All of us at Planet Waves have been watching the day go by with sadness and apprehension. Today’s New York Times front page felt like it was from the God is Dead edition, but it’s really humanity that’s having problems — problems created by only a few people.
Those who keep an eye on the news woke up Thursday morning to Israel invading the Gaza Strip. This, after weeks of bloody fighting, rockets launched by Hamas at civilian populations in Israel and air attacks on civilians (and supposedly on Hamas leaders) by Israel in Gaza. Then just after 9 am EDT (13:00 UTC), another Malaysian Airlines 777 went down, this time along the border between Russia and Ukraine, over rebel territory, where a made-up war has been brewing for months.
Obviously a military action, it takes some serious artillery to hit a jetliner moving at nearly the speed of sound at 33,000 feet. You cannot do that with any kind of improvised device or old surplus. And it takes some gall to shoot at civilians and in the process kill more than 80 children, none of whom have anything to do with your particular conflict. Tucked at the bottom of the Times’ front page was Microsoft laying off 18,000 employees and General Motors under fire for its decade-long conspiracy to kill its own customers with faulty ignition switches.
The chart for the Malaysian Airlines crash — the second loss of one of their 777s this year, against odds that make the Pick 6 Lotto seem like an easy guess — pretty much tells the story. This happened the first full day of Jupiter in Leo, which is the first full day of Jupiter not in Cancer. Jupiter in Cancer seemed to be providing a protective cover over the worst effects of the cardinal grand cross and the Uranus-Pluto square. While Uranus-Pluto aspects have a reputation for being liberationist, a closer look at our era and also at the 1960s, when we experienced the most recent major contact between them, reveals that reactionary forces take advantage of Uranus-Pluto events efficiently.
This week we have Mercury moving through the Uranus-Pluto square, and today we have the Aries Moon moving through as well. The two were just separating from a square when the plane was shot down. This chart has Aries Point activity via that Moon-Mercury square, and the Uranus-Pluto square, and the Sun is still balanced on the lunar nodes. It’s about to make several more aspects, including its square to Ceres (exact in the chart) as well as squares to Vesta and Mars.
There is one other less-than-subtle point in this chart — the Sun is conjunct Varuna. We’ve been looking at Varuna aspects all week trying to suss this one out, and they tend to arrive at stand-out moments, but also involve two of the more notable false flag events of our lifetimes: the start of the Vietnam War and the Sept. 11 incident. With Venus in the Atlantis Degree (which I introduce in a landmark Planet Waves article called Here at the Edge of the World), we need to look at these events with some skepticism.
Has there ever been a legitimate war? Well even if there has, what we are seeing are not examples of that now. What we are witnessing looks like total manipulation to me, not even based on national or factional interests; it all seems so personal and petty, yet with so many people dying. It all seems like war for its own sake. I guess now is the time to mention that we seem not to have learned the lessons of World War I, which started 100 years ago on June 28.

At the root of it all is Neptune. At the root (nadir, IC) of the March lost plane takeoff chart is Neptune in Pisces square Moon (emotional) in Gemini (communication). At the root of the July crashed plane chart is Neptune trine Mercury (communication) in Cancer (emotional). Each of these charts represent the last point during an ongoing event for which we have the exact time, a prerequisite for chart mapping. I like Green-Star-gazer’s sublime summation:
“sometimes shit just happens”
Sometimes the purpose of an exercise is to get to the bottom of things; sometimes it is an exercise of a different nature. Perhaps – on one level – this has been an exercise in communicating through our feeling nature. Another preparation perhaps for the wider perception experienced on greater levels of existing than our present one. Perhaps we will never learn the facts we search for using the tools we routinely use; our powers of deduction or logical reasoning.
Might not this mystery serve as a lesson in how to perceive through feeling? Haven’t we all seen wider possibilities as to the whys and wherefores of these incidents, thanks to sharing our feelings in thought form? I for one, will put this matter into the pending file until the fog clears and the “facts” are in. Such is my experience with Neptune’s relationship with Mercury and Moon.
At the time of the crash transiting Icarus (failure to fly), conjunct Hidalgo (lack of info) and Asclepius (healer) all at 29+ Sagittarius retrograde, near the GC, were opposite Venus (attraction) at 28+ Gemini (Atlantis degree) who was conjunct the Vertex (turning point of fate).
Transiting Phaethon (failure to fly) at 9+ Gemini was trine Achilles (weak spot) and Memoria (old knowledge) both at 9+ Libra, sextile Magdalena (tears) at 9+ Leo and conjunct Altjira (dreamtime) at 8+ Gemini (also the degree of the U.S. Sibly Uranus) who was square Atlantis (technology worship) at 8+ Virgo (precision) who was sextile Kronos (time) at 8+ Cancer and was also opposite Neptune (veiled) at 7+ Pisces.
Posting this again:
Pilots’ group president says MH17 shot down after attempt to avoid storms
Malaysia Airlines plane was flying lower than planned and may have diverted on to more northerly course over Donetsk
Daniel Boffey, policy editor, The Observer, Saturday 19 July 2014 15.16 EDT
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was guided off its most recently used course as its pilots hoped to avoid thunderstorms brewing in the south of Ukraine, it has been claimed.
When it was shot down, the doomed jet was many miles north of the flight paths it had used on previous days to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport.
Nico Voorbach, a pilot who flew the same journey earlier this summer for KLM, and who is president of the European Cockpit Association, said poor weather might have been the reason why flight MH17 found itself in the sights of a surface-to-air missile launcher. The aircraft was shot down in the separatist Donetsk region of east Ukraine.
Voorbach said: “I heard that they were diverting from some showers. I think there were thunderclouds. You would ask air traffic control to divert left or right, and they would give you the permission.”
It also emerged that flight MH17 had initially filed a flight plan requesting to fly at 35,000ft above Ukrainian territory. On entering Ukrainian airspace, however, the plane’s pilots were instructed to fly at 33,000ft by the local air traffic control due to other traffic. Malaysia Airlines said the pilots had to follow the lead of the local authorities.
The rest of the article is here:
New York Times is reporting that the victims bodies and black boxes will be released:®ion=Footer&module=TopNews&pgtype=Blogs
Key Piece of Video “Evidence” for Russian Responsibility for Malaysian Plane Shootdown Debunked
Whoa!! Got my flight #s mixed up. I meant MH 17, not 370. Jeez. Making correlations by typo is not good. Neither is posting when exhausted!
Fe, what flight are you talking about?
“This event has direct impacts on Putin’s chart, that much we CAN see. I did not assume that his chart was placed on this page in this group with any sort of “perpetrator” label implied (even though that is the current way certain media is trying to spin it). He is an important piece of this puzzle, that much is certain, there are just too many connections between his chart and the charts for the plane’s journey to ignore. However, since the EU/US seems to be leveraging this event to their advantage, he may not be behind the trigger but in front of it.”
Green Star Gazer:
I am feeling the same way as you, without placing blame on Putin, he still is in orbit of at least the consequences of the event.
I also have an unsubstantiated hunch (outside of the Guardian article I posted below) that MH17 (corrected 7/21/14 from MH370) flew down to the wrong place the wrong time, and met up with perhaps a not fully trained operator unaware of the differences between a passenger airliner and a Ukranian transport firing the ground to air missile that brought 17 down.
The theater is who blames who for what, and the why may not have anything to do with the plane incident, but the plane will be used to rationalize next steps. Which is why I think attempts at reaching any certainty about whodunit right now is not practical or possible. The story may be longer than we all think.
