6 Ahau, Death of a Great Light

By Carlos Cedillo

As I am writing this tonight — Aug. 11, 2014 — Robin Williams, the comedic genius loved by millions around the world, has committed suicide. It is 4 Tijax (Etznab in Yucatec Maya dialect): a sign of sacrifice and the mirror.

As I write, it is also 15 years to the day since the grand cross eclipse alignment of Aug. 11, 1999.


Wednesday, Aug. 13 (when this piece publishes) is 6 Ahau, the end of a 20-day uinal cycle. The number 6 is associated with the Death glyph (Kame), and Ahau means Light and Lord.

Robin Williams was somebody we could only aspire to match in talent and genius. Almost all of his roles in TV, film and on stage were top-notch, always inspiring, and often very heart wrenching. I remember him most from watching Mork and Mindy as a kid, and movies like The World According to Garp, The Fisher King and Dead Poet’s Society had a deeply profound effect on me in my formative years.

Williams’ birthday, July 21, 1951, was 9 Kame/Death on the Tzolkin — a day that also fell on Jan. 12, 2010, when the massive earthquake devastated Haiti.

This is truly heart breaking and sad. I pray this will help bring about the Tsunami of Compassion I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. In this time of transition into higher dimensional living, human life seems to be worth less and less in the face of mega-corporations’ greed for profits. People like Robin Williams always made life easier to bear. Isn’t it time we understand that every human has the potential to be a great force of light and love?

Last Friday, Aug. 8, was 1 Tzikin, or 1 Eagle day — and the U.S. once again is bombing the oil-rich country of Iraq just like we did on the 1 Eagle day that fell on March 19, 2003, to combat an army (Saddam Hussein’s royal guard) we ourselves gave weapons to.

This latest time we armed ISIS supposedly to topple the Assad government in Syria. We see this now; anybody with the tiniest bit of curiosity can discover the pattern of giving arms to a foreign power to fight our ‘enemies’, and then those weapons are turned against us and the forces we armed suddenly are our new enemy and we have to give weapons to others to fight them and they become the new enemy…etc., etc., etc.

The key, of course, is to stop the weapons industry’s lobbyists from getting anywhere near Washington, and implementing a permanent moratorium on weapons exports from the U.S. and any other government involved in weapons manufacturing…but I’m a dreamer.

Thursday Aug. 14, 2014, begins the final uinal (20-day cycle) of this Tzolkin. This day is 7 Imix/Crocodile, and should bring us a sense of balance as we plot our final moves on projects we’ve taken on since the start of the Tzolkin, 1 Imix/Crocodile, on Dec. 17, 2013.

Aug. 15, 2014 (Friday) is 8 Ik/Wind. This will be the most potent spiritual day this week. Last year, 8 Wind was on Thanksgiving Day. We can still find great things to be thankful for and hopefully get some good news.

All together Relations,

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

Carlos is available to help you along your road of spiritual awareness through private Maya tzolkin readings and sacred ceremonies. Contact him at cosmicjaguar@yahoo.com and check out his website, Violet Flame Records.

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6 thoughts on “6 Ahau, Death of a Great Light”

  1. Carlos — thank you for the added info and insight into Williams’ Mayan astrology. Even without a detailed analysis, the thoughts you touch on are fascinating and make sense.

  2. I must make a correction, Robin Williams’ birthday July 21, 1951 was 8 Death, not 9 Death…blame it on my failing eyesight, I must not have been wearing my glasses when I read that originally!!!

    8 Death is actually a stronger sign than 9 Death, but it was not the same as the date of the Haitian Earthquake Jan. 12, 2010 (that was on 9 Death). – remember that if ancient Maya astrologers made a mistake, it was carved in stone and they could not erase! Therefore they considered the mistake to be more spiritually important than the correct information! 8 Death is a powerful ceremonial day to connect with the Ancestors on the other side of the veil.

    I don’t think I know enough about Robin Williams’ private life to make a very detailed analysis of his Maya astrology….that being said, his karmic sign – the day he was conceived – was 13 Flint, and the day he died was 4 Flint. So it was part of his karma to help cut out negative energies and to be a mirror for all humanity. Sadly, he must have taken all that darkness into himself as he relieved it from others.

    As Mr. Williams grew into his elder status, July 16, 2003, he took on the energy of 3 Ix/Jaguar. Jaguar is Mother Nature and the clan of Shamans, but there are dark association because the Jaguar is a night creature. There must have been much going on in his subconscious that he probably did not find to be very funny anymore….

    I must admit that I did not see very many of the movies he made after this point. It was not that I did not like him anymore, it just seemed like Hollywood itself could not accommodate his genius and certainly not any more of his spontaneity, so the roles he took on did not interest me so much. I guess I will have to have a Robin Williams movie marathon soon!

    His Masculine aspect was 2 Ahau/Sun, another hint at his internal duality. His Feminine aspect was 1 E/Road, a sign of real humility and perhaps the source of his ability to connect as one with so many millions of people.

    As for those arming the world, the culprits are clear, http://finance.yahoo.com/news/map-shows-us-russias-worldwide-140503590.html

  3. Carlos- thank you for being a holder of the Light, even in the face of death/transition.

    I’ll also note that Lauren Bacall dropped her mortal coil yesterday, although at 89 and of natural causes, her passing seems less tragic than that of Mr. Williams. We can recall the Light she carried in her life through her love with Humphrey Bogart.

  4. I would also be very interested in what Amanda suggested — I love the Mayan articles Carlos writes here.

  5. Hi Carlos — I was wondering if you could talk a little bit more in the comments here about how Robin Williams’ birthdate glyph of 9 Death is illustrated by his life?

    And have you looked at his whole Mayan chart? I’d be very curious to hear more about how that system lines up with his Western astrological chart.

    His birth time is 1:34 pm CST in Chicago.

    Thank you! He was indeed a great light.

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