The Moment of Astrology: Geoffrey Cornelius Interview


Note: Eric will be back on track with a new Planet Waves FM broadcast tomorrow, focusing on the Aries equinox. In the meantime, I’m re-posting this fantastic interview with Geoffrey Cornelius from last week. His workshop in NYC is this weekend; see details at the link below if you’re interested. — Amanda

Link to Program

In this special edition of Planet Waves FM, I’m presenting a conversation with Geoffrey Cornelius, author of The Moment of Astrology. I think this may be the best book about astrology ever written, because it takes into account how the mind and astrology work together to present a cohesive picture of the universe. Geoffrey will be presenting a workshop in New York City the weekend of March 28-30, and then a retreat in upstate New York the following week. For additional resources please see the full post.

1 thought on “The Moment of Astrology: Geoffrey Cornelius Interview”

  1. Thank you for broadcasting this interview, Eric. It’s the best discussion since your Melanie Reinhart interview.

    Hey, has anybody noticed how Geoffrey Cornelius holding forth regarding (as Eric put it) “how the mind and astrology work together” correlates with the description of “weaving” used by Carlos Cedillo in his Planet Waves today?

    It can’t be a coincidence. Great minds (Geoffrey and Carlos) think alike, and only here on Planet Waves do they come together. Avail yourself of this bounty on the even of tropical astrology’s new year (with thanks to Eric for brining it to us).

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