Full Of Something — Leo Full Moon

Anticipate being full of something during tomorrow’s Leo Full Moon at 6:53 pm EST. It won’t just be you either. Before you chalk it up to chocolate, consider astrology. This will be one of the most aspected luminary oppositions in recent memory.

Astrology by Len Wallick

More than a dozen planets, points and other objects will align meaningfully and prominently with the Aquarius Sun and/or Leo Full Moon when the two greater lights face off from opposite sides of the zodiac and the evening sky. Each of those numerous aspects will, in turn, almost certainly correspond to some person, event or thing in your life that somehