Part Two: Where is Flight 370? What is not being said?

Flight range map for a 777-200, factoring for detours and headwinds. The airplane will be within that circle, assuming it did not stop somewhere and refuel. Graphic by Lizanne Webb.
Flight range map for a 777-200, factoring for detours and headwinds. The airplane will be within that circle, assuming it did not stop somewhere and refuel. Graphic by Lizanne Webb.

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Here is a new edition of Planet Waves FM that advances my analysis of the chart for the missing airplane. I explain the chart below, however, I will give it a try in writing for those who prefer to read. I focus on the fact that this chart has Sagittarius rising, which is perfect for an international flight, as Sagittarius is the sign of things international and also associated with aviation.

That means Jupiter represents the missing airplane. It is in Cancer, and in the 8th house. Cancer is over water so we have the presumption of “death by water.” It is exalted (very happy) in Cancer, but the 8th is the house of death. It’s also the house of money. So the monetary value of the airplane is a question here.

Jupiter in Cancer in the 8th house can also represent valuable domestic trade secrets. Stolen airplane. Gee whiz. Of course it’s rather new and novel on this scale…

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. We find the Moon exactly on the western horizon, exact to the degree at the time of takeoff. So now the ascendant and its ruler, and the descendent (the western horizon or 7th house cusp) are involved. The Gemini Moon tells me a few things. It represents the contradictions in the story (two sides, who knows which is true), it represents the cycling version of events (the Moon cycles) and it represents something LOCAL. The plane is probably much closer to the takeoff spot than most are speculating.

The Moon looming on the horizon looks like a “ghost plane.” It is indeed what comes out of the 8th house, after Jupiter goes in. But it doesn’t look so dead…it looks transformed.

Following the rulerships, Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, the sign that the Moon is in. Mercury shows up in the 3d house — again, nearby. But Mercury is stressed; it’s about to square Saturn, and also Sedna (not shown) and oppose Atlantis. So there is something going on with that Mercury. It represents the truth, bound up in a quandary.

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, which is in Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, which is in Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus, which is in the 3rd house and that again says this airplane is nearby — closer than people think; whether it’s found is uncertain (mainly I see that in Neptune so prominently placed on the 4th house, a vast unknown).

I have a cold and I am running a little fever — sorry if this podcast is a little rambling.

Relevant charts are available for viewing here.

25 thoughts on “Part Two: Where is Flight 370? What is not being said?”

  1. Personally, I think you are right on target DeBellony. So much of what we see revealed in this chart (flight take-off) involves aspects between minor planets, or else major planets making subtle minor aspects. If we go back to the basics and accept that Jupiter – the undisputed ruler of the chart, having just stationed direct,
    and co-ruler (in a sense) of the IC along with Neptune whom Jupiter trines,
    and Neptune being exactly on the IC,
    and remembering Saturn being part of the grand water trine last year,
    and Mercury’s 3 retrogrades in water signs last year,
    it’s clear (to me anyway) that astrology is emphasizing the emotional wisdom of feeling (water). Without feeling, all the wisdom of the intellectual cognitive faculties alone can’t grasp the “awakening”. Hence we have this event of water, water everywhere. No trace, no real facts to go on; it’s exercise for the feeling faculties.

    I’ve not used the tri-decile aspect much but there is one between Jupiter and Mars in the take-off chart that just caught my attention today. It is formed with 108 degrees separating the two planets when exact and given a one degree orb for a non-exact aspect.

    There is agreement among astrologers who have used the tri-decile that it provides special gifts considered mystical by most of us when operating in the 3rd dimension. In Vedic astrology, as I understand it, this aspect incorporates yin and yang equally, or the Sun and Moon as symbols of them. It is one of the family of aspects that rise above the normal 4 elements of earth, water, fire and air to express its energy into a 5th element, ether.

