Take a breath, inner planets are all direct

Mercury stationed direct Tuesday EDT/UTC, ending an impressive and memorable run of inner planet retrogrades. Give your mind and body a chance to get accustomed to the new energy. The shift is palpable, though adapting does not necessarily happen overnight. If you experienced a blowout, meltdown or crisis of some kind the past 48 hours or so, let the energy dissipate. Notably these have not just been retrogrades — they have made some interesting and challenging aspect patterns, and the retrograde factor adds the element of repetition.

At the same time, we are in the final burn of the cardinal grand cross pattern, as the Sun swings into an opposition to Pluto (exact July 4), followed several days later by a square to Uranus, then the Capricorn Full Moon on the 12th and finally a square to Mars. The Capricorn Full Moon is a wild chart, with Mars in Libra making exact (one-degree) conjunctions to Ceres and Vesta, and an opposition to Eris. The lunar nodes are one degree away. Between the Full Moon and Mars aspecting three goddess-type planets and the lunar nodes, we will experience an honorary eclipse.

The story develops rapidly from there, as Mercury re-enters Cancer nearly simultaneously with Jupiter ingressing Leo, followed by Venus ingressing Cancer, followed by the Sun ingressing Leo, followed by Mars ingressing Scorpio and squaring Jupiter (with both in their new signs). Translated a bit, since December we have experienced the start and stop, back and forth, resist and desist energy of retrograde inner planets. Suddenly everything is moving forward, one element after the next. That means it’s time to stop waiting and time to fully engage the preparation and plans that you’ve made — knowing that things may work out differently, or better, than you anticipated.

For now, we are in a moment of relative calm. If you can take the focused intensity of Sun-Pluto, this will carry through the July 4 weekend. Sun-Pluto says: really be yourself, from the inside out. If you know how, turn it up. If you don’t know how, give it your best.

The Cancer birthday reading will be available Wednesday. It’s still available at the pre-order price of $29.95 (included with All-Access Pass memberships). Speaking of, we are currently offering a six-month All-Access Pass for half price.

And speaking of reduced-price readings, The Mars Effect (12 signs of audio and written astrology, for Sun and rising sign) is currently available for half price till Friday (but it retains its full value, as the readings are every bit as relevant now as they were back in January).

4 thoughts on “Take a breath, inner planets are all direct”

  1. Well, speaking of Sun-Pluto and the 4th of July, the U.S. solar return this year looks to focus intensity aplenty. This year the Moon (12+ Libra), only 2 degrees from the U.S Sibly Saturn, will form a T-square with Sun (13+ Cancer) opposite Pluto (12+ Capricorn retrograde). The Libra Moon will sextile Venus at 14+ Gemini so lots more venting over women’s issues. Saturn at 16+ Scorpio retro will continue his intense quincunx with Uranus and his trine with Chiron in Pisces, while Jupiter will oppose the U.S. Sibly Pluto in Capricorn and quincunx the U.S. Moon in Aquarius.

    Mischievous Mercury at 24+ Gemini is trine the north node at 24+ Libra who conjuncts Mars, Ceres and Vesta, a change of pace from this past year’s solar return where he was the apex point in Cancer of a yod with Pholus in Sagittarius and Juno in Aquarius, all 3 retrograde. This year he hits the deck running in the U.S. solar return with a mop up of his cycle with Jupiter that will end next month providing a clean slate for their new cycle. Oh, who am I kidding? The beat goes on for those two.

  2. So this IS a good time to move forward on the child guardianship issue that has been nagging me since last fall, yes? I certainly hope so, since I will be getting all the necessary signatures today and turning them over to the attorney tomorrow. I know it will be contested (lots of money at stake for the person who currently gets the checks), but am sure that the issue will ultimately be resolved in the best interests of my grandchildren. Being aware of the various transits has surely had something to do with my previous fact finding period and sudden “I am seeing an attorney today” decision.

  3. “Suddenly everything is moving forward, one element after the next. That means it’s time to stop waiting and time to fully engage the preparation and plans that you’ve made — knowing that things may work out differently, or better, than you anticipated.”

    I am currently seeing the manifestation of this–a door to a certain goal closed earlier this year, and it was a big disappointment for me. But another door to that goal opened for me just this week–and the new door is actually a better situation, in important ways, than the previous one was.

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