Rashomon. Rashomon.
I assume nothing of the sort. I’m certainly no defender of the President of the Russian Federation. Look, no offense, but the fact that you called Putin a “f***head” on Planet Waves FM is hardly a demonstration of journalistic neutrality.
I’ve read the Patriot Act and I understand that certain subjects cannot be identified without grave consequences. At this point, I wouldn’t dream of suggesting a comprehensive list of suspects. But one or two others would be, um, nice.
Listen, friend, this isn’t being snotty with you in public. Actually, I’ve gently and persistently but quite fairly chiding you, saying “Please don’t lend your voice to the Mighty Wurlitzer. You know that road, you know exactly where it ends.”
Mr. Putin could be just as much a target in this as the plane was.
No matter “who” (or what) started this, events are now in motion.
The US and the EU have had Putin in their cross-hairs for a very long time and this event really puts him in check as the media spin the stories to make the US/EU view sound more plausible to the mainstream. However, Mr. Putin has been under such pressure from recent events that he needs to show his oil-garch cronies that he is not to be messed with, so who knows, he could have something to do with this from behind a smoke screen of sorts. Right now, this event could serve either side’s goals so we must keep talking and listening to what others are saying as we watch which way the pieces are moved about.
This event has direct impacts on Putin’s chart, that much we CAN see. I did not assume that his chart was placed on this page in this group with any sort of “perpetrator” label implied (even though that is the current way certain media is trying to spin it). He is an important piece of this puzzle, that much is certain, there are just too many connections between his chart and the charts for the plane’s journey to ignore. However, since the EU/US seems to be leveraging this event to their advantage, he may not be behind the trigger but in front of it.
You seem to assume astrology would only accuse him and not anything else. Well, do the synastry and tell me what it reveals.
Putin is the only potentially responsible party named. Again. Kinda like Fox News with horoscopes.
how about Gaddafi and Libya? His Green Book is available to read on line. We are being subjected to False Flags and lies from the media.
Thank you for expressing yourself with the courage of your convictions.
I’ve posted the chart of Putin as a potentially responsible party, for verification purposes. Depending on one’s theory of astrology, we should see some contact between the event and any suspect worth looking at. I would note that the contact may come from a progressed horoscope rather than a nativity. As part of my prep for Planet Waves FM I will check at least two kinds of progressions of this proposed Putin data to see what comes up, if anything.
Brief comment about “false flag.” I am happy to see the concept has gone mainstream. However, to be meaningful, it has to have meaning. False flag has two definitions, imo — an event that is created intentionally and blamed on the wrong person for the sake of starting a war; or that happens and is then co-opted and blamed on the wrong person for the sake of starting a war.
I would also classify as false-flag a shock doctrine type event like the Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath that is used to condition society or to inaugurate a new era in history, or to manipulate geopolitics, whether fabricated out of whole cloth, a hoax or an opportunistic event.
We need to use the term carefully and meaningfully if it is to have any meaning. With that I believe should come some reserve and also some consistency. We need to ask questions like, “Who comes out the winner?” which is to say, “Who benefits?”
As for the astrology, I’ve already said — we need to do these charts impeccably and with an understanding of the classical rules, which are in truth very simple.
I’m also noticing that the departure chart having that 13 Libra ascendant is now closely tied to the previous Grand cross we’ve just been navigating and also Mr. Putin’s sun degree… even if there is no causality, the ripples will create interference patterns and some persuasive holographic projections/realities that will no doubt be difficult to deny and/or embrace. The time that this flight was put into motion does seem to show cosmic connections, for better or for worse.
And yes, I trust Varuna to reveal the truth… no one messes with Varuna and gets away with it! LOVED this line: ” The eyes of the stars see all the way to the bottom of the ocean.” I want to paint a painting with that for the title…thank you, David.
In the recent past, this sort of sloppy American journalism has led to mass slaughters in Iraq – and has contributed to near U.S. wars on Syria and Iran – but now the stakes are much higher. As much fun as it is to heap contempt on a variety of “designated villains,” such as Saddam Hussein, Bashar al-Assad, Ali Khamenei and now Vladimir Putin, this sort of recklessness is careening the world toward a very dangerous moment, conceivably its last.
The first of many comments on this post was from Len: “Thank you, Eric. Comprehensive. Sensitive. Sensible. In the face of senselessness, you have provided us with what the mainstream media has denied us.” (July 17, 2014 at 10:40 pm)
Eric, given your seizure at the word “comprehensive” being applied to astrology (though I assume “nearly all” the classical planets were taken into account by William Lilly), I assume you’ll be tutoring Len on correct adulatory terminology.
I see the chart of “Vladimir Putin,” your usual suspect, is up and ready to go. I know you’re extremely busy, but I do hope you’ll take a moment to relabel that February 22nd “Yanukovich Flees Kiev” chart to reflect something more factually accurate, say “Western Neocon-Sponsored Neo-Nazi-Instigated Violent Coup in Kiev.” That should make it quite a bit easier for you to make sense of this horrifying situation.
You’re the professional astrologer, Eric. I wish you well. Take good care as you provide what the mainstream media has denied us. Varuna is watching. The eyes of the stars see all the way to the bottom of the ocean.
With appreciation,
Interesting article:
Thanks for posting the departure chart. The Pluto squares are now quite obvious. Also Uranus 3 degrees off the descendant is noteworthy. Interesting.
A-word, no offense taken… like you I’m scratching my head too. Have you ever ridden a bicycle or had to walk past a 3-day old summer-time road kill before? not to be too graphic but a damaged body goes very bad VERY quickly in summer heat. I live in the countryside and can attest that large mammals hit on the roads can decompose incredibly rapidly in the heat of summer. I once noted that it took just over 7 days for an entire large porcupine to be reduced to bones. The same process would take more than a month in autumn or many months in winter.
I have no doubt that the work being done in the fields in Ukraine is terrible indeed.
PS..and then of course we have to reiterate Es primary question, who benefits? Who benefited from MH370 going down (whether MH17 is one and the same plane or not)? And if it was hidden so well, why destroy it in this way now? For yucks? Not grilling you or putting you on the spot btw GSG, just adding to what you’ve presented and scratching my head over the the questions.
Green-Star Gazer…well, the idea that it was the same plane would go along with the reports that many of the “dead” bodies had been dead for a long time, reeked and were already rotting. (That they were “rotting in the sun” would be ample cover.) Just sayin’… IF we want to go there…
Quick comments, none too pithy — thanks for the link, Mia, I did laugh and it did make me happy! With little ones like that born into the world, why-oh-why do we keep trying to kill one another?? Joy is so often at our fingertips but we don’t take time to notice!
As for false flag events, Rush Limbaugh immediately went on the air when he heard about the flight and suggested that it occurred as a diversion from Obama’s border problems … ‘cuz … Benghazi or 666 or some such bs. Another thing that quickly caught my eye was CNN in glory because it had another flight case to exploit: they already had the special effects in the can. While we strain to find the answers to who and why, the one thing we can count on is political opportunism!
Thanks Eric,
BBC has the departure as 10:15 GMT :
is that a good enough source for this?
Green, I almost always check the departure time of a crashed flight. I have not got around to it, as I am still wrapping my mind around the crash chart. If you can provide me with some data, I will cast and post the chart. Well worth seeing and making a direct compare. Also I would love to chart our friends at Malaysian Airlines.