    Mars in the take-off chart was (is) part of a group of bodies clustered around the (transiting) north node, the others being Vesta and Ceres, asteroids named for goddesses that embody feminine characteristics, long suppressed (or de-valued) in most cultures. This cluster around the NN is sextile another asteroid goddess, Pallas, and periodically another planet comes along and forms a yod with them. In the case of the full moon last Sunday, it was the Sun who completed the yod. The Sun symbolizes consciousness, right?

    If we can accept that a powerful (stationing direct) Jupiter rules the take-off chart for this missing plane and its passengers and crew; is in the 8th house of transformation, trines Neptune on the IC – with whom he has common ground (Pisces), then the story this chart tells us is about understanding (Jupiter) through feeling (Cancer) just how other dimensions (tri-decile) break free (Mars) of known boundaries (thank you Neptune in Pisces) into a balanced consciousness (Mars in Libra + Vesta and Ceres) revealing possibilities (north node) to ascend the discord (grand cross of April 23) perpetuated by governments (Saturn) squelching info and covering it up to mislead everyone (Saturn square Mercury the Trickster and opposite Sedna who sank into oblivion) in order to maintain the status quo.

    Indeed, this could be a (BIG) “part of some gradual process to awaken the masses”. So glad you brought it up.

  2. As I was listening to the latest edition of planet waves, I got an insight that maybe this incident is connected to the grand cross of April 23rd in that it won’t be long before the general public becomes aware of life on other planets. Maybe this is a multi-national ‘cover up’ because government officials of all of these countries have been contacted and told what to do, and what to say, by our alien brothers and sisters. It seems everywhere I look in the media, we are being prepared for this “public” awakening- the movies, the churches, etc. It’s no doubt that governments have already been aware and contacted and this could be part of some gradual process to “awaken the masses.” Just a thought.

  3. Aqueryass has honed in on a prime point; the magician’s sleight of hand. “We” are being manipulated (likely for our own good) by the cosmos. A large percentage of us have tired of reality and turn to drugs, TV and videos to escape it and to escape time the taskmaster. Neptune is the inspiration for all such escape.

    This mystery has brought so many countries together . . . Neptune plan A: Bring the People Together in a Neutral Space. Almost nobody desires to live in the sea full time except sea life, yet here we all are watching the seas. Kosmic Mind’s “there is a surreal quality to this story”, Lizzy’s “paradigm shift in how we perceive” gets to the core of why this has happened. Our desire to escape Saturn’s rigid forms and schedules; that which you can touch is real and makes you feel stable but it can also make you feel burdened. What you can’t touch is imaginary, right?

    I hear they have discovered that Mercury is shrinking. Is that a message or what?

    Neptune’s (sleight of) hand touches Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Moon (off and on) and Saturn right now. In a week or so Mars will come under that spell too. This puts it (Saturn time wise) right about when Mercury conjuncts Neptune in astrological terms, leaving only Venus and the Sun of the 9 major planets not being aspected by Neptune.

    Oh wait, Venus is presently 25 degrees from Neptune but by next Sunday she will be only 20 degrees from him and there is an aspect of 18 degrees called a vigintile, part of the same family of aspects as the one between Neptune and Uranus which confers the ability to transcend physical limitations.

    This means that by the time Mercury trines Jupiter and the Sun semi-sextiles Neptune, Venus will be under Neptune’s influence, along with Mars and all the others. If it seems surreal to us now, just wait. A little Neptune goes a long way. A lot of Neptune, well . . .

    Prepare to float like a butterfly as the old parameters (Sun through Pluto) begin to shape-shift and Mercury shrinks. From this deck on the good ship Earth there appears to be turbulent flow ahead.

  4. CNN had offered a brilliant graphical explanation for the “red” arc, that represents the plane’s LAST location from the last ping. Keep that in mind as you watch this:

    However, where do the other pings occur. This is what we are NOT being told! plotting those rings could lead to a flight path (trajectory). Why are we not being shown this? I believe they know where the plane went (north or south … which country).

  5. IMPORTANT: Pakistan is verifying that the plane did not enter its radar range or it would have assuredly scrambled fighters.

    India is temporarily suspending its search efforts until Malaysia communicates a redeployment.

