Special live edition of Planet Waves FM Sunday at 8 pm EDT

That was an awesome live edition of Planet Waves FM. I will be updating the daily later Monday. =efc

There will be a special open forum live edition of Planet Waves FM about Mercury retrograde. This program is free, but requires preregistration. You will receive a confirmation and then an email at about 6 pm EDT telling you how to take part. You may participate via landline, cell phone, Skype or live stream on the Internet (Flash capability required). The class takes place with Mercury out of bounds and the Moon void of course (square asteroid Ohpelia). This should be interesting.

2 thoughts on “Special live edition of Planet Waves FM Sunday at 8 pm EDT”

  1. Hobby Lobby’s anti-abortion stance in its legal battle was one avenue retrograde Mercury might take in his walk-back review. Another might be race issues, both of these possibilities were hinted at in the Sabian Symbols mentioned earlier. A major point Mercury will for sure be reviewing will be the duality of Edward Snowden as his natal Mars (conjunct north node) is in the degree where Mercury stations direct.

    Looking at the end of Election Day 11/4/14 in the U.S., transiting Mercury will conjunct trans. Rhadamanthus (here come the judge) both at 24+ Libra, and they will trine the degree of Mercury’s station on July 1, 24+ Gemini. However, these 2, trans. Mercury and Rhadamanthus will be square the U.S. Mercury at 24+ Cancer.

    Meanwhile the transiting Moon at the end of that day will be opposite Mercury at 20+ Aries. She will also be trine transiting Jupiter at 20+ Leo and quincunx transiting Saturn (24+ Scorpio) who is opposite transiting Sedna (24+ Taurus). Most important of all, she will conjunct the U.S. Chiron at 20+ Aries who opposes the U.S. Juno at 20+ Libra.

    It appears, based on the weight of “the People” (Moon) decisions made in favor of “the suffering (Chiron) individual” (Aries) slightly trump decisions made in favor of “the equal partnership” ( Juno in Libra). With transiting Saturn in Scorpio, being the Decider, and he is trine the U.S. Cancer Mercury (in the 8th house of shared resources and ruling the 7th house of partners) on Election Day and, in his opposition to trans. Sedna in Taurus (also sextile the U.S. Mercury), decisions regarding environmental issues will be stalled for a while. Your mileage may vary.

  2. As a matter of fact, the whole damn Mercury retrograde transit is interesting, and as usual, Mercury is connecting the dots to tell us and teach us, hopefully, in a conscious way. Mercury will start his retrograde in a standstill at the same degree as the U.S. Venus = Money, Value. He retraces his steps (degrees) back through Gemini to a degree that has been pushing for attention for quite some time; 24+ Gemini. This degree was featured in a lunar eclipse in 2011 when the eclipsed Moon (24+ Sagittarius) had a Sabian Symbol of a chubby boy on a hobby (lobby?) horse with a suggested keyword “FORSHADOWING”. This was for the eclipsed Moon, symbolizing something hidden at the time to be revealed later.

    The Sun in that lunar eclipse 3 years ago, was in the same degree where Mercury will end his retrograde and station (stationing is empowering and, being in it’s own sign, is additionally empowering, so Mercury is emphasizing something by his position). The symbol for that degree of 24+ Gemini is of a gardener trimming large palm trees. “PRUNNING” dead leaves is the keyword suggested here.

    In months on either side of this eclipse transiting Neptune entered the sign of Pisces, another transitional sign (mutable) and the chart for his 2nd entry held a T-square between the fast moving Moon, symbol of The People which was at 24+ Gemini (PRUNING). The Moon formed a T-square with Mars opposite Venus, with Mars at the same degree as the U.S. natal Neptune (hidden or veiled) 22+ Virgo. This symbol of a royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones carries a suggested keyword of NOBILITY.

    Opposite Mars in the Neptune ingress chart (2/3/12) was Venus and her degree (24+ Pisces) at that time bears the symbol of a religious organization overcoming the corrupting influence of perverted practices and materialized ideals, for which the suggested keyword is PURIFICATION, implying that the” soul can intervene in the personal life to induce necessary catharses”.

    All in all, this T-square being emphasized by Mercury’s present-day retrograde movement draws a line between the degree where he begins his retrograde, a degree that is conjunct the U.S. natal Venus + Karma at 3+ Cancer (symbolized by a cat arguing with a mouse and given the keyword of RATIONALIZATION) and ends with the degree symbolized with the keyword PRUNING.

    There were 2 eclipses – actually 3 eclipses – in the spring/summer of 2011, and the one following the above discussed lunar eclipse was a solar eclipse in Cancer. In both of these eclipse charts the degree (the same degree where the May 28, 2014 New Moon took place) was held by a personal planet; in the 2011 lunar eclipse of June it was Venus at 7+ Gemini and in the solar eclipse of July it was Mars at 7+ Gemini. These are the same two planets that were opposite each other in the Neptune ingress chart that formed a T-square with the Moon at 24+ Gemini (where the present transiting Mercury will station direct on July 1st).

    So, the degree of last week’s New Moon was at 7+ Gemini, the same degree held by Venus in one and Mars in the other of the 2 eclipses in 2011 discussed above. You may remember the Sabian Symbol for that degree was of aroused strikers surround a factory and it has a key phrase of REVOLT AGAINST PRIVILEGES. With multiple charts drawing attention to this degree and in all cases the degree was held by a personal planet, the writing (Mercury) on the wall (Saturn) seems pretty clear.

    That 3rd eclipse in the spring of 2011, a solar eclipse in Gemini at 11+ Gemini, might hold clues that pertain to today’s transits in that Saturn (the wall on which Mercury writes) was at 10+ Libra retrograde which is where transiting Mars is today and tomorrow. Today the Sun is again at 11+ Gemini, trine Mars just as it was in 2011 at the solar eclipse on June 1st. The Sabian Symbol for where Mars is today is of a professor peering over his glasses at his students with a keyword of INSTRUCTION. The symbol for the eclipsed Sun in the June 2011 solar eclipse (and today’s Sun) is of a negro girl fights for her independence in the city with a key phrase LIBERATION FROM THE GHOSTS OF THE PAST. That is Mercury’s lesson for today’s pondering.

    At the time of the solar eclipse (the 3rd of 3 eclipses) in July 2011, the Sun was at 9+ Cancer and the Sabian symbol for that degree is of a large diamond in the first stages of the cutting process. There is a keynote referring to it of “The arduous training for perfection in order to fully manifest an ideal.” The suggested keyword is CRAFTSMANSHIP, a perfect word to link Mercury’s execution of his retrograde period’s purpose.

    The Sun, when Mercury ends his retrograde, will be in the same degree of that solar eclipse in 2011 (where Saturn was in the same degree as today’s transiting Mars), and the same day of the month, July 1st. Mercury always has 2 or more objectives (one for NOW and another one for THEN), is always clever AND crafty, and we should watch him- FOLLOW THE DOTS – and learn. Thank you for your attention!

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