Eric, I’m curious about something…. since we can only use the departure time of MH370, would it not be useful to also look at the departure time of MH17 if we are going to compare the flights? I know that the big moment for MH17 is the shooting down, but the departure chart may have something to say too… I know it won’t be radically different being just a few hours earlier… just wondering…
As we learned from the coverage of the MH370, there are a lot of automated communications that modern aircraft perform automatically with the ground and which is also read and logged by satellites. Each aircraft has it’s own well-established ID# which is part of these communications. It should be fairly easy to establish the provenance of the actual airplane which flew MH17. I’m sure that given the incredible coincidence that both flights were run by the same company, aviation journalists/specialists are going to be looking for the possibility that it is the same plane, but that should be pretty easy to debunk once plane parts are recovered. IF they are recovered and made available is another matter. That said, we need to be careful about interpreting the actions of those on the ground. What could look like a cover-up of something bigger and more sinister to us may simply be people realizing they made a big mistake and not wanting to be called out for it.
For Clare: another article discussing an Australian family who had family members lost on BOTH flights. :
There have been other articles in this news source that spoke of Indonesian families that had family members on both flights but I can’t find the links right now. When big stories are breaking I find that watching NZ and AU news coverage is often “ahead” of the BBC or American news organizations due probably to the time zone issue more than anything else. But they often have stuff up online before you see it on the BBC or other sources.
This morning the BBC has posted a long article on the victims of MH17. I’m sure you can find the link.
I hope this helps.
I would think with 80+ Dutch children on this flight, the passenger list is going to look different than what was dominantly an Asian passenger list on 370. However, that it might be the same airplane is well worth questioning. As Len has been pointing out, the statistical chances of two 777s from the same airline going down the same year is next to nil. But we we would need a very creative way to establish that. I don’t think that after six months of presumably sitting in a hangar or on a tarmac somewhere, the jet that was Flight 370 is going to be in ship-shape for a flight around the world. By which I mean coffee, seat covers, etc. When you board a plane, it has a certain feeling to it. It would take a hell of a lot of work by airline professionals to spiff up a plane after being inactive for so long.
That said, we have some questions about Malaysian Airlines. Is this some kind of client (front) company?
A list of passengers from MH17 has just been released. If you want to look at some of their pictures the New Zealand Herald has a slideshow. Here is the link:
I’m going to post a second link a story about families suffering losses on both planes in a fresh post to avoid the moderator loop.
I don’t understand your comment about there not being coverage of the victims lives from MH17… there has been plenty.
Note, I have added two charts above — two versions of Flight 17 chart (with confirmed coordinates). Chart immediately below Putin includes modern elements Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, Eris and Vertex. Chart below that one includes classical elements only.
Dave, while we’re talking about astrology, no reading I do includes “nearly all elements.” There are more than 750,000 cataloged objects orbiting the Sun; there are signs and house cusps; there are 70+ Arabic parts; there are about 50 useful fixed stars; there are midpoints; there are minor aspects; there are the Sabian symbols. There are relationships between all of these elements. Even if you reduce that 750K number down to the approx 130 planets and minor planets I factor into a reading, that is millions of relationships between the points.
This is why comprehensive cannot be a viable factor. Something else has to be. Competent astrology is a process of eliminating what is not necessary from the chart, including what is, and seeing a coherent picture or narrative emerge.
It turns out that the easiest way to start, especially with horary or event astrology, is to use the classical planets. That provides a series of reference points such as rulership and exaltation that give the astrologer some assurance of the connection between planets in houses and then to remote houses around the wheel. You see how the points relate to one another — for example the reception between Jupiter in Leo and Sun in Cancer. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and Sun rules Leo. They occupy one another’s signs. That relationship is key to a reading like this.
The minor or modern planets and the classical elements will serve to confirm one another’s information. So it is best to start with the planets that any astrologer could explain to any other astrologer based on the known rules of the game, and then add detail in the minor planets. Because the minor planets are not connected to classical rulerships, there is no way to clearly document what they represent in remote parts of the chart, for example, where do we find the ruler of the 8th house, which represents the cause of death?
Where do we find the ruler of the ascendant, which is the question itself?
Where do we find the ruler of the 2nd house, which is the “follow the money” factor?
This type of theory is not unique to astrology. If you look at how most of your favorite songs are written, you will see a structure to the music that any musician could understand; the lyrics follow a pattern; and there is a strong backbone to the composition, rooted in something traditional — no matter how radical or innovative the song is, most of the time.
Many of the best rock songs were written with three chords and use the blues scale, but you don’t hear it that way. You see it when you strip down the frills and look at the bones of the piece. That is what I do with the classical planets. Get rid of the orchestration and listen to the progression and melody. Get rid of the 20 piece percussion set and count out the rhythm, and notice what is being emphasized.
With a chart for a complex situation it’s necessary to do that — most signficantly because I am not going to accept ANY reading of a chart, for publication or for study, that does not have a solid theory in the classical planets. That is our point of verification, the reality check.
Regardless of what age we are, let’s look back on our time of childhood. Regardless of my dysfunctional family, mine was a time of innocence and knowing that I could count on certain givens in my life. I realize not everyone was so lucky but everyone should be. The difference between that time, the 1960’s, and now is immeasurable. When we make a stand today we are making a stand for our children and grandchildren. This is amazing kid and all the others is what we are protecting:
Hi all,
I am personally convinced that the shooting down of Flight MH17 was indeed a false flag event.
Below is a link to an article dated July 18 from a blog which I have already found to be informed and believable in relation to the “lost” Flight 370. This edition discusses the theory that Flight MH17 was actually the “missing” Flight 370 aeroplane, conveniently being disposed of together with its original passengers.
This link takes you directly to the edition in question, but I imagine that by the time you read it there will be later relevant updates on the home page.
Quite apart from the grisly evidence presented concerning the decomposed state of some of the bodies at the crash site, I personally find the evidence of the almost immediate resumption of subsequent Flights MH17 to be compelling; also the alleged forced substitution of control tower staff at Kiev Borispol Airport who had been monitoring Flight MH17. Members of the original staff later reported on social media that the flight had been escorted by two fighter jets.
And, of course, why no MSM reports of distressed family members of passengers on Flight MH17? Why would I be surprised at this morning’s BBC news reports that “rebels” have removed bodies from the crash site, suggesting that the identification and recovery of bodies will be impossible?
My heart goes out this morning to the friends and families of the passengers of the original Flight 370. Short of a miracle, it seems that they are be cheated of the closure they seek.
Pilots’ group president says MH17 shot down after attempt to avoid storms
Malaysia Airlines plane was flying lower than planned and may have diverted on to more northerly course over Donetsk
David Boffey, The Guardian
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was guided off its most recently used course as its pilots hoped to avoid thunderstorms brewing in the south of Ukraine, it has been claimed.
When it was shot down, the doomed jet was many miles north of the flight paths it had used on previous days to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport.
Nico Voorbach, a pilot who flew the same journey earlier this summer for KLM, and who is president of the European Cockpit Association, said poor weather might have been the reason why flight MH17 found itself in the sights of a surface-to-air missile launcher. The aircraft was shot down in the separatist Donetsk region of east Ukraine.
Voorbach said: “I heard that they were diverting from some showers. I think there were thunderclouds. You would ask air traffic control to divert left or right, and they would give you the permission.”
It also emerged that flight MH17 had initially filed a flight plan requesting to fly at 35,000ft above Ukrainian territory. On entering Ukrainian airspace, however, the plane’s pilots were instructed to fly at 33,000ft by the local air traffic control due to other traffic. Malaysia Airlines said the pilots had to follow the lead of the local authorities.