    France is now sending investigators to join the team.


    Investigators are now saying that the last ping they received could have come from the plane ON THE GROUND (at 8:11am Malaysian time).

  7. Regardless of how this turns out, this WILL have impacted the world in much the same way that 9/11 did. We (yes WE) have been caught off guard and another slice of what innocence remained, has fallen off. For those who fly internationally, particularly in the eastern countries … and some who fly domestically, we will not board a flight withoutturning our heads left to glance into the cockpit, or see the captain board and wonder if he might have a hidden agenda. We will not feel the plane make a sharp turn and wonder if we are still on course. And to the extent that we have WiFi in-flight, we will be tracking the flight we are on. We will hope that every passport and credential (perhaps even retina and/or fingerprint scans) better identify who comes on board.

    Whether it has occured to you yet or not, this was another paradigm shift in how we live in this world and how we perceive it from a safety perspective.

    In the words of Miss Hermione Granger:

  8. Pam (et al) … could be north or south. I am not favoring one or the other at this point. There are pros and cons to each although there are 2 very large cons relative to going north. 1. areas of regional conflict and terrorist groups. 2. Flying over the Himalayas at night, at 23K+ feet.

    In the end, I simply hope that the plane was LANDED (as I continue to believe) and that the passengers can be saved.

    Also, I think that the investigators have much more information than they are disclosing publicly … this is so they will not tip their hand and maintain a chance at rescuing the passengers.

  9. This is a fascinating discussion. As Eric mentioned in the podcast, the moon in Gemini on the Descendant speaks to two stories. Perhaps there are half truths being told to the public, aka lies. Neptune on the IC, once again the disillusion at the very base of this mystery. Masterfully this appears to be some kind of aviation sleight of hand. While the world is immersed in this mystery, I can’t help but feel our attention is being held here while somewhere else a story is brewing.

  10. I gave this study a day of rest yesterday and this morning (like the plane itself) it has shifted direction, still starting with Sag rising with Jupiter the ruler, now adding in Jupiter’s exact conjunction with Cyllarus the centaur in Cancer. Somewhere I read (Melanie?) it’s been suggested that Cyllarus and Hylonome, his wife/lover should be read together.

    Hylonome is conjunct the Galactic Center (the Universe speaks) at 27 Sagittarius as is Amycus, another centaur. Phil Sedgwick says of Amycus (under Mundane heading) he is associated with any mechanical device that enables a shift in energy, for instance a clutch for shifting gears. .) Eric points out that the way centaurs die is relative to how they are interpreted. Cyllarus died in battle or “out of the blue” by a spear. His mate killed herself over grief of his loss. I don’t recall how Amycus died.

    Everyone seems in agreement that the people on board have stories to tell and when we learn more of what was happening in their lives the pieces will come together. As to how we find the plane itself, a little knot of aspects play with themes that take coincidence to a whole new level.

    Starting with Neptune conjunct the nadir/IC who rules the 4th house (at the bottom as in Pisces, the sea) square Siva in Sagittarius (the Far East per Martha Lang-Wescott) and opposite Sphinx and Orcus in Virgo. Sphinx keeps secrets and tells riddles, while Orcus is named after a god of the underworld, but is also associated with orcas who search for food using their sonar abilities. This T-square in Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius leaves the open leg in Gemini where there can be resolution of conflict.

    Midpoint between the Moon (7+ Gemini) and Asbolus (0+ Gemini) might offer a start so by combining the Moon’s thoughtful (airy Gemini) reflective quality with Asbolus’ “intuitive Auger” quality we get 2 (Gemini) possibilities. As it is spelled on Phil Sedgwick’s site, with a “e”, auger is a drill that bores holes. Spelled with a “u” however, augur is divination, an interpreter of omens. We need to resolve the riddle of drilling holes in the underworld (or intuiting where they should be) by balancing (opposition) it with the foggy sea bottom, all while being challenged by the Far East.

