I had great mood lighting. Zero degrees out, in the dark, on the solstice point.


  16. thank janesdefense and tachikata for that lesson! I had heard that the half goat half fish creature was a babylonian symbol of all that feeds us, but that was all i knew. thanks so much for giving it more color!


  17. ~J… “Seagoat. Half ocean, half mud, the avatar of everything that feeds us. The turn of evolution, the moment of transformation, the one, oh man, the one thing you are going to miss if you let go of, the last stop on the way to Nirvana.”


    Let go? LET GO?? No baby, I am *taking* him wi’ me…


  18. maam, old seagoat is an emblem of the first Armageddon, on the day the sons and daughters threw their ancestor Titans from the sky. As you can imagine, it was a very big deal. It freaked out Gaia so much in fact that she built a giant cataclysm to shut them all down, and the cataclysm’s name was Typhon.

    Now Typhon was a badass. This dude ate two thousand stegalosaurs a week. He had a million hands and a million eyes, and a haircut that grazed the roof of heaven. He grabbed a handful of sweet crumbly islands and used them to beat the jiz out of Asia Minor. He captured the Moon and her daughters and had his way with them. He froze the crops with a cough and dragged his dirty fingertips through the stars. He urinated into the sea until it boiled with acidic evilmonsterpee and then he drew in a breath and sucked every atom of color and light out of everything there was.

    And then he set out to kick the ass of every bad boy on Olympus.

    Which I am very sorry to report that he did without much trouble at all.

    Now there was a time during Armageddon 1 when the Gods of Olympus reasonably believed that all was lost. Zeus, their young general, had had his sinews ripped out and could not throw a single thunderbolt. Demeter had nothing at all to feed the troops. The world was just inches from a total fuckall.

    Bacchus: our Pan, our Dionysus, our Harry of Greener Days, whom we have admittedly all had sex with at least once, had been watching all this from afar with that weirdness he gets from his Dad Kronos, who for all he knew was calcifying somewhere with his textbooks and traditions somewhere near Arcturus while everything went to hell. And he stood up and brushed his bottom free of the last sweet grass of the last summer before the world changed into something else, and he set out to have a conversation with this Asshole.

    Hey, he said to Typhon, and this was easy to do by squinting upwards and addressing just about everything. Hey, he said. Congratulations. Everything is dead. You’ve won this whole war. You’re the champ, Typhon the Imperator, and I’m no hero. You can’t argue with success. I figure I want to work for you.

    I’ll tell you what! Your-boyfriend-from-high-school went on: You give Zeus back his forearms so that he can put on a nice fireworks show, and I’ll play you some music! You’ll love it, Your Immenseness! You’ll get some local color while you rape the Universe!

    Bacchus has the charm on him, you know, and Typhon glanced down. He was lonely anyway and destroying everything was just so easy it was getting boring. The kid had a point. Nobody talked to him anymore. An enormous pangalactic black licorice whip of an archdemonlizard deserved a little fun once in a while. So, he gave Zeus back his forearms and Pan blew his pipes and then…well, not to get into much more detail, Armageddon 1 turned in favor of the home team.

    But! When Typhon realized he had been duped, predictably he was really pissed.

    For the first time since the start of the War, the gods and goddesses decided it would be a good idea to go into hiding. They all changed into their familiars, but Bacchus was caught up short when the last typhoon came. He, shepherd/goat/partyguy was in the midst of turning into an actual goat when the wave hit, and there he was. Seagoat. Half ocean, half mud, the avatar of everything that feeds us. The turn of evolution, the moment of transformation, the one, oh man, the one thing you are going to miss if you let go of, the last stop on the way to Nirvana.

    So in that one flash he was revealed for who he really was, the son of his Father and true heir, the Master of the material world, who could have left a long long time ago but didn’t because.

    Aegipan saved the world for his dad, is the thing. That’s really the thing. There’s even a picture of it, up in the sky. He can’t pretend it didn’t happen now. Because. He knew that what his Dad made, he made for him.


  19. I think it is amazing that everyone around me is feeling this solstice so powerfully. My mother even spoke about her fears of aging this morning. I can feel my own response to this on a very dreamlike plane. My dreams have gotten much more specific to what I want for myself. I am also creating relationships in my dream state and feeling more myself in the relationships I have in my waking state. I am welcoming people into my realm of consciousness so much more easily than even last week. I know this one is going to be even more interesting than I expect.

    Blessed Be and Thank You and Happy Yule

  20. G… do you have anything on what exactly is a ‘sea – goat’ and how it would function psychologically?

    I’m really trying to come to grips with this energy. I have a couple of Capricorn friends, and we love each other, but our energy bounces like inverted magnets. I was at a party recently with one of them, and when people would walk between us, we could see their energy fields wobble and spin like a solar storm. People would forget what they were saying, suddenly feel their liquor, have to go sit down.

    It seems to happen with *every* Cap I meet. I think I can glean some clues about how to engage this energy creatively if I understand its Icon a little better.

    Any help would be lovely…


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