Reflection — Venus Enters Aries

Venus initiates four weeks favorable for reflection upon ingress to Aries at 9:21 pm EDT tomorrow. A period of reflection is not the customary way of anticipating a Venusian traversal of Aries. Nevertheless, given the exceptional astrology you have just been through, as reflected in the exceptional April you’ve lived through, it appears appropriate to make exceptions to many rules now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Traditionally, a tenure of Venus through Aries is expected to be distinguished by self-involved predilections, prioritizing immediate gratification over what’s appropriate to the long run.

Traditional interpretations just don’t feel suitable now, however. It’s as if you may have somehow outgrown defaults and fall-backs recently, except as refuge from an emergent imperative of responding to the demands of living with unaccustomed improvisation. It’s no wonder.

It’s no wonder if you feel a difference now as compared to a few short weeks ago. In all probability you have recently experienced a period of rapid growth (with its attendant growing pains) after emerging from what can only be called a very special period.

The period we have just emerged from started on April 15 with Earth moving precisely between the light of an Aries Sun and a Libra Full Moon so as to precipitate a dramatic total lunar eclipse. It was the first of four such total eclipses in a row over the next two years, indicating a dramatic departure from customary patterns of the past.

The eclipse cycle begun on April 15 concluded just a few days ago (on April 29) when the Taurus New Moon moved precisely between Earth and Sun for a solar eclipse. The Taurus solar eclipse also appeared to be a point of departure by taking place in exactly the same degree of Taurus as another solar eclipse exactly 19 years before — an image of coming full circle if ever there was one.

Then, embedded in the eclipse cycle, was an exceptional combined aspect. Jupiter precisely (to the degree) opposed Pluto on the Cancer-to-Capricorn axis on the same day (April 23) Mars opposed Uranus to the degree on the Aries-to-Libra axis. Because Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are cardinal signs, they are by definition at right angles to each other on the zodiac circle. That means the two concurrent oppositions also constituted four square aspects — all exact at the same time.

Oppositions and squares have a bad reputation of being associated with discomfort. The bad reputation is not deserved. After all, it is precisely such disquiet that compels you to act, and in doing so to grow — thereby adapting to the inevitability of change, which is the only constant in your life on Earth.

Now Venus, the most highly reflective planet in the solar system, is about to retrace all that, as if in reflection. So, by implication, should you.

With its ingress to Aries, Venus will embark upon a series of aspects to Mars (opposition), Pluto (square), Uranus (conjunction) and Jupiter (another square), as if to retrace and reflect upon the grand cardinal square of April. Then, shortly before leaving Aries for Taurus, Venus will cross the axis of the lunar eclipse that started it all.

Hence, this will not be your customary Venus in Aries unless you choose to perceive it through stale custom. By the same token, neither will you be the same person you were before the lengthy initiation you have just emerged from — unless you refuse to release attachment to what you no longer are.

Even if you are presently too exhausted by your recent endeavors to appreciate how you have grown, you would do well to take it on faith that you have. Even if you are reluctant to cease being what you no longer are, your evolution cannot and will not be denied except to diminish what you have become.

That’s how you should take this particular passage of Venus through the fires of Aries in a whole new way. That’s how you should take the next four weeks to reflect upon yourself and your relationships.

If you can’t see it now, give it time. Give it the time that Venus in Aries this year marks out as a period when you will be able to see through your reflections a whole new way to apprehend, appreciate and affirm what you now are, after having gone through so much. It was worth it, and so are you.

Offered In Service  

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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9 thoughts on “Reflection — Venus Enters Aries”

  1. Yes Len a Venus of exception in Aries, I just read your article on my mobile with translator and gives me a little more time, normal Saturn retro squatting my Mars in Scorpio, it takes energy to exceed the limits, but why not life is a daily fight… ♡♥☆★♧♣◇◆□■○● 😉

  2. Venus in Aries inspires me a lot especially with its connection with Uranus and gives me the urge to leave the beaten track of the astrological dimension of the character to perhaps explore the dimension of the soul. ..

