Cosmic DNA

By Carlos Cedillo

If science now has the DNA code cracked and can alter our very own DNA, then can we also crack the DNA code of time? Simply following the Maya tzolkin calendar creates awareness of the four directions that, much like the four proteins that make up a DNA strand, create a Jacob’s Ladder-like double helix.


The thirteen-day cycle creates a pattern of even/light/masculine days and odd/dark/feminine days that unite into Oneness when we reach the thirteenth day. The Maya call this state of Being the Grandfather-Grandmother.

This fixed resonance pattern generated by the Maya tzolkin frequencies results in a cosmic evolution, a literal flowering of the Tree of Life in the universe we call outer space. When these frequencies are studied, will we be able to alter time? My experience has been that time is malleable to a large degree.

There is a metaphysical issue regarding perception and who or what is the perceiver. Certainly in dreams and other altered states of consciousness where we have access to other timelines, is it possible we are changing time itself as we react to experiences and make choices within the dream itself? To me this is what being a co-creator with the universe is all about.

Difficulty arises when we run into other people’s energies that don’t harmonize with our individualized dream! Technically there is only One Consciousness that most people call “God,” but the very naming of an infinite being puts us in a state of separation from said deity and from other people who have different names for the same God.

Also, awareness of the separation of man and woman creates a similar alienation of spirits that can only be overcome through the heart chakra energy. There we can finally see we are one with our soul mate, where gender ceases to matter.

This Sunday is 13 Eagle, a day glyph epitomized by the Great Seal of the U.S., an eagle holding 13 arrows. We have the imagination and the vision, we just have to reclaim our freedom to think and create the big dream for ourselves.

Ironically this Sunday is also the Muslim holy day of Ramadan — talk about dualities crashing together as one! Maybe we should start a group dreaming movement that teaches people to share their dreams and learn collaboration instead of conflict. Then we could see true peace manifesting everywhere there has been conflict.

In Germany there is a movement to end the U.S. Federal Reserve. They get it. Who gives the money to fund all these wars? Russia and China are now trading Russian gas in rubles, not dollars. It is not called a Petro-dollar for nothing! They get that if you stop using Federal Reserve notes, you break the power of the Fed. That’s what they do, print money. Capisce?

During this uinal (20-day cycle) of 5 Ahau that ends the Fourth of July, 2014, there is a metaphorical ‘chickens coming home to roost’ moment happening. Decades of military aggression in Central America in the guise of a “war on drugs” that the media ignored has resulted in a new massive influx of immigrant children to our doorstep.

The mass grave of immigrants buried in plastic bags recently discovered in South Texas, shows that this has been going on for a long time and was deliberately hidden from the public. Is this how you treat guests at your house?

This at the same moment that a militant group, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), is using American weapons and Humvees to conquer the Iraqi Army that were trained by the U.S., who also use American weapons and Humvees!

All those weapons used in Latin America against civilian and Native populations in alleged “drug wars” that drive out populations to steal lands for corporate interests were also Made in USA! Funny how decades of undeclared war have not only failed to stop any drugs from getting to America, but now there are drug gangs in charge of whole countries.

Vengeance is swift and cruel. This is our time, why let it be controlled by those with bad dreams of war and all sorts of human cruelty? How about a moratorium on the manufacture and export of weapons in the U.S.? I must be dreaming!

My tzolkin birthday, 12 Jaguar is this Saturday, June 28, 2014. I have a wish or two I am sending out to the universe and all its dimensions!

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

Carlos is available to help you along your road of spiritual awareness through private Maya tzolkin readings and sacred ceremonies. Contact him at and check out his website, Violet Flame Records.

To get a free trial subscription to Planet Waves, which will deliver Eric’s psychologically and spiritually brilliant horoscopes, please visit this link.

