Scorpio Moon tells another story

To learn about your Gemini birthday reading, see the note in italics right below Daily Astrology.
To learn about your Gemini birthday reading, see the note in italics right below Daily Astrology.
You’re likely to wake up to a week that feels different compared to how the weekend felt, as the Moon spends the night void of course and ingresses Scorpio at 6:38 am EDT. Immediately, the Moon will pick up on the Mercury-Nessus trine. From a practical standpoint, when you witness or hear about emotional drama, go the other way. This is an easy whirlpool to get caught in, and there’s nothing especially useful about it, though it may seem urgent. If you’re in doubt about that, do a quick analysis. Much less is at stake than it may seem, and the real risk is getting caught in something that is none of your business. The Moon makes its way out to an exact trine with Mercury just past noon EDT, then a trine to Neptune at 8:21 pm EDT. Trust that there is something you’re not seeing to any emotional situation, and which will not be obvious until the Moon makes a conjunction to Saturn and a trine to Chiron Tuesday. The lure is that something really does seem to be at stake, that is, someone’s feelings — yet the message this chart keeps describing is that what seems to be ‘at stake’ is more like bait than something that really matters. Alcohol and jealousy make a mean combination. In matters of business, I suggest you put off important arrangements at least till Tuesday at 2:30 pm EDT, when the Moon has completed its conjunction to Saturn and is applying to the Sun. By then, you’ll know who and what you’re dealing with. For everyone: spend money in moderation this week. Save it for what’s necessary, and what you know will serve you, despite any temptation.

If you’re born with the Sun in Gemini, you have time to sign up for your Gemini reading and participate in the conference call that I’m hosting Tuesday night. You will get the full audio product, which consists of two astrology sessions and a tarot session, and then get to spend an hour in a live conversation with me. This is like nothing else in the astrology business — you will love it.

9 thoughts on “Scorpio Moon tells another story”

  1. Dear PW friends, please do keep my niece in your thoughts and prayers. Her name is Rhiannon, she goes by Nannon. Thank you so much.

  2. My niece, who is a Scorpio by the way, was arrested at her probation appointment today and now has a $50,000 bond. She’s got a long story–much of it not her fault–dad killed by a drunk driver when she was a pre-teen, a bipolar widowed mother unable to recover from her grief, who developed a sort of early onset dementia, too much money and not enough boundaries and supervision as a teenager, and eventually charged with misdirection of her mother’s funds and stealing from her mother. It’s heartbreaking, and now a bit more of the past has come back to bite her in the butt, a mistake, looking into affairs of finances involving her mother a year ago which she had been restricted from doing in the terms of her probation. She is still in her early 20s.

    I am quite sure she has not been able to tell us all of her story honestly. She has shared as much as she can, and over this past year or two, my daughter and I have worked hard to be supportive of her positive efforts and hold out hope that she will eventually be able to dig herself out of this hole. The offense she is currently in jail for is a year old. It seems a very big deal. I hope you are right and that it will go out with a whimper than a bang.

  3. We had some emotional drama in the family today. A baby boy born to my niece who is living in a polyamory family (she wasn’t the one trying to get pregnant). Baby was born with the cord around his neck, they had to bring in the crash cart, and he is currently in ICU. That retrograde Saturn in the 4th house is bothering me but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there is less at stake than appears.

  4. “You’re likely to wake up to a week that feels different compared to how the weekend felt”

    This couldn’t be more true for me. I woke up to a world in which all the holding back, receiving, waiting, looking for the opening, yin energy has come to an end. The dam has given way & life is flooding into every corner. Sigh. I knew that if I just held on, everything would come together. I tell you what, you got something that needs to be moved, Mars-Uranus does not fuck around. I’m officially a fan.

  5. I spent the weekend avoiding other people’s drama and allowing myself to spend too much money despite knowing it was a bad idea and being pretty calm about it.

    Then last night though it all started to upset me and I also got insomnia worrying about being inadequate. So it looks like now I need to avoid my own emotional drama.

  6. Work with the energies of the planets involved…work with each of them, and aim yourself at Moon conjunct Saturn, trine Chiron. With astrology, it’s definitely all a case of “use what you have to work with.” It’s pretty good stuff, if you recognize what is meaningless for what it is.

  7. What would you suggest we do if we can’t put work things off until Tuesday? Proceed with caution and know that things will shift and change in the next 24hrs (along with avoiding dramas)? I’ve been watching other people’s dramas, but have not gotten involved. Though I am amazed at what has been brought to the surface both externally and internally. Looking forward to Tuesday afternoon, feeling foggy today.

  8. Spent the night in intense dreams, including a bit about a woman I met by the ocean who had the ability to turn her arms into snakes. Woke up very clearly feeling the distinction between the sunshiney blip of goodness I’ll call this past weekend, and the week ahead. So much feeling going on right now- and it’s hard to put words to it (nor not to want to put words to it). Thanks for the reminders.

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