Friday: Last Quarter Moon

Dear Friend and Reader,

Today I’ve decided to take a new approach to writing about the aspects. As part of what I do here at Planetwaves is provide you all with information which is grounding and centering, I think it’s best to talk about the Moon today. She goes into her Last Quarter before New at 5:29 am EDT. This happens in the sign Virgo. Kirsti Melto has done some considerable work on the Moon’s phases in her blogВ Lunations. You can access her articles by clicking on the linked text.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

One of the interesting things about the Sun and Moon is the way they coordinate the seasons and months. For example, there are thirteen lunar months each year, meaning the Moon reaches Full every time the Earth completes one full rotation around the Sun. When the Moon is New, it is occupying the same degree as the Sun. When it is Full, it sits opposite where the Sun is in the zodiac, reflecting the most light like a mirror catching a flashlight does. When the Moon goes into her quarter phases — when she’s half lit and half dark — she is square the Sun. In this manner, the Moon and Sun follow the patterns of the three astrological crosses: the Cardinal, the Fixed and the Mutable.

Right now, the Sun is occupying its final days in Sagittarius, a Mutable sign. The Moon is in Last Quarter phase in Virgo. After that the Sun will slip into Capricorn and when the Moon is New it will also be in Capricorn. We will begin our lunar rotation through the Cardinal Cross.

According to my sources, the Mutable Cross is the cross most associated with mentality. It is the most changeable and the fastest. I like to think of it as the shape shifter’s cross and the one most associated with details or personal characteristics. It is the Cross which brings in the end of each season. Pisces heralds the end of winter, Gemini the end of spring, Virgo the end of summer, and Sagittarius is the end of autumn. The Mutable Cross is about changeability.

I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy the final strokes of autumn/spring as we move into a heavier season. I can feel the energy of the seeds beneath the rime like I can feel my own personal bubble — separate little pieces of something bigger, waiting to blossom.

Merry Met,


Moon enters Virgo at 5:29 am EDT.

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