The rest of the article is here…
I don’t have an opinion on this event. In life, sometimes things are planned and they come off as planned. Sometimes pressure is applied (or withheld) hoping for certain results but then other things can pop up with terrible unintended consequences. And sometimes shit just happens and certain parties happen to be able to leverage the consequences to their advantage and it makes us wonder if they had something to do with the cause of the event. We could be anywhere on this continuum with this one.
What is also true is that no matter what the actual truth to this thing is, most of us wouldn’t believe it if it was told to us directly, so wedded are we to our pet theories about how the world works. Humans (and especially Americans) seem to be mostly unable to remove their own projections from any event be it large or small. It is what gets us in such trouble- with our friends, our co-workers and other countries. That and our terrible need to be right. About everything. So trying to hold an open mind about any and all of this is where I try to sit and be as events unfold… be they in my own backyard or on the world’s grand stage.
I’ve been getting some good information from the author Steve LeVine: He seems to be able to explain geo-politics and energy issues better than most and seems to understand Russian political culture fairly well (or at least it seems so from my limited vantage point). As an added bonus he happened to be on the radio today and what he said made some light-bulbs go off inside for me namely that Russia is sitting on the last large reserves of oil left on the planet. Need we say more? The rush to secure contracts to drill in the Taiga and in Siberia are huge. And with global warming now opening up the northern shipping routes, you can bet that European and US oil companies are dreaming big, wet, oil dreams. I can’t find a transcript of the podcast but here is a link if you want to listen to the small segment: the bit starts at 1:30 and goes to 6:35. No matter who pulled the trigger/pushed the launch button, the plane being shot down is now making it possible to apply tremendous pressure to Russian political and economic leaders. It may be this is why the US and Europe have handled things in Ukraine the way they/we have. If the plane being shot down was an accident, even so, the US and Europe will try and leverage this moment for maximum benefit for the securing of oil control and naturally Russia will resist. Feels like grand squaring off in so many ways.
The human toll in this event is unspeakable. There are even some families ( several from Indonesia and Australia) who are suffering double losses with having loved ones in BOTH Malaysian airplane events who are now gone. Which is worse: the not knowing what happened to your loved one or knowing what happened and not being able to recover their bodies/effects because of politics? What are the odds that the same airline company would be involved in back-to-back mega disasters? It is hard to look at this and think that it is purely random. Our brains don’t like to process “random”… we want things to make sense. Neither of these airplane events make much sense. And for the innocent families who have lost so much, these events are impossible to embrace.
My heart goes out to each and every family touched by this terrible tragedy.
Additionally I am very much appreciating ALL the viewpoints, details and links shared here in this community.
Thank you
Eric, thanks for the tutorial. I’m not an astrologer and I’m not offering any astrological theories. I understand that horary astrology a la William Lilly does not consider the asteroids or newly discovered planets. Of course, your choice of structural framework of the reading is your prerogative. But surely you’re not insisting that it’s the only sensible option. Planet Waves offers astrological interpretations that deviate from the “straight and narrow” on a daily basis.
Comprehensive means “including all or nearly all elements” of something. I am simply inviting any person with astrological expertise to share their interpretation of the aspects I identified below.
Dave, you seem to have made up your mind too confidently to offer an objective astrological theory. The classical planets keep an astrologer on the straight and narrow. There is no comprehensive. I am talking about the structural framework of the reading, presented in a way that William Lilly could understand — in this century or any other. That is my standard.
Wow! Black Moon Lilith in Missing Malaysian plane chart (square nodes and opposite Venus) is conjunct the Jupiter in Crashed Malaysian plane chart. Thanks for putting these charts all together on one page Eric. How did you come by this new birth data for Putin? My chart has him born in 1952 in St. Petersburg. In your version his Jupiter (square BML and Pallas) is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Moon and now Neptune is conjunct his Sun instead of his Saturn and Mercury, as it is in my version.
Is it about money? Crashed plane has Jupiter ruling the 2nd house, missing plane has Venus square the nodes and Ceres, Mars, Vesta (in finance she symbolizes investments). Crashed plane has Sun square the nodes + Mars, Ceres, Vesta, while missing plane has Sun opposite Part of Fortune.
Yanukovich flees Ukraine 2 weeks before Malaysian plane went missing and Jupiter (stationing direct between them) in both event charts are conjunct your version of Putin’s Uranus. That had not occurred to me at all.
Point well taken, Eric. Got it: focus on the classical points first.
However, Jupiter’s vanguard ingress to Leo on 16 July 2014 did not occur in an empty sky.
In fact, the Sun in Cancer was less than 6 degrees from Jupiter at the time of the Malaysian Air Flight 17 crash (well within Jupiter’s standard orb of 9 degrees and the Sun’s standard 15 degree orb). In addition, Mars (standard orb: 7 degrees) in Libra was a whisper away from a precise square station to the Sun that included Jupiter.
Detailed data for the Flight 17 crash on 17 July 2014, 01:13:00 UT is available from Tracy at Serennu.
Jupiter (0 le 8′ 9″)
Sun (24 cn 24’49”)
– conjunct Varuna (26 cn 17′ 5″)
– conjunct Vulkanus (28 cn 10′ 4″)
– conjunct Amor (25 cn 33’49”)
– conjunct Requiem (24 cn 58’57”)
– square Mars (25 li 26’58”)
– square Vesta (25 li 14’23”)
– square Ceres (24 li 20’18”)
– square Pelion (26 ar 20’52”)
– square Siwa (27 ar 2’37”)
– square Industria (24 ar 21’38”)
– opposite House (26 cp 55’45” Rx)
Today, 19 July 2014, 48 hours after the Flight 17 crash, the classical planets Sun and Mars, transneptunian object Varuna, centaur planet Pelion, and asteroid House aligned very precisely in Grand Cross aspect:
01:33:10 UT – Sun (26 cn 20’6″) conjunct Varuna (26 cn 20’6″)
02:28:03 UT – Sun (26 cn 22’17”) square Pelion (26 ar 22’17”)
04:29:00 UT – Sun (26 cn 27′ 5″) opposite House (26 cp 27′ 5″ Rx)
06:31:52 UT – Sun (26 cn 31’59”) square Mars (26 li 31’59”)
By now it is quite obvious that the mainstream media’s immediate rush to judgement on the catastrophe at the Ukraine-Russia border (not to mention the latest horror show raining on Israel-Palestine) has no clear factual basis.
In any event, it’s certainly not risking “anarchy” or saying “anything goes” to suggest that this Grand Cross aspect pattern comprising classical planets, asteroids and other bodies, should be fully taken into account in any astrological reckoning of these tragedies.
Are any astrologers around here willing to offer a comprehensive, sensible interpretation of the aspect pattern (or explain why it should not be considered)? Thank you
There is no way we can understand the minor planets without competence in the classical ones — especially in an event chart, where there must be a foundation for the reading, at the risk of anarchy and anything goes. Horary is very much a matter of the classical points above all others. If you want a clue, follow Jupiter.
In support of the concept of Germany leaving NATO:
Eric, I can’t get to your chart through the link (get a protected content message and some responses from viewers) but if the answer is “nobody” then it sure has a lot in common with the missing Malaysian plane story.
