Structure and Intent — Sun Trine Saturn

Symbols of structure and conscious intent connect Thursday at 5:15 pm EDT. The Pisces Sun will represent how consciousness both illuminates and propagates intent. Retrograde Saturn will offer its proficiency for proliferating structure. Finally, the emblematic form of water will be the means through which the widely separated Sun and Saturn support any efforts you may make to collaborate in kind.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Figurative and perhaps even literal water will define the means by which the Sun and Saturn correspond on Thursday, because both Scorpio and Pisces are water signs.

Some systems of ancient natural science considered water, along with fire, earth and air, to be elements that combined to constitute everything else. Tropical astrology still uses the same four elements to both distinguish and correlate the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Among the most meaningful correlations is between signs that share the same element as part of their identity. Because four divides into 12 evenly three times, there are three signs corresponding to water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). The same is true for fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) and air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius).

On a zodiac circle any three signs that have the same element in common are distributed evenly, 120 degrees apart, forming the points of an equilateral triangle. That’s how we get the word “trine” to describe any aspect represented by two or more objects in the same degree of different signs that share the same element.

A separation of 120 degrees on a circle is quite a distance. Yet, with the possible exception of a conjunction (which is two or more objects sharing the same degree of the same sign), trine aspects are considered the ultimate connection. Such is the powerful role elements play in astrology.

Trines symbolically conduct the energies of widely separated objects or points through the medium of a common element. It works much like how electricity is effectively conducted through metal wires from where it is generated to where you are now.

What the Sun conducts through any trine aspect is its correspondence with illumination and connection with consciousness, an interpretation as natural and intuitive as being awake during the day.

Flowing from the watery and mutable realm of Pisces, the conveyance of solar consciousness takes on a cumulative and passionate nature invested with a predisposition towards change, which is one way of describing the power of intent.

Intention alone, even as powerful as it is, seldom results in definitive or lasting change by itself. Practically speaking, both sharp definition and durability require some sort of structure, which is where Saturn comes in.

Saturn, unlike the Sun, moves slowly through both the zodiac and the sky. Hence, while the Sun is known for the light it sheds over the course of a day, Saturn is most often remembered for the structure, form and order it leaves over years — a predilection reinforced by its current regression through the fixed waters of Scorpio.

Connecting deeply felt but all-too-often ephemeral intent with fervently deliberative pedantic preferences is thus one thing Thursday’s trine from the Sun to Saturn implies. The Sun, just as it does in your everyday life, has the potential to motivate. Saturn, in turn, has the potential to extend motivation into discernible results. But like all of astrology’s events, potentials can only be realized through you.

In order to make the most of Thursday’s potential then, contemplate your most heartfelt intentions now, and select what you would most like to manifest into reality. Then over the next few days channel your passions toward an objective. If you do it well enough, the objective itself will become a passion that will last more than a day and result in more than a feeling. It’s worth a try, and at the very least, your endeavor will give you a taste of what it means for your intent to be connected with the structure of the cosmos.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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7 thoughts on “Structure and Intent — Sun Trine Saturn”

  1. It helps has delay when Saturn receives a peacemaker aspect, the experience is opposite Neptune that can sidestep in the jar and can soften a sad square
    (Merci / Thank You Len šŸ™‚ ))))))))))))))))

  2. be, Bette Loreen, Chief Niwots Son, and P. Sophia: You humble me with your acknowledgements of how my service is useful to you. My greatest (perhaps only) hope is for my service to be useful, and you have realized that hope in your words. Thank you so very much!

  3. Astrologically, speaking with natal Chiron there, loosely conjunct Sun, at 18+ Pisces, is also Trine natal Sun 24 Cancer, to natal Pallas at 18+ degrees. Here’s the water element…tears of joy!

  4. Thank you Len for voicing and bring clarity of this aspect to us. I am such a visual and feeling person so seeing the intellectual mind angle really helps complete the whole.

    The vision of a creative project I am working on and implementing it’s structure in great energy is really pushing through for me today. It’s interesting some of the old information (pattern structure) and outer power / control issues are surfacing ‘trying’ to dampen, but with such confidence is my conviction internally it more of an objective stance / perspective I am seeing it from a different angle completely and consequently, I am not getting drawn in.

    Quite the reverse I am feeling a real growth and empowerment of acknowledgement of my inner source, talents and what I have to contribute. Needless to say, it feels an incredible energy, some, maybe most may have been lucky to feel this gift their whole lives, but for me (considering my ancestral history) this is new and very good for me.

    Thank you for your bit, in being and holding up one of the most positive mirrors to me!!

  5. I like this one Len- structured intention. One might say this is the root of ritual, of magick, or healing. I will be using this idea for a work project that begins tomorrow, thank you for highlighting this piece of wisdom.

  6. Thank-you, Len. There is much food for thought for me with the upcoming aspects, as transiting rx Saturn is on my 5th house Venus, & with the sun in Pisces now, it forms a grand trine to my rising Saturn in Cancer (also rx). So my 1st, 5th & 10th are emphasized, which is interesting, as I’ve just finished a major art project (a mural for a public building) & am now setting my intentions for the work I want to do in coming weeks.

    I’ve been reflecting upon the need to both take my work seriously AND lighten up & remember that a good part of creative “work” requires “play” – & rising Saturn can get so darned serious that I’ve often said that in trying to get grounded, I end up mired!

    Natal Saturn squares my Jupiter/Chiron conjunction in Libra (also 5th) – one of my lifelong challenges has been to try & balance the Jupiter optimism with the Saturnian prudence. One of the tasks of my 60’s seems to be to cultivate a balance, rather than tipping back & forth between extremes, which was my pattern in younger years – & quite exhausting.

    I’m feeling that the current astrology offers support for that, & I am listening carefully for my intuition to lead. Thank-you so much for offering guidance & inspiration!

  7. Thank you Len, just your words have had a focusing effect on me. I’m going to use this Sun trine Saturn energy to focus on a visit from my family next month. As it is, my thoughts, energy and resources are quite scattered these days and, rather than waiting until the last week to get everything ready, I will make their visit my priority.

    I also noticed that the transiting Sun will be just a couple of degrees from a conjunction to my natal Saturn when they are scheduled to arrive. Time to reign in all this Pisces energy and come up with a plan. Oh cool. . . Pallas is trine my Saturn!

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