    Icarus in myth had a father who bore a hole in a convoluted sea shell to win a prize. The trick was to run a thread through the shell so Icarus’ father tied the thread to an ant and the ant started at the open end of the shell and came out the bored hole at the other end with the thread. Unfortunately, dad’s man-made wings could not keep Icarus aloft and he fell to his death.

    All was not in vain though because this chart’s centaur Icarus in Pisces trines Saturn in Scorpio who provides some solid structure, even in deep water. Icarus also squares Pholus in Sagittarius, who conjuncts Baccus and Cupido in the first house, suggesting some hanky-panky going on in the cock-pit. Pholus and friends are trine Phaethon, another father’s son allowed to fly without experience, resulting in his death. Phaethon was conjunct Eris who loves to lead men astray.

    So at least we know that some of the search party is using sonar (as suggested by Orcus) and the lifestyles of the pilots are being scrutinized. What holes have been bored and why remains to be seen. Here’s a thought. Nessus in Aquarius (bad blood going back in generations; cutting the ties that bind) is conjunct Pandora (opening something that should have been kept shut) and Arachne (spins an intriguing web) all in the same (last) degree of Aquarius are opposite Pallas the Planner in Leo. Do you suppose that some on board that plane had their own plan that was thwarted by Pallas, or vice-versa?

    So many clues, such slow going. There might be a reason for that. Today’s Full Moon in Virgo opposite the Sun (consciousness) and Salacia (salt water, calm water), when combined with the chart’s Pallas sextile Mars (drill?)+Vesta (investment?)+north node (opportunities?)+Ceres (feed the multitudes or something stolen from) form a sloppy boomerang, all of which express through the Full Virgo Moon. The full moon’s Sabian symbol of ladies meeting at a court function caused Dane Rudhyar to write this about it: “Our over-individualistic and confused new generations find it valuable to study Japanese tea ceremonies, flower arrangement, judo, etc. The undisciplined need to learn REFINEMENT.

    Back to the drawing board.

  11. While you were sleeping … Notes from the 5:30pm Malaysian Time (6am ET) press conference.

    1. There is a Chinese passenger of interest.

    2. The flight simulator was dismantled and brought to a location where it is being looked at by experts.

    3. The flight was NOT over-fueled.

    4. This could not be a “ghost plane” situation because the plane was manually turned west exactly at the point the flight would have been handed off to Vietnam air control. This was deliberately to disappear.

    5. There are now 25 nations involved in the investigation.

    6. The northern route is still being given equal importance to the southern route.

    7. The pilot and co-pilot did not request to fly together. Being together on this flight was randomly scheduled.

    8. They are looking into engineers who might have been in contact with the plane before this flight.

  12. Excellent points and final question, Len. I am asking myself the same question, or rather, what is the motive? What would provoke the need for such an extensive cover-up from the governments involved? Liz’s theory is interesting; I was not aware of the homosexual aspect of the story. Intriguing indeed. But, I am drawn to Uranus square Jupiter quite profoundly. What is this “lightening strike” from out of the blue, as Len described?

    Saturn retro in the 12th house is definitely pointing the finger toward an inside job. But why? The mystery deepens. Neptune is indeed a potent force here. There is a surreal quality to this story, a sense that alternate realities are somehow involved. It is also interesting (perhaps only coincidental) that the location of “last contact” just happens to be approximately the same location as a mysterious grid point located along the World Grid–a geometric map that covers the planet, indicating “paranormal” hot spots and places of strange phenomena including the disappearance of ships and aircraft.

    See link for further, brief explanation and image:

    It is an interesting subject. Without going too far out there, hypothetically, I will just say that there is something strange associated with these areas of the globe and who knows what is really going on there (the Bermuda Triangle is one such location). Many government bases also happen to be located on many of these points. Wormholes, anti-gravity vortexes (levitating objects into space), time warps, etc., are all the various speculations and theories associated with them. Just another Neptunian dimension to contemplate.

    Of course there could just as well be a very logical and reasonable explanation, such as the theft of the plane catalyzed by some political motive. I suppose time will unveil the truth or one perception of the truth, perhaps there are many….

