A Middle Way — Mercury’s Ingress to Gemini

Mercury enters Gemini at 10:57 am EDT tomorrow. This particular ingress to one of the two signs ruled by Mercury (the other is Virgo) appears to favor a middle way when thinking and speaking. Part of what implies a middle way is how Mercury will cross the mid-point between Jupiter and Uranus while leaving Taurus behind and attaining Gemini during the course of the day tomorrow.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In addition, Mercury’s apparent motion has just started to slow down after recently exceeding a clip of two zodiac degrees per day.

Besides anticipating another Mercury retrograde (beginning at 3+ Cancer on June 7), deceleration advises a trend towards circumspection regarding versatile Mercury’s earthly corollaries — thinking and speaking among them.

Finally, there is the matter of what aspects Mercury will make immediately after having crossed into mutable air. The first such aspect — a conjunction with asteroid 10 Hygiea just across Gemini’s threshold — will be essentially concurrent with both Mercury and Hygiea having opened a square (separation of 90 zodiac degrees) from centaur object Nessus. Nessus is hovering just inside of Pisces.

All in all, it’s a busy day for Mercury tomorrow, probably indicating the same for you. Which is all the more reason to manage your mind and mouth well.

Mercury at the mid-point of Jupiter and Uranus’ own slowly separating square brings to mind once again the grand cardinal cross of April. Yes, that again.

Even though the cardinal Libra retrograde of Mars has taken it more than four degrees away from opposition to Uranus in cardinal Aries, and even though Pluto’s own cardinal Capricorn regression has moved it more than two degrees from opposition to Jupiter in cardinal Cancer, the combined grand cross aspect may still be considered functional.

Since the apparent function of the grand cardinal cross of April was to encourage your advancement in some way, Mercury’s mid-point involvement implicitly indicates some sort of concluding lesson for you to discover.

Because Mercury is moving to split the difference between expansive Jupiter and impulsive Uranus, you may soon discover how awkward the results can be if you jump to conclusions or speak out of turn. It is not necessary or inevitable for you to embarrass yourself tomorrow, however.

Mercury is helping you to see ahead, to head off potentially inept thinking and clumsy expressions because it is slowing down.

Think of what usually provokes you to slow down. Whether you are driving an automobile, riding a bike, running or simply on a brisk walk, one reason to slow down is when you see something you may want to avoid in order to maintain your well being. It’s an image that segues nicely with Mercury’s first aspect upon entering Gemini.

Once in Gemini tomorrow, Mercury will conjoin with asteroid 10 Hygiea. Since the word “hygiene” derives from the mythical character after which the asteroid is named, Hygiea’s merger with Mercury implies how the middle way symbolically designated by Mercury in mutable air has something to do with thinking and speaking so as to take good care of yourself.

All of which brings up Nessus to complete a holistic picture of how to handle what astrology reveals is coming.

All centaur objects, including Nessus, require as part of their interpretation a holistic viewpoint. With the Gemini conjunction of Mercury and Hygiea also opening a concurrent square to Nessus, the implication is that you should slow down and pursue a middle way of thought and speech based on what you feel (or otherwise sense in your body) as well as what you see coming.

Therefore, even as busy as your day will probably be tomorrow, exercise due care. As fast as your mind may be moving for the rest of the week, slow down and think mindfully.

Finally, as powerful as the temptation may be to huff, puff and let holler, find a middle way. Look ahead and also feel out the situation so as to maintain your well being, and preserve an enlightened self interest before you express what may be errant judgement. Ultimately, what you didn’t do this week may end up being your greatest accomplishment. 

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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9 thoughts on “A Middle Way — Mercury’s Ingress to Gemini”

  1. Lunesoleil: Thank you for being so kind in your appraisal of my service. Thank you also for lending your learned perspective and cogent experience to the subject matter.

    Jann: Thank you for sharing how Mercury is transiting your nativity. Your experience brings to mind how the “horns” on Mercury’s glyph can become the focus. i hope it helps a bit to share that i have always considered the so-called “horns” to be in fact wings.

    muddpi: You are very welcome, and i agree with you about transition protocol.

    P. Sophia: Precisely, thank you, an inner alignment (as you put it) is absolutely essential right now. Thank you also for sharing your continuing discovery of (in your eloquent words) “the channeled symbol degree” – of which there is more than one set out there. Such symbols are very much like the “Daily Ericle” in how the words never cease to amaze and astound through their uncanny pertinence. i’m working on a theory about the subject of degree symbols, but not quite ready to share it.

  2. Len, great thanks to you for your continued offering and for continuing to help in opening and awaking us up!

    Yes we are looking into, the considered space between thought and action. And it seems it is commenced perfectly. Mercury was just square Pallas in Leo at 28+ degrees.

    Appreciate the forcast of Mercury’s path including the next retrograde, cause we will be our cruising the emotional tides of Cancer.

    Maybe this time, instead of floating around aimlessly in reaction to / where the outside currents try to pull, we may continue our learning to stay safely inner-aligned and navigate our own boat more freely.