15 thoughts on “Cosmic DNA”

  1. Look over yonder
    What do you see?
    The sun is a’rising
    Most definitely ~

    A new day is coming, ooh, ooh
    People are changing
    Ain’t it beautiful, ooh, ooh
    Crystal blue persuasion ~

    Better get ready
    To see the light…
    Love, love is the answer, ooh ooh
    And that’s all right ~

    So don’t you give up now, ooh ooh
    So easy to find
    Just look to your soul
    And open your mind ~

    Crystal blue persuasion, mmm, mmm
    It’s a new vibration
    Crystal blue persuasion
    Crystal blue persuasion ~

    Maybe tomorrow
    When he looks down
    On every green field, ooh ooh
    And every town ~

    All of his children
    And every nation
    They’ll be peace and good brotherhood
    Crystal blue persuasion, yeah ~

    Crystal blue persuasion, aha u
    Crystal blue persuasion, aha u
    Crystal blue persuasion, aha u ~ ~ ~ ~~~ :

    ~ Tommy James And The ShondeLLs

  2. Carlos, fascinating link.. I think my computer might be smarter than I. 😉

    Over a lot of years, I’ve actually been able to control, as well as create, my dreams. Of course, it’s always weird shit but, I fully recognize my consciousness when I hit the dream realm. Shit doesn’t necessarily go my way but, sometimes I can make it so. I tend usually to listen/look for ‘info.’, something that will make sense to me as far as my ‘position’ within waking realm, that will help me to navigate.

    Lucidity is a funky concept…

    Thanks, man,


  3. Thanks for the great cooking tips, Jere and Pam! Yum! (Will put these in a safe place).
    “Most people who have witnessed great suffering become the kindest souls because they appreciate every moment of non-suffering!” So true Carlos, so true.
    Will have to wait to catch up with all the other goodies which have popped up on PW today, cos little sis has just come to stay.

  4. (Laughs,.. Carlos, you’ve turned into the cooking channel! 🙂 ).

    I do my millet 2 to 1 (water/grain), let it ‘breathe’ for a few, after cooking then fluffing, (lid askew) (that’s the evaporation factor), after 40/45 minutes of lowest heat,.. but I let it boil at first, settle down to a simmer, then lid down and go.

    I’ve said it before, now again, someone (not me, too unpredictable) should throw out a ‘foods’ column on PW.

    Thank you for playing!


  5. (Apologies Carlos)

    Jere try cooking half quinoa (or amaranth) half millet in more water than necessary til just cooked – ad inseaweed, peas, sweet corn whatever you like. Drain wehn just cooked and serve (immediately!) with tamari or miso

  6. Lizzy, I find millet to be a chore to eat when it’s freshly cooked (texture is kinda soft) but still goes well with an almond butter/soy sauce/bunch of freakin’ herbs and spices sort of steamed veg’s. (w/tofu, fried, or boiled is great). I have a tendency to let it cool for a few hours (after initially cooking it) before I eat it, lettng the moisture evaporate, then either throwing something on top of it or stir-frying it. Also, I always throw a three-finger pinch of (these days Wakame) seaweed into the pot, as well as a sprinkle of Spirulina (algae). (Also cumin, curry, asafoetida, fenugreek, corriander, chili powder, black pepper, sea salt, olive oil, ginger,… and whatever else, in whatever combination I feel, is appropriate for my well being..)

    Millet, “Queen of the Grains”,

    Good health to you, 🙂


  7. Carlos, the link is off (sp.). But, shiftoftheages does work, I’ll explore. I wrote down the authors’ names you’d mentioned, will check it out. Thanks.


  8. Thanks for the replies everyone! @Jere I think Daniel Pinchback is a great editor…his book is a little deceptive as far as the Maya calendar goes, there is very little info there…but it has good ideas on how to transform society in the new era. I recommend any books by Dennis and Barbara Tedlock, Dr. Carl Johann Calleman and the late great Linda Schele and there are the classic Mayanist scholars, Micheal Coe, Ernst Forstemann, and Sylanus Morley, et. al….. It is helpful to go to Mexico or Guatemala to find a real Shaman! check out

    @Bette, B We can’t achieve any goal without first having a clear vision for it first! Keep dreaming!
    @Lizzy thanks for that story, it warms my heart. Most people who have witnessed great suffering become the kindest souls because they appreciate every moment of non-suffering!