Uranus was “the Greek version of Varuna, the Vedic creator god”, so say Ariel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson in their book Mythic Astrology, Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope. “In fact, there is an association between the male trinity of father-gods represented by Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus that may symbolically represent patriarchal religious and political thought through the ages.” (pg. 132)
If Varuna (who preceded Uranus, who preceded Saturn, who preceded Jupiter) is worth considering as part of the package because he was conjunct the transiting Sun who squared transiting Mars, then maybe Tradition vs. Change (north node in the sign of equal partnership – Libra, conjunct Mars, conjunct Vesta, conjunct Ceres, opposite Eris, and trine Venus) then my guess as to a “culprit” would be someone who benefits from keeping the status quo, ie. blocking progress.
By the way, Siwa in Aquarius was trine Mars (conjunct the north node and Vesta and Ceres) in Libra, who was opposite QB1 (and the south node) in Aries when the Malaysian plane took off on March 8, 2014, 12:41 AM, Kuala Lampur. Siwa at 27+ Aquarius and Mars at 27+ Libra (NN & Vesta 29+ Libra, Ceres 1+ Scorpio)
Thanks Eric for re-balancing the discussion towards the major planets. Let’s start with all the facts from the shallow and deep end without judgement and see how the story unfolds.
We’re at Rashomon effect so let’s let all of it come from all sides.
What was astonishing to me about the Christine Lagarde video was not the commentary about what she was saying but what she was actually saying. She opened by stating that she always did what she was told and then proceeded to mention key anniversaries, like World War I, and kept repeating the number 7. As a woman in her position, the head of the IMF, her talk seemed preposterous but also sounded a bit like a threat. Thinking back to the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former head of the IMF, for his “sexual abuse” of a maid in the Manhattan hotel, it is clear that his replacement was not on the same level. He can be seen in the film, “Inside Job” calling out Wall Street and perhaps that what brought him down. He was also in line to run for president of France. The veil is lifting and we are all being given the chance to see things more clearly.
I appreciate this conversation, though we are swimming in the deep end. A close look at the classical planets in the chart could tell us something obvious — was this an accidental shooting?
If the question is Cui Bono, what if the answer is nobody?
I’m still wrapping my head around all the astrology and news sources for these tragedies.
In the midst of my musings, I came across this article/blog post this morning and think it is relevant in several ways.
(In 2004, Laurie Garrett left Newsday to join the think tank staff of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. She now runs the Council’s Global Health Program, and serves as the Senior Fellow for Global Health.)
I am not a conspiracy theorist (usually) but this article had me pause for a moment and consider the ‘bigger picture’. That is what Eric, the PW staff, and those who comment want us to consider. This is why we have the privilege to post here. Together we can bring in more ‘facts’ or at lease interpretations of events and use our critical thinking skills to sort through what is very very complex.
The above linked article discusses the deaths of AIDS researchers on their way to Australia for a large conference. One of the most significant researchers and leaders was killed along with colleagues and other innocents. Ms. Garrett looks at another plane crash where two very significant AIDS researchers were killed. Again, I usually don’t look for conspiracies. And, I know (not being one who likes to fly) that dying in a plane crash is not a common event. And that having a group of people wiped out who are here to make a huge difference in the health and well-being of people and the planet is not just a tragedy…
I appreciate bkoehler’s comments further weaving the astrology. As he says we are taking time out of previously planned days to stop, consider, share, question, re-consider, and think through the events of this week (and beyond).
bodymindalchemy’s posts bring even more facts to this conversation that are cogent and illuminating. I have delved much more deeply than I might have without the links. And while that might not have been how I planned to spend my morning, I am grateful.
I watched with interest the video miaferoleto posted. I am a professional numerologist and while some of the assertions felt a bit stretched, I am grateful for the reminder that we are being given clues everywhere — the planets, the years, months, days. And, as we are given clues, we are also given the support we need to move through the inevitable tragedies that present themselves all too often.
I value the articles here on PW, and the links and comments with even more facts and sources. We are most likely touching deeply into something more expansive than we’d even like to know. And, that is good! Bringing more to (the) light is always good.
Thank you all for your powerful postings.
Varuna highlights the quest for truth at the heart of this highly dynamic cardinal T-square.
The asteroid House renders it a grand cross and reinforces Pelion’s emphasis on precise locations with rich histories (Israel-Palestine, Ukraine-Russia). The astrology offers us a powerful lens to view the deep politics of these horrific situations.
Varuna (26 cn 20’35”)
– conjunct Sun (26 cn 38’45”)
– conjunct Vulkanus (28 cn 12′ 1″)
– conjunct Amor (27 cn 16’35”)
– conjunct Requiem (26 cn 3’32”)
– square Mars (26 li 35’29”)
– square Vesta (25 li 59’15”)
– square Pelion (26 ar 22’28”)
– square Siwa (27 ar 41’54”)
– opposite House (26 cp 24’21” Rx)
Martha Lang-Wescott’s descriptions of the relevant Uranian point and asteroids are illuminating:
VULKANUS: Surge of power/strength; feeling forced to associate; compulsion; awareness of invisible power & the power of influence; periods of burn‑out alternate with a “whatever it takes” attitude.
AMOR: The “conditions” one places on unconditional love—the understanding of what LOVE is/means; what interferes or blocks the love and acceptance (of self & others); figuring out whether you can (or should) “remain loving” (whatever that means to you;) can you/ should you “set boundaries” or limits on what happens in the name of “love”? Conditions on whatever occurs in aspect.
REQUIEM: As well as a connection to the ceremonies of death (and the formalization of grief), Requiem stands for a place of acceptance, a cessation of struggle. Whether one should be AT PEACE with the people, actions and events shown by aspecting points is the issue!
VESTA: Commitment to work; using work as a compensation; dedication to accomplishment or goals; emotional distancing; hard work and career demands; impersonal; sublimation of other interests into the career or vocation; sacrifice/denial of self (by others/self) for a “greater goal.”
SIWA: Episodic, catabolic (breakdown/through) process that precedes insight; destruction of density/fixated beliefs (relative to aspects); crisis of death (stagnation) or regeneration; The Far East (inc. Vietnam, India, China, Malaysia, Japan;) periodic occurrence; ascetic; attention to sound.
HOUSE: A useful point when “place” is important in predictive work; also refers to the residence and to what is experienced “at home.”
Also, there are indications that Germany and France will leave NATO and join the BRICS alliance. Countries of fed up with the surveillance state. Our state department provoked problems in the Ukraine and should be held accountable for what is happening now.
A number of articles have been written about this bizarre presentation by Christine Lagarde and her possible prediction of an event in July:
Agree “Wag the Dog” the 1997 movie does seem relevant for these times
Another perspective to read
It’s been such a dry spell for the news media that when two major stories broke within hours of each other they were at a loss as to which story should take precedence. Both stories had the prerequisite death and dismemberment; one story featured children (Child is trine Eris now) as victims (the family angle) and the other featured a large number of casualties along with the element of being totally unexpected (Uranus). To a certain degree both stories were diluted because of their timing and had to share coverage space. Both stories had a good deal of history to refer to, making them both open to speculation. Some might wonder if there was a purpose for this coincidence. I know I did.
Yesterday there were two unrelated exact aspects happening about the time these stories broke; Chiron squared Juno and Mercury quintiled Eris who was conjunct Pandora. Mercury’s aspect with Eris caught my eye because he can be duplicitous and/or tricky and she is usually disruptive and Pandora unleashes. Chiron and Juno, on the other hand, are both aspecting the two planets related to Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus.
Not to be overlooked, Neptune forms a novile aspect (like a more subtle version of a trine) to Uranus.
What would be the advantage to having two simultaneous disruptive events occur and for whom would it be advantageous? Who could possibly gain anything through confusion and chaos? It might just be us.