  13. be: Thank you for bringing up Jupiter square Uranus. Perhaps the most crucial aspect of the takeoff chart. The implication of a bolt from the blue (literal or otherwise) is inescapable with Jupiter square Uranus. Saturn in the 12th house is also key – indicating an inside job (also, an indication that most of the major nation-powers know darn good and well what happened, and where the the airplane is, but are maintaining a poker face). Presuming we are not looking at the cabin(s) depressurizing, killing everybody on board, leaving the “ghost plane” to fly for hours until running out of fuel, we have one big question: What in heavens name could be so valuable as to provoke imposed blindness and implied bluff?

  14. Stolen is a much better term (which I was using in the beginning). I don’t understand why police went to Zaharie’s home Tuesday but didn’t enter until yesterday. That’s nuts!

  15. There is no evidence whatsoever that this airplane did anything but land. Hijacked is too broad of a term, I think — stolen is more like it. This is not a typical hijacking of the “give me $1m and fly me to Cuba” style.

    It is amazing they did not go right to that simulator.

  16. Thanks Len!

    As I’ve been sharing with Eric since Monday … I have felt the flight was hijacked. I now believe it was Zaharie. My one hope is that Zaharie stayed true to his nature which is kindness toward others and that the passengers are found alive. I don’t think he counted on the engine reports being trackable. I think that a search of his simulator will yield the path he took.

    I think it is possible that Zaharie is a repressed homosexual (illegal in Maayasia). Only 2 days before, the opposition leader was jailed for homosexuality. I think doing this had been a revenge fantasy that he put in motion in response to the jailing.

    I can’t imagine anyone being so cooky as to think they can fly above the Himalaya at 23K+ in the dark. So hopefully another country will come forward with reliable tracking data that will allow triangulation and know whether he went north or south. But I think he went south. I think he landed somewhere unexpected.

  17. I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, but I want to say that the first thing this brought up for me is “the lost airplane” as a plot line in movies and television. It feels like “Is this really happening? Oh, it’s just a television show.” Like Lost or The Twilight Zone. I literally grew up with this fiction/reality/fiction/reality present on the television. It’s easy to get lost in the Neptunian fog and feel like it’s all a movie rather than a reality we should pay attention to.

  18. I would like to see a passenger list! Perhaps there were more than two strangers on board. I heard about an alternative energy company having lots of employees on that flight. I have nothing to back it up yet but I feel that is an area that needs looking into.

  19. 12 House (secret enemies) in secretive Scorpio with Saturn at 23 degrees 18 minutes might have a Jin Shin Jyutsu clue. Safety Energy lock #23 symbolizes the Capt of the Ship.
    18 is the sum of the 2 locks that open #23 which are #5 + #13 = 18.

    For my own reasons I was keeping an eye on what might happen in my own life w Saturn at 23/18. Especially at 1:14 am EDT Tuesday 3/11 with a trine of Sun/Moon/Saturn. (For me it seemed to be food poisoning ). My point is that I’d flagged it in my calendar, days earlier as “something wicked this way comes”.

  20. A new theory reported (CNN) was about great big lithium batteries which could have exploded in the cargo compartment. I like your idea about the ruler being in the shared money house; it brings an image of money, gold or something of value that belongs to someone else stashed somewhere on the plane.

    Mercury could be nervous too because he is in a septile aspect (unpredictable) with his “higher” octave Uranus and Uranus squares Jupiter. If Uranus caused an explosion (theoretically) and he being in the 5th house ruled by Mars who is square Vulcanus (both with connections to Venus) also in the 8th house it could affect the outcome (Mercury rules the 10th house too).

    There must be some fear associated with the lack of experience in whatever is going on; Phaethon is conjunct Eris and Icarus is square Pholus. Anything could happen and probably did.

  21. Thank you for this brilliant piece of work, Eric. Hope you feel better soon.

    Thanks also to Liz for the great map graphic!

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