    Mercury in retrograde motion as with his other backwards this year, in itself enough said, goes in the appearance of backwards…

    Taking Ryder’s Sabian this retrograde falls in Cancer, THE SPAN OF EXPANSION, opposite Cappricorn, SPAN OF ILLUSIVEness. Again, says much, in and of itself.



    The symbols speak of The social-ethical considerations and the externalization through individuals of the collective urges of the race. Foolish love for pleasure. Exploitation of self.

    This Mercury retrograde will station sandwiched between my North Node and MC at 1+ and 4+ Degrees and similar message the symbol brings.


    Dane Ryder’s interpretation speaks to the Individual being brought to account for his obligations to society. Curbed recklessness. Tragic escape from emptiness.

    I never quite fully grasped the channeled symbol degree, but now after our coming through this prevailing period of the last year, I believe it reinforces the Uranus -(Mars) Pluto – Jupiter Grand Cross and Cycle squares. In meaning..we cannot live centered, in Harmony from the value of outside, trying to keep up. This is the illusive haven and this upcoming retro will further illuminate.

    The value our attention gives to the outside (backwards) feeds in insecurity. This coping mechanism leads us to emptiness. It is broke. No matter, and particularly in spite of all that is going on in the outside world at this moment in time, the most pertinent work and attention is of our inner reflection and of perspective-objectivity, to shift appreciation of ego “worth” rightly center the light of ‘higher self’, to source from within.
    This is our time to reach for and hold onto the only real security there is and that comes from within. Times are of change for sure and Mercury is leading us in his path, the other planets, the elementals and our earth, our weather patterns, earthquakes, the whole cosmic universe is speaking, or lovingly screams to us.. “Hello, it is time to embrace and confidently live from our core!”

    With involvement we will start to see some promising creative action in August. With Mercury’s help, I think! : D

  3. Thank you for spotting this pattern, and synthesizing the information in to a useful form Len ! … this is good practical advice to always slow down in the transitions, listen, and walk softly. many thanks 🙂

  4. Thanks Len, I appreciate the feedback. I discovered this morning that the Sag Full Moon in June puts the Sun on my Mercury within arc minutes of exactness, staying patient when Mercury is so active in my chart and in the heavens will be an interesting challenge!

  5. Good cautions as I find myself in reactive mode instead of responsive. Old Fleetfoot is sitting on my MC, squaring the Nodes, and opposite natal Sun. . . Keep mouth shut, and fingers way from hitting the send key on emails. . .

    As ever, thank you dear Len, for words of moderation.


  6. The encounter of mercury and Hygiea goes in the same extension of my next article acec Venus, as what sometimes trust has intuitive instinct, apart from the study of the position of the planets it helps?

    A medium that gives the direction to follow, why no thanks Len for your astrological and human work ♡♥☆★♧♣◇◆□■○● 🙂

  7. be: Thank you for bringing your humor along with your trademark erudition and acute perception in your comment today. Excellent point about the Chiron-Chaos square serving as a sort of underscore – perhaps below the “hearing” threshold for others, but not you. i love the “autoship” example you gave – perfectly illustrating how the scarcity consciousness that can accompany Gemini and Virgo can “backfire” in (as you put it) stuff stacking up. You are a blessing beyond blessings, be!

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for doing the Gemini thing so well. i agree with your interpretation of how the transiting Mercury retrograde will impact your nativity. Please also remember one other little thing when that time comes – in the immortal words of the late, great astrologer Rachelle “Rocky” Gardiner: “Patience is the key to heaven.”

  8. Home Sweet Home! This Gemini native loves when Mercury returns to home base, especially because my natal Mercury is in Gemini too, nigh upon my midheaven. This year my mid-heaven is the starting point for the shadow period of the upcoming retrograde, and th point at which the direct station occurs. I feel this upcoming event will move me forward in big, big ways.

  9. Got it! Here I was thinking my problem(s) were solely attributable to Chaos (chaos) in Gemini square Chiron (pain) in Pisces which was exacerbating the problem of Jupiter (excess) in Cancer (home) square Uranus (unchecked) in Aries (me). Have you ever heard of “autoship”? It’s when you order a 60 day (or 90 or whatever) supply of something and the company then automatically sends you a new (re) order – even if you have forgotten all about it – and they automatically charge you for the new shipment that you forgot you were getting. Well, us folks under the influence of the sign Cancer don’t like to run out of essentials, so. . . . .

    Stuff can stack up.

    Now Mercury’s arrival in Gemini, it seems, is (already, in my case) on its way to squaring Nessus also in Pisces so there will be two (count ’em) TWO centaurs triggered to “awaken” me to blabbermouth double-talking phone addicted (personal) Venus’ over commitment to hygiene (hair and skin products, vitamins, etc.). Well, ironically enough, I had a dream about chaos (too much stuff) at a store checkout and I was running the risk of being over charged (charged again for items already purchased because of a 2nd clerk’s interference) and woke up in a cold sweat because it was all out of control! Bless you Len for spotting this pattern and making us conscious of how to handle it. It’s the middle way or the highway from now on!

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