We have all been forced to re-focus since yesterday afternoon. We probably didn’t abandon our scheduled plans but did likely divert some of our attention to one or both of the stories when we became aware of them. Some of that can be attributed to Neptune’s alliance with Uranus right now, perhaps a subtle effort to unbalance Saturn’s defined agenda. Now he, Saturn, must fall back and re-group.
But Chiron trines Saturn (while only in a semi-sextile with Uranus) and the shared water energy keeps Saturn from losing his grip. Thank goodness.
Juno on the other hand sextiles Uranus, a closer, more supportive aspect than her quincunx with Saturn. In fact Juno sextile Uranus put Saturn at the point of a yod where he was squirming under the pressure to “adjust”. That was yesterday and today.
I should mention here that Jupiter at 0 Leo is in a biquintile aspect with Neptune (who is subtly supportive of Uranus) and the biquintile and quintile aspects are members of a group of aspects that are associated with the occult. These aspects work on a higher, more subtle level of consciousness and they refine the elements of fire, earth, air and water into one which is referred to as ether. It is then utilized by spiritual forces on levels beyond the physical. That’s Jupiter with Leo but it is also Mercury with Eris (and Pandora).
So, back to Chiron. He’s supportive of Saturn but he is also being distracted by Juno’s square to him and her alliance with Uranus furthers the discomfort of Saturn. Could it be that Neptune, with his ties to Uranus (unexpected) and Jupiter (big numbers) has a motive such as to loosen Saturn’s grip? Is he trying – on purpose – to distract or limber up the backbone of societies that depend on Saturn’s support? Well, it’s not easy to get Saturn to listen to reason, let alone give in. He has his mutual reception with Pluto of course, and that can be very explosive (rockets, etc.). Still Neptune doesn’t give up easily either and I shouldn’t rule out more unexpected, ill-timed events as Saturn prepares to go direct and Uranus prepares to retreat.
It’s a slow process, this evolution business.
Probably pointless by now, but I made a mistake in my correction earlier. The one where I said that Chiron would sextile Juno (on election day)? I should have said that Jupiter, not Chiron, would sextile Juno (and trine Chiron) but, oh well, I was distracted and discombobulated and caught off guard . . . . . . . .
Excuse me, our people in the Ukraine who I am referring to is Anatoly, who is on the Planet Waves staff. He lives there.
It might be good to have perspectives from others who are lurking and reading but not commenting.
For those who haven’t commented, do you feel deceived by the news of the day? Do you feel uneasy with the “facts” as presented? What patterns do you observe about these events, not only in the Ukraine but also in Gaza. Are these events related?
Varuna: Catching Liars
In the Vedic religion, Ṛta (Sanskrit ऋतं ṛtaṃ “that which is properly joined; order, rule; truth”) is the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation of the universe and everything within it.
Ṛta is derived from the Sanskrit verb root ṛ- “to go, move, rise, tend upwards”, and the derivative noun ṛtam is defined as “fixed or settled order, rule, divine law or truth”. However, the term can just as easily be translated literally as “that which has moved in a fitting manner”, abstractly as “universal law” or “cosmic order”, or simply as “truth”.
In the hymns of the Vedas, Ṛta is described as that which is ultimately responsible for the proper functioning of the natural, moral and sacrificial orders. Conceptually, it is closely allied to the injunctions and ordinances thought to uphold it, collectively referred to as Dharma, and the action of the individual in relation to those ordinances, referred to as Karma – two terms which eventually eclipsed Ṛta in importance as signifying natural, religious and moral order in later Hinduism.
Ṛta appears most frequently as representing abstract concepts such as “law”, “commandment”, “order”, “sacrifice”, “truth”, and “regularity”, but also occasionally as concrete objects such as the waters, the heavens or the sun as manifestations of the operation of Ṛta in the physical universe. Ṛta is also frequently used in reference to various Vedic deities.
Despite the abundance of such references, the gods are never portrayed as having command over Ṛta. Instead, the gods, like all created beings, remain subject to Ṛta, and their divinity largely resides in their serving it in the role of executors, agents or instruments of its manifestation. As Day (1982) notes, the gods “do not govern Ṛta so much as immanentalize it through the particularities of divine ordinances and retributions concerning both rewards and punishments. In this sense they do not “govern” Ṛta; they serve it as agents and ministers”.
While the concept of Ṛta as an abstract, universal principle generally remained resistant to the anthropomorphic tendencies of the Vedic period, it became increasingly associated with the actions of individual deities, in particular with those of the god Varuna as the omniscient, all-encompassing sky.
Although the Adityas as a group are associated with Ṛta, being referred to as “the charioteers of Ṛta, dwelling in the home of Ṛta”, it is Varuna in particular who is identified as the “friend of Ṛta”.
The connection of Varuna and Ṛta extended beyond the physical realm and into the sphere of ritual worship, with the sacrificial fire itself being lauded as that which “harnesses the steeds and holds the reins of Ṛta, becoming Varuna when he strives for Ṛta”.
Varuna attained the position of “universal Power par excellence maintaining Ṛta” and is celebrated as having “separated and established heaven and earth, spreading them out as the upper and lower firmaments, himself enthroned above them as the universal king, ordering the immutable moral law, exercising his rule by the sovereignty of Ṛta.
Varuna is praised as “having the form of Ṛta” and, along with Mitra as Mitra-Varuna, as “destroying the foes by Ṛta” and as “professing Ṛta by Ṛta”. Epithets such as “born of Ṛta” and “protector of Ṛta” are frequently applied to numerous divinities, as well as to the sacrificial fire and the sacrifice itself.
As chief of the Adityas, Varuna has aspects of a solar deity though, when opposed to Mitra (Vedic term for Surya), he is rather associated with the night, and Mitra with the daylight. As the most prominent Deva, however, he is mostly concerned with moral and societal affairs than being a deification of nature. Together with Mitra–originally ‘agreement’ (between tribes) personified—being master of ṛtá, he is the supreme keeper of order and god of the law. The word ṛtá, order, is also translated as “season”.
Varuna and Mitra are the gods of the societal affairs including the oath, and are often twinned Mitra-Varuna (a dvandva compound). Varuna is also twinned with Indra in the Rigveda, as Indra-Varuna (when both cooperate at New Year in re-establishing order).
The Rigveda and Atharvaveda portrays Varuna as omniscient, catching liars in his snares. The stars are his thousand-eyed spies, watching every movement of men.
(text above excerpted from Wikipedia entries for Ṛta and Varuna)
The two “black box” flight recorders from the Malaysian airliner are not “missing”. Self-defense forces in Donetsk found one of the recorders on Thursday, and a Reuters cameraman on the scene reported that rescue workers recovered a second flight recorder on Friday. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a UN body, stands ready to support the accident investigation upon request.
Pardon me, Fe, but we’ve already been subjected to specious logic from Ukraine “field agents” on the pages of Planet Waves. The recent innuendo “from our people in the Ukraine” sounds like more Western neocon-sponsored anti-Russian propaganda circulated by the post-coup Kiev regime.
Back in March, Planet Waves writers indulged in Putin-bashing, published allegations from “field agents” in Ukraine and Russia, and dismissed reports of violent neo-Nazi forces operating in the anti-government protests in Kiev.
Of course, it turns out that the neo-Nazi forces indeed were present and did instigate the violent coup.
After seizing power, the Kiev regime incorporated these neo-Nazi forces into its military and is now conducting so-called “anti-terrorist” attacks against the ethnic Russian majority provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk.
