Full Moon Light Saber

Note: If you happen to live near Comfort, Texas, you have an opportunity to see and hear Carlos play guitar live at Bending Branch winery. Contact Carlos for details. — Amanda

By Carlos Cedillo

This Thursday’s Full Moon falls on the Mayan Tzolkin day of 9 Tijax/Flint, the day of the “Light-Saber.” I say light-saber because that is the modern metaphor, something we can relate to today, even if we know it is from fiction.


Flint is sometimes called the smoky mirror, or obsidian. Used as a surgeon’s tool as well as a weapon, obsidian shows our dark reflection, things we need to cut out of our lives. The number 9 has a sense of completion or wholeness, yet also connotes a positive Light energy. Like a skilled Jedi Knight, use this Light surgical tool for defense, never aggressively, as there is a sense on the 9th day of the interconnectedness of all things.

One of the basic moral obligations of true spirituality is the notion of sacrificing one’s self for the greater good of humanity and/or the Earth. Sacrifice often involves letting go of something that was doing you no good in the first place. You just can’t see the benefit until you have had healing time.

There are many people who do not want to make the sacrifices we face if we are to survive as a species. Others give too much and suffer burnout. The best way to give is from the heart knowing we are all one. A simple prayer, lighting a candle or burning incense can be a sacrifice.

Looking back 260 days to the previous 9 Flint (Sept. 25, 2013), it did not feel like a very busy time. My notes and emails are pretty devoid of serious content for that whole week, although there was something big going on beneath the surface — namely an experience that brought my awareness to my sense of worth as a musician: being hired to play a gig for a significant fee.

That seems like a different lifetime ago, yet this 260-day tzolkin cycle is bookended by a pair of gigs this week that feel directly link to a new practice regimen I began in the weeks after Sept. 25. Take a moment to think back to that previous 9 Flint day in your own life and see what kind of trajectory or associations you can trace.

Compare that to 9 Tijax, January 8, 2013, when a New York judged ruled the stop-and-frisk program to be unconstitutional. That was a very positive use of 9 Tijax/Flint knife energy that corrected a grave injustice and blatant disregard for the US Constitution.

This Saturday June 14, 2014, is 11 Ahau, the Changing Sun. This is one of the most potent segments of the tzolkin round. 11 Sun signifies a huge shift towards the next phase of evolution. Life has been building up to this for 180 days since 1 Imix/Crocodile. What is activated by Thursday’s Full Moon achieves its full potential as the 20-day ‘uinal’ cycle comes to a close on Saturday.

The previous 11 Ahau saw the release of the UN report citing that global warming is indeed man-made. Climate change deniers are the new flat-earth society — relics of the last phase of evolution.

After Saturday there are only 80 days left in this tzolkin, and forty days until 12 Ahau (July 24, 2014). What shifts this weekend bursts with abundance over the next 40 days, then transcends itself 40 days later on 13 Ahau (Sept. 2, 2014).

Be the Love you are looking for!

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin!

For private Maya tzolkin readings, contact Carlos at cosmicjaguar@yahoo.com — or check out his website, Violet Flame Records.

To get a free trial subscription to Planet Waves, which will deliver Eric’s psychologically and spiritually brilliant horoscopes, please visit this link.

2 thoughts on “Full Moon Light Saber”

  1. Thanks for the mention of obsidian, Carlos. It has always been in my dreams — or I be with it well-defined in the otherworld — and am always looking for new understanding as to what, why it seems to be so important to me. With Neptune strong in my natal chart, “smokey mirror” is a wonderful metaphor.

  2. i really love the “light saber” metaphor — along with the reminder that we are responsible for how we wield that energy. to cut away what no longer serves us becomes then less a sacrifice, and more a gift to ourselves, the ability to travel lighter, to focus our energy into what is creative, what serves the highest good for all concerned, what serves healing and growth…

    it’s easy to forget just how quickly and easily we can slip from a mindful use of the “light saber” to something darker and misguided when we give into fear, pain or hate — just like luke skywalker. sometimes i wish i could have yoda on my speed dial.

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