13 Flint/Mirror: “The Establishment of the World Took Place”

By Carlos Cedillo

Last week I discussed Hun Came (Kah-Mae), 1 Death, the Lord of the Mayan Underworld, and mentioned how we would be going through tests of the underworld from Feb. 20 (1 Death) to March 4, 2014 (13 Flint).


This week we complete our underworld journey and return to establish a new World.

7 Road, today, is the midpoint of 1 Death and 13 Flint. Destiny can be sealed now. It was a 7 Road day on March 10, 2004, when President Bush’s White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and Andrew H. Card Jr., chief of staff, went to Attorney General John D. Ashcroft’s hospital bed in the middle of the night. The two Bush aides tried to persuade Ashcroft to renew the authorization of the NSA surveillance program, after Ashcroft’s deputy James B. Comey and other Justice Department officials had said they would not certify the legality of the effort. Ashcroft refused, according to the Washington Post. Let us master our own destinies. Abolish the NSA!

8 Reed is a very strong masculine energy. This Thursday could be a very lucky day like Valentine’s Day 2014 was, as long as you play by the rules. Feb. 14, 2014, was 8 Ahau, a strong light. Reed energy is where the laws of heaven and the laws of man intersect.

9 Ix/Jaguar, this Friday, is “where the food of divination is obtained.” This would be a great night to explore some of Mother Nature’s delightful healing agents!

10 Eagle is Saturday. It was a 10 Eagle day Oct. 10, 2002, when the U.S. voted to go to war with Iraq. Let’s try envisioning a peaceful, abundant world for everybody this time. OK?

11 Owl day, Sunday, we should receive a message from the Lords of the Underworld. Visit a sacred site and meditate on changes we must make in this world.

12 Earthquake, Monday, it’s all becoming clearer. “Earthquake” energy is much akin to Reggae music. I think this would be a good time for changes in American attitudes about pot. Legalize it!

13 Flint/Mirror, Tuesday, the Chilam Balam (Jaguar Prophet books) say this is the day that “the establishment of the World took place”. Laissez bon temps roulez!

Aho Mitakuye Oasin! (To all my relations!)

For private Maya tzolkin readings, contact Carlos at cosmicjaguar@yahoo.com.


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1 thought on “13 Flint/Mirror: “The Establishment of the World Took Place””

  1. Thank you Carlos, I am pleased to be walking through another doorway into the Mystery. I have always blocked my interest in the Mayan culture because I believed it to be too complex, complicated. You are opening new vistas for me. I like the structure of this post, and will commence sitting with your daily suggestions.

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