Malaysian Airlines Flight MH-17:
1. Immediately after the tragedy, the authorities in Kiev, naturally, blamed it on the self-defense forces in Luhansk and Donetsk. What evidence are these accusations based on?
2. Can Kiev explain in detail how it uses Buk missile launchers in the conflict zone? And why were these systems deployed there in the first place, seeing as the self-defense forces don’t have any planes?
3. Why are the Kiev authorities not doing anything to set up an international commission? When will such a commission begin its work?
4. Would the Ukrainian Armed Forces be willing to let international investigators inspect their inventory of their air-to-air and surface-to-air (SAM) missiles, including their SAM launchers?
5. Will the international commission have access to tracking data from reliable sources regarding the movements of Ukrainian warplanes on the day of the tragedy?
6. Why did Kiev regime air traffic controllers allow the plane to deviate from the regular route to the north, towards “the anti-terrorist operation zone”?
7. Why was airspace over the warzone not closed for civilian flights, especially since the area was not entirely covered by radar navigation systems?
8. How can official Kiev comment on reports in the social media, allegedly by a Spanish air traffic controller who works in Ukraine, that there were two Ukrainian military planes flying alongside the Boeing 777 over Ukrainian territory?
9. Why did Ukraine’s Security Service start working with the recordings of communications between Ukrainian air traffic controllers and the Boeing crew and with the data storage systems from Ukrainian radars without waiting for international investigators?
10. What lessons has Ukraine learned from a similar incident in 2001, when a Russian Tu-154 crashed into the Black Sea? Back then, the Ukrainian authorities denied any involvement on the part of Ukraine’s Armed Forces until irrefutable evidence proved official Kiev to be guilty.
I saw that about the video after my comment. Thanks for posting. But I think we need to see what else is possible. I understand from our people in the Ukraine that the blame is directed at certain rogue forces who are alot like the Tea Party here, only in Russia. They suspect these groups are supported by Moscow, but who knows?
I also think there’s more to it than Russia v. US. They could be forces a lot bigger, who could gain from a de-stabilized Europe and Asia, which is what this event could lead too should hotter heads prevail.
Whatever is the case, let the evidence and an impartial investigation commence. We also need to know why the black box is missing from the plane.
Hi Fe,
The “pro-Russia rebel group” YouTube video has already been debunked:
“Almost exactly one year ago, the world was nearly brought to the verge of a global war by proxy involving the US and Russia (and Europe and China) over a staged, false flag YouTube clip “proving” the Assad regime had used toxic gas (gas that was made in Britain as it was later revealed) to kill several hundred civilians in the country’s ongoing war against what subsequently turned out to be al-Qaeda funded and trained rebels (and which now are fighting across the border with another former US-puppet state, Iraq). Luckily, back then an all out confrontation was averted in the last minute over what was ultimately nothing but a gambit by Qatar to have its gas pipeline enter Europe and leave Gazprom in the cold (literally and metaphorically).
A year later, it is deja vu all over again, when the same energy and geopolitical tensions (Europe, natural gas, etc) are once again at the frontline, and while the theater of combat may be different, the same key players – Russia and the US – are once again behind the proxy conflict in Ukraine, and where Gazprom is once again the fulcrum party.”
This MH-17 incident appears to be a false flag event, one of numerous attempts by the post-coup regime in Kiev to discredit forces in the Ukraine provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk, and to cast blame on Moscow.
The Russian Defense Ministry has noted in an official statement that “there are units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the disaster area; the units are armed with anti-aircraft missile systems Buk-M1. In the area of northwestern outskirts of Donetsk, divisions of the 156th anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are deployed, with 27 Buk M1 complexes. These complexes, on their tactical and technical characteristics, are capable of detecting air targets at distances of up to 160 kilometers and striking them at all altitudes at a range of over 30 kilometers. Moreover, in the skies over the Donetsk region, aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force equipped with different types of missiles are constantly present. This is an undeniable fact.”
not really “Israelis” its the state and those in power of its’ levers. i’m British and didn’t have any power over what happened to my Irish friends in the “troubles”
Thanks for the Varuna connection Amanda. It compounds the Sun in Cancer’s connection with the fluctuating tides.
Also, I remembered the 4th “big number” story was about miners, over 200 of them who died from an explosion in the mine. Don’t remember where it was though.
As the Israelis once more inflict collective punishment in Gaza (a tactic which happens to constitute a war crime), it is time to consider the mind-set behind their repeated violent and sadistic behavior. One way to do so is to listen to the rationalizations they use, also repeatedly, to justify their actions.
Among the many rationalizations offered by Israeli leaders for their violent behavior is the assertion that the Arabs, and Palestinians in particular, “only understand force.” If you do not use force against them they interpret its absence as a sign of weakness and this only encourages them to stand against the Zionist state.
This notion that the Arabs only understand force is one of the holdover stereotypes of a mostly, but obviously not completely, bygone age of imperialism.When it comes to the Israelis, this persistent myth about the need to employ force against the Arabs is mixed up with their own post-Holocaust determination to “never again” react to a threat passively. They believe that sort of reaction is what killed millions of European Jews, and so it is no longer psychologically acceptable.
The core problem with these lines of thought is that they are seriously misleading – both in terms of Arab/Palestinian perceptions and European Jewish behavior.
Since coming into existence in 1948, Israel has attacked Palestinian individuals and infrastructure thousands of times. Israeli conventional wisdom would claim that this has been done in self-defense and to dissuade the Palestinians from future attacks.
The self-defense rationale is misleading because Israelis have, from the beginning, been acting offensively: most of what is now Israel and the Occupied Territories was taken violently and then ethnically cleansed of most of its Arab inhabitants with the ongoing goal of setting up a religiously exclusive state. Palestinian violence has always been a reaction to Israeli aggression.
The argument that harsh retaliation against Palestinian acts of resistance would dissuade them from further resistance (that is, the Palestinians “only understand force”) proved long ago to be false. It has never worked, and yet too many Israelis have clung tenaciously to this lie (a small minority, such as the Israeli journalist Gordon Levy, know the lie for what it is and bravely keep proclaiming the truth).
Why has the lie persisted so long? Well, there is the old adage that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is a form of insanity, but perhaps that is a bit too superficial for the case at hand.
One reason for Israel’s repetitive violence is that if Israelis admit it is a tactical failure and desist, they might have to negotiate a genuine peace treaty with the Palestinians. Many will immediately say that they have, repeatedly, tried to negotiate while always coming up against Palestinian intransigence.
However, if one takes a close and objective look at these efforts at negotiation, one finds that they are facades or false fronts behind which we find Israeli intransigence. As the liberal Zionist M. J. Rosenberg has pointed out, the Israelis have never negotiated in good faith.
When the Palestinians react to Israel’s bad faith, the Israelis break off negotiations and blame the Palestinians. Israel then returns to its pattern of repetitive violence.
“The Periodic Slaughter of Palestinians”
by Lawrence Davidson
Lawrence Davidson, PhD, professor of history at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, is the author of America’s Palestine: Popular and Official Perceptions from Balfour to Israeli Statehood (University Press of Florida, 2001), Islamic Fundamentalism (Greenwood Press, 2003), Foreign Policy, Inc.: Privatizing American National Interest (University of Kentucky Press, 2009), co-author with Arthur Goldschmidt of the Concise History of the Middle East, 9th and 10th editions (Westview Press, 2009 and 2012) and, most recently, Cultural Genocide (Rutgers University Press, 2012).
