Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, June 1, 2014

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Gemini weekly for Sept. 1, 2002

Astrology Blog: The Oracle, Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes.

Have I said this before? Art is a huge risk, art, as in daring to express something you feel inside yourself, which by definition changes the world because it emerges from a unique inner place. So the necessary exercise of the hour is not studying the definition of art, but rather exploring the connection between your inner life and what you finally do express to the world. I work for many artists as their astrologer, and there is none that I know of for whom the process of expression is not directly and vitally linked to their journey of healing, integration and growth. Art is the expression, the definition process for, and the most daring test of the reality of soul. Let it take you to the edges of who you are, and, through what you create, you may relate that experience to the people with whom you share the world.

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1 thought on “Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, June 1, 2014”

  1. It may be that complicated, the process towards confident self-expression, and it may well be that those who need assistance getting integrated seek guidance from an astrologer, a psychologist, a shaman, and we all do need help now and then. But some are born integrated. They know who they are, even when young, and express themselves through their art, fearlessly.

    I don’t think that if one is an artist, one is necessarily struggling with themselves, as if it was a requirement, but then, they may not be crossing your path, and who does cross it are those who are working to integrate and heal. But then, I’m an Aries, and self expression comes naturally, and a Leo rising, so there is no fear, so self-doubt, for me, is like morning fog, quickly lifted, and surely there’s many fire sign artists who are the same way.

    “Art is the expression, the definition process for, and the most daring test of the reality of soul.”

    I’d also say that speaking one’s truth fits that bill. It doesn’t need to be expressed as art. The soul needs to be acknowledged. We can think it, feel it, speak it, write it, paint it, sculpt it, and live it, but ultimately, living our truth honors the soul best and most completely, as the thinking and feeling that is part of doing keeps us in constant contact with our center, and this art is the art of living true to oneself.

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