  9. Jere, really interested to read about amaranth. Will check it out – and your words inspire me to introduce more millet into my diet. I always buy it and end up not eating it….

  10. “Also, awareness of the separation of man and woman creates a similar alienation of spirits that can only be overcome through the heart chakra energy”. Carlos, this really struck me. Have really felt the need to work with this with a specific meditation lately, and had a kind of answer yesterday. I had a neeting with three Somali refugees who were in my English class last term, and I’ll be giving them a few lessons. I can’t even imagine the suffering they’ve been through. growing up in Somalia with civil war – then the terrible exodus out of their country to a new land, where many of them die on the way. One of then told me that while they were at school bullets would fly through the classroom, killng one of their schoolmates – they grew up with death and destruction so risked death to get away from it all. And yet, they are the sweetest, kndest souls I’ve ever met – with radiant smiles and an incredble light in their eyes that is rare to see. I look forward to getting to know them better – they are my teachers, not the other way round.I came away feeling refreshed and energized (was feeling exhausted before) and sensed that this was what real heart chakra energy was. Good to share it here.

  11. Carlos, I’m late to enter the Mayan realm but, I’m starting to build a fascination. I checked out your website today, and I plan on furthering my interest. It’s a bit confusing right now, I feel clumsy on the basics. I’ve a book by Daniel Pinchbeck entitled “The Return of Quetzalcoatl” that I picked up several years ago through the suggestion of the bookstore employee. I haven’t read it,.. are you familiar? Thanks man, this may take me a bit… If I can be of any use as a Universal amplification catalyst for your wishes (most likely our joint wishes), send the vibe!

    Be, I read the transcript of the PBS interview. I can’t do much of anything about the education issue regarding malnutrition except say “Amaranth”. It’s a teeny little grain that the Aztecs used, as well as folks in Africa. Where it is consumed as a staple, malnutrition does not exist. It has an extremely high amino acid profile, and is exceptionally rich in calcium, magnesium, and silicon.. more so than most animal products. My staple diet is 3/4 millet to 1/4 amaranth. It grows in poor soils and is drought tolerant.. the leaves are also edible.. and although I haven’t grown it in several years (which I think I’ll go and plant some tomorrow) it’s a really easy, prolific, and a beautiful plant.

    Peace and Love across the Universe,


  12. In Guatemala, businessmen have a dream and a vested interest (Vesta) in decreasing malnutrition (Ceres) among the Mayans and other citizens in their country who live on a diet of beans, corn and herbs alone. The country is fertile and agriculture is bountiful but most of the food is shipped to the U.S. and other countries. Many of the Mayan people prefer their meager diet rather than incorporate meat and vegetables, but there are initiatives to educate them as to how a change of diet could improve the lives of their children. Learn more at

    This would be an example of transiting Mars conjunct transiting Vesta, Ceres and North Node in Libra opposite transiting Uranus in Aries.

  13. Carlos, I share your wish! Many of us can see both the vicious ugliness of the events/history you briefly outlined here – and also see the incredibly beautiful potential of the world we wish for, envision, and work to create.
    I’m a Canadian, and my country is far from having clean hands – no one asked us, the Canadian people, if we supported going into Afghanistan, and our troops were sent, with the predictable loss of life and limb – and our mining companies are active in Latin America also, with all the corruption and suffering that follows. And then there’s the Alberta tar sands and the strip-mining of the boreal forest and displacement and harm of First Nations people, in the interests of corporate profit.
    But we hold our vision. We do what we can. We can refuse to participate wherever possible in a system which does harm to so many, for the profit of a few. Thank-you for your voice.

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