    Thanks Len for your article of Venus which home receives March retro ♡♥☆★◇◆♧♣□■○● 😀

  3. DivaCarla, be, cowboyiam (welcome!), Alex, P. Sophia, and marymack: Once again, obliged necessities took me away from the astrology i love at the end of last week. Please know i’m very grateful for your kind words and valuable contributions. May i be able to respond more promptly with my gratitudes and acknowledgements this week.

  4. me, too, I like the way you see the venus transit of aries … feels like the old stuff is burning away and what’s left is my child-self taking up the baton anew. it is a new day!


  5. Hi Len,

    I was listening to a dialog recording between Jim Self and Barbara Hand Clow the other night and they were indicating by the Grand Cardinal Square through early May it is such an opportune time to set your intentions and act. But quite honestly I am so pooped! This has been such an expansive period, processing so much energy during, that this week I have quite literally came to a stop/rest. I understand the implications and potential of the of astrological aspects influence of the square and cross you all have been pointing out, but was so glad yesterday morning to find your interpretation of Venus’ role in all this. I felt I had a hall pass to just reflect, still without all the opportunities passing me by. Although I did notice, one thing I acted on later yesterday gave me great enthusiasm and energy flow…but so much so, this morning I back to moving real slow. Working towards better alignment here..

    Thanks as ever Len for you message, input and support.

  6. Len, a most eloquent piece. Subtle too. You read something momentous here and your words resonate in the halls and chambers of my ever-meandering life path.

    Thank you!

  7. Len, that was an enlightened reading of what is being felt. Confirmation of my deepest faith. I am not performing – but allowing my becoming. I am not the judge – but the witness.

  8. I like the way you see this Aries transit of Venus Len. The mutual reception she will share with Mars, still retro in Libra, does seem to draw the traditional extremes of oppositions and polarization (Mars = masculine, Venus = feminine) closer to the center as both Venus and Mars review the recent flurry of events. Personally, I could have sworn it’s been going on for months (my sense of timing is shot) so I’m grateful you are keeping track of it for us.

    In fact, this whole period of Cardinal squaring and Water trining that pivots around Jupiter in the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer looks to be doing much the same; drawing away from the extreme polarization exemplified in such areas as bigotry, male superiorty, 1% vs 99%, depletion of earth resources vs. restoration of same, yadda yadda. I dare say that Venus (along with the Moon and other goddesses of old represented in astrology and myth), has an agenda, one that began almost 2 years ago when she occulted the Sun at 15+ Gemini, just as the Moon was occulting Pluto.

    Looking back at the chart for that event (June 5, 2012) the goddesses each had a territory marked out for reform; Pallas was conjunct Uranus in Aries and her agenda item was for a breakthrough in equal pay for women. Vesta and Ceres in Taurus were conjunct Sedna and trine Mars in Virgo whose agenda items involved reforms in food, earth and water resources. Opposite them and balancing the Scorpio-Taurus axis, Juno at 25+ Scorpio was holding space for the Sun in the full moon chart of November 17, 2013 as well as the territory Saturn would be (and has been) transiting since he stationed retrograde in March. Saturn will reach that degree in November. Whatever transformations the Moon made with her many occultations of Pluto will also need some reflection time.

    So no, I have no problem seeing Venus in Aries as a reassessment period. When Juno ingressed Aries in March she was at the apex of a yod with Pallas at 0 Virgo who sextiled Ceres at 1+ Scorpio and Vesta at 29+ Libra. The Moon at 10+ Aries was exactly conjunct Uranus and Venus at 27+ Capricorn nearing her long stay in Capricorn was conjunct the U.S. Sibly Pluto and square transiting Mars in Libra . No doubt there was some reviewing going on then and some readjustment too! It all makes sense when you can step back from the chaos and reflect on how far we have come. Many thanks for seeing things so clearly an sharing with us here at PlanetWaves Len!

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