Available for download: Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span


Carlos Cedillo is our Mayan astrologer. He’s taking the week off this week, and in lieu of his column, we’re offering a special free download of a compilation of articles that focus on the span of time from the Harmonic Convergence to the 2012 winter solstice.

The date 12/21/12 seems like the past — really, however, it was the entrance to the time we’re in right now, the 2012-era. This collection of essays and articles lives at the meeting place between Mayan astrology and Western astrology, and gives a meaningful picture of how we got to where we are today.

Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span” is an e-book compiling Eric’s writings on the 2012 phenomenon and the Mayan calendar dating back as far as 1987, and coming right up to 2011. Eric wrote of the project in March 2011:

“The articles in the collection are drawn from a number of sources, including Planet Waves and our various annual editions, as well as blog entries, my notebooks and one from an earlier book called 313. The book begins with a new piece that covers the history of the Harmonic Convergence and its possible influence on world events. I then present a retrospective of writing describing events that fit the pattern, either historic or philosophical, of how we approach the topic of irrevocable change. Even if you’ve read some of this writing before, the pieces will now come together when you see the ideas in context.”

You can access the PDF for “Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span” here.

1 thought on “Available for download: Light Bridge: The 25-Year Span”

  1. What A What A WHAT a time it’s been. Good GODDESS – quite a ride. THANK YOU for this gift <3

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