Professor Davidson has also written numerous articles on US perceptions of and policies toward the Middle East. Over the last twenty years he has taken on the role of public intellectual and has sought to heighten public awareness of the nature and consequences of US policies in the Middle East.
From Talking Points Memo
Rebel’s Social Media Post At Center Of Blame Game For Ukraine Plane Crash
The leader of the pro-Russia rebel group that controls the area where Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed on Thursday reportedly posted a warning on social media just as news about the commercial jet was breaking.
“We did warn you — do not fly in our sky,” it reportedly said.
According to Mashable, Igor Gorkin, also known as Igor Strelkov, said that “a plane has just been downed” on, Russia’s Facebook-like social network, around the same time that Flight 17 went missing.
Strelkov “deleted the post when he found out it was actually a commercial jetliner carrying 295 innocent people — not a military aircraft,” Mashable reported.
With both the rebels and Ukrainian government casting blame in the other direction over the crash that appears to have killed 295 people, Strelkov’s social media post appeared to be a clue about what really happened.
The rest of the story is HERE:
speaking of the sun-varuna conjunction, wasn’t varuna a water god?
a dozen people died in this typhoon, but i’m wondering if the metaphorical light from the sun had a beneficent symbolic effect — apparently officials were better prepared for this one than they were last november (although i am not sure how the strength of this typhoon compared):
Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff wrote that the Malaysian jet was flying on the same route as that of President Putin returning home to Russia. In my opinion this is in response to the BRICS nations creating their own world bank with 100 billion dollars this very week. Putin has been standing up to the “system” for almost a year. He was instrumental in stopping the escalation of fighting in Syria last fall when the US threatened to go in and has gone on from there. The fall of the petro dollar is in the works. When the EBT cards don’t work and people have no access to food, that is when Americans will get up, stand up, and open their mouths. That day is coming for sure.
I did not say there had been any Israeli casualties.
Sorry Eric, but you are sadly misinformed. There have been no casualties on the Israeli side. palestine have no army. This is an offensive from Zionist Israel. nearly 200 Palestines have been killed from bombs and they have targeted a hospital. Three Israeli youth were murdered but it has not been proven it was hamas or anyone. Yasser Arafat was murdered and replaced by Hamas supported by the Israeli government and america. Palestinians are being exterminated and removed from their homes.
Today’s educational film suggestion: “Wag the Dog”
From an astrology friend on Facebook:
How awful this latest thing with Malaysian Airlines – 27 Australians reported to have been on board. Mars is returning to the point that it went retrograde, and, as I said in an earlier post, it is on Libra 26 at the moment – An Eagle And A Large White Dove Turning Constantly Into Each Other… in the next day or so, Mars will go over Libra 27: An Airplane Sails High In The Bright Clear Sky – and THAT was the degree that Mars was retrograding over just a few days after the other Malaysian Airlines flight went missing. So sad and so horrible. I can’t imagine how their families feel and this is certainly not a good thing to be happening on any level and it may signal some very serious outcomes… and, it’s got to be signalling the end of Malaysian Airlines. It’s very curious that they had these two disastrous events – one after the other and both events with Mars going over the Airplane degree..
transiting Chiron will SEXTILE U.S natal Juno. . . sorry for the omission./be
Click on “blog” after opening link to Jessica Murray site/be
Right on Eric, “we need to look at these events with some skepticism”. Jessica Murray* says it this way “The pestilence we face is that of 21st-century mind control.” Uranus, with all it’s breakthrough technology, has provided us alternative resources for getting to the truth, but it’s the wading through all the Uranian data that’s necessary to get us to that truth. That takes much time and patience; resources provided by Saturn. Which brings us full circle in the debate over who rules Aquarius.
Rachel Maddow tonight had a piece on the barrage of pictures made available from the airline crash today, comparing it to some of the grotesque pictures taken at the scene of 9/11. She remarked how the decision as to which pictures – from all that’s available – will be shown to TV audiences are decided by the editors and/or whomever is in charge of deciding what is and is not improper to air. Sometimes Uranus gives us too damn much info and sometimes Saturn restricts us from too much info. Therefore, we have a quincunx demanding adjustment between how much or how little humanity should “know” about anything that happens beyond their own individual sandboxes.
In the case of the Uranus-Saturn conjunction chart, the Moon was conjunct Amor at 27+ Capricorn, the same degree as the U.S. Sibly Pluto. To me that suggested that the People (of the USA) would, during the course of the Saturn-Uranus cycle, under certain conditions (Amor) be “taking back” the power they were given by our forefathers. This was amplified by asteroid Aphrodite at 15+ Gemini in the conjunction chart holding space for Venus, who (at 15+ Gemini) would occult the Sun from that degree 24 years later. In that Venus occult Sun chart, the Moon was conjunct Pluto.
To my thinking it is the Uranus’ signature (shocking) that makes us pay attention to recent news stories with big numbers. It is the big losses this year that grabbed our attention, the lost Malaysian plane with over 200 people aboard, the So. Korean ferry that sank and lost over 200 people, the more than 200 Nigerian girls kidnapped by the Boko Haram, and another one I can’t even remember right now. Anything less is just another news day.
But Uranus didn’t do it alone. This year Jupiter (big numbers) travelled through cardinal Cancer and made a grand trine with Saturn and Chiron/Neptune, while at the same time squared Uranus, Pluto and Mars. We can’t pin these events on just one planet or one aspect any more, they are part of a much larger effort to raise our awareness and prepare us for an evolutionary jump.
Today Jupiter occupies the 1st degree of Leo whose Sabian Symbol depicts blood rushing to “a man’s head as his vital energies are mobilized under the spur of ambition”. Ambition? Whose ambition we want to know. Somebody who didn’t think before he pulled the trigger I imagine.
Jessica goes on to say “The only way to meet these challenges is with the inner resources that are ours by birthright. We start with our goddess-given intelligences, separating our real information from disinformation.” Is it any wonder then, that when Venus occulted the Sun (both times) it was in Gemini?
When the Saturn-Uranus chart’s Aphrodite stood in for Venus at 15+ Gemini, she was conjunct Pholus at 13+ Gemini who was square the nodes at 13+ Pisces and Virgo; a T-square that the U.S. Sibly Ascendant completes as a grand cross at 12+ Sagittarius. It is this cycle between the co-rulers of Aquarius which is symbolically producing much of the shock value we get from the Gemini news sources, perhaps with the (Scorpio/Pluto hidden) intent of causing a violent showdown, a stampede if you will of centaurian energy.
It is the centaur Chiron returning to 13+ Pisces (where the north node was in the 1988 Saturn-Uranus chart) who will assist the awakened consciousness (natal Sun) of the U.S. at the time of the elections later this year, and who will then go on to assist the rest of the world’s consciousness (transiting Sun at 13+ Scorpio) the next day. U.S. voters will decide how much freedom and how much control they want from their government (Saturn will trine the U.S. Sibly Mercury and Uranus will square the U.S. Sibly Sun and oppose the U.S. Saturn).
As transiting Jupiter (understanding) at 20+ Leo trines the U.S. Chiron in Aries and the U.S. Juno in Libra on election day, those that have been disenfranchised for way too long will set an example – through their votes – for the rest of the world that manipulation of the people by the government and big business will not be tolerated.
Malaysian Airliner shot down over Ukraine
Thank you, Eric. Comprehensive. Sensitive. Sensible. In the face of senselessness, you have provided us with what the mainstream media has denied us.