Long Live America’s Royal Family

Dear Friend and Reader,

“The King is dead, long live the King” is something that used to echo through the halls of fortresses, castles and inaugurations when monarchies played their most formidable roles in the shaping of human history. Basically, what it meant was that though the old king had died, a new king replaced him; if the king and queen were lucky or manipulative enough, it would be the king’s eldest/favorite son. It is an old addage handed down from the times when people believed that their kings were given to them by divine powers: their essence was immortal, though the body withered and died.

I thought about this when I read this article. Apparently, Caroline Kennedy is eyeing the soon-be-empty seat in the senate for New York. That’s right: when Hillary leaves, Caroline may grab the seat. This comes at a time when her uncle, Ted Kennedy, has been weakened by a brain tumor and may be thinking about what to do next. It could be a continuation of a legacy that began 56 years ago, when Caroline’s father, John F. Kennedy arrived in the senate as junior senator of Massachusetts.

I cast a noon chart for Caroline and took a quick look at it. She was born Nov. 27, 1957 in New York City. Her Sun is in Sagittarius and her Moon is in Aquarius, conjoined with Chiron. She has done a very good job representing her father’s work in a more intellectual manner, a very Aquarian trait: she is the founder of the Profiles in Courage Award which is named after a book her father wrote of the same name. It has been handed out since 1990. She named a US Navy aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy in 1967. She is currently the president of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library.

The dedication she holds for her late father is an inspiration to many people, though she has spent most of her life avoiding the limelight, though it’s had its more chellenging moments. You know that song that Neil Diamond sings, “Sweet Caroline?” That’s about her.

She also has Pholus in Aquarius. I’m not too sure about what this means, but it may suggest her role in the legacy of her family: that of sharing it with the greater community.

Another thing she is known for is her penmanship over civil rights issues. In my opinion, this fact reflects her Aquarius Moon quite well: the visionary grasp towards the tribe. She is also one of the group climbing the ladder of power to have Pluto in Virgo. Barack Obama has it and so does Rahm Emmanuel. While scouring the net for little tidbits of information to sew into the fabric of this entry, I found a small quote by astrologer Molly Hall regarding the energy of Pluto in Virgo: “The Pluto in Virgo group (born 1956 to 1971) seeks to transform society through grassroots change, helping others, healing systems that are broken.”

Sounds like something we need right now doesn’t it? I know we all will be keeping a close watch on what everyone in the places of power are doing (and we have already started). Let’s see if this opinion about Virgo-Pluto plays out. In the meantime, Caroline hasn’t said too much about whether her grabbing the hotseat is true or not.

We’ll see.

Merry Met,


2 thoughts on “Long Live America’s Royal Family”

  1. Much as I like Caroline Kennedy personally, I’m not sure the Senate is the place for her. My biggest concern is the fact that she’s a Kennedy, which makes her a MASSIVE target for Republicans. That’s not a reason in an of itself not to give her the job, but she has clearly avoided the limelight thus far in her career. Put her in the Senate and it’s open season on her entire life. The Republicans will eat her alive. My concern is that she has shown no aptitude or interest in fighting this decades-long political war, though has certainly a lifetime full of opportunity to do so. Yet now that a Senate seat has become available that she can be appointed to without running for office, she jumps at the chance to take it. Political opportunism is no sin in my book, but it concerns me that she is totally unprepared for the amount of fire she’ll be taking…and that this will reflect badly on progressives generally.

    While Caroline’s chart and life story has much in it that is praiseworthy, I’m not too thrilled about the proliferation of families in America that we think of as “royalty.” If she wants to run for the Senate seat and earn it, I would support her in a heartbeat, but I am very troubled by the appearance that this is just another case of aristocratic back-rubbing. Nepotism has become so commonplace in our politics that we now think of it as a good thing. I don’t.

  2. The first time I heard that Caroline Kennedy might just be interested in the senate seat, Vesta was (re)entering Aries. My feeling was that she (Caroline) would not let the memory of her father fade from history . . .even if it meant that she would have to step up to the plate herself. I think her dislike of the spotlight is legit, but being the last JFK child, and Uncle Ted’s light fading, she will carry on the Royal Family legacy, in the true Vesta “workaholic” style.

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