Wednesday: Sun conjoins Psyche

Dear Friend and Reader,

Today the term “head trip” takes on a whole new dimension as the Sun conjoins with asteroid Psyche.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

One of the astrological exercises a person can do when they look at their own chart is figure out how to differentiate the energies of the planets involved in conjunction. It is sort of like taking a look at a conglomerate stone and trying to guess what is granite and what is quartz.

The Sun, our vitality, will to be and drive to be appreciated, has joined forces with the energy of the psychic wound today. It seems to be painting a picture of a situation in which angst or an otherwise negative experience is begging to be acknowledged. It is also painting the picture of a curiosity that will yield complex fruits if indulged.

There is a lot of room for insight in regards to personal memories. I think that this transit presents an interesting picture of a state of mind in which a person becomes fixated on the instant of impact without taking the entirety of the picture into consideration. There is a call for a more holistic approach to the interior environment during this transit. One way to do this, I would suggest, is by concentrating on the separation of the self and the wound.

It is true that we are influenced by past experiences. It is also true that we retain a bit of the infant’s originality throughout our entire lives. However you combine them is your choice.

Merry Met,


2 thoughts on “Wednesday: Sun conjoins Psyche”

  1. Hey painter, I don’t think obsession is limited to the Taureans right now. In my immediate circle, I see lots of obsession, me included. For myself, I feel like it is what I want to accomplish with my life. And then I have some very icky crappy obstacles I keep throwing in my way. These are the things that wake me up in the night in a sweat.

    I know it is only life and I maybe should give myself a break, but I feel there is a sense of tightening urgency. I find myself lame ducked at times. But as I become more aware of the obstacles, and what takes me there, I get better as mentally addressing those and dismissing them as such.

    For what it’s worth. I have been very guilty about obsessing about the other in the past. Through unfortunate events, I got the fortunate opportunity to review my relationship trends. I looked back on my obsessions and realized that those others all had something I desperately wanted. The thinker, the chef, the musician, the mathematician, the conservationist. These things are all part of me. And they couldn’t do it for me. I admired the other’s gifts, and tried to own those gifts through owning them. And the sacrifices I made to develop those relationships . . . very unhealthy for me.

    Now I ask myself, what is it about this person that I admire? What is it that they do or have that I am aching for?

    It is good to hear from an actor. I poked around in that area some time ago. It warms the cockles of my heart to think back on those times. Get to those gigs and have fun. And oh the adventures along the way . . . those are the stories of my life.

  2. and what a head trip it was!
    i found myself a ball of anxiousness second-guessing the logistics of a possible last-minute acting gig that had been offered to me on tuesday (it was out of state, with a crazy-early start time for today). when i’d originally gotten the news, i felt like i would simply do whatever i had to do, although it would be way out of my comfort zone to get there (could that have been tuesday’s mars/neptune aspect at work?). but then yesterday when the casting agent called (intonating ominoulsy that he wanted to be sure i was confident i could get there), all of the things that could go wrong came to mind. i finally left it up to a coin toss: three out of three tosses said “don’t go.” i did some yoga, centered myself, and the next three tosses also said, “don’t go.”

    i’m not sure i’ve fully connected that incident to a past wound, but certainly my past is full of getting places late, and people close to me who would certainly assume it would happen again.

    i’d also spent the morning obsessing about someone who clearly isn’t as into me as i am into him. any other tauruses knotted up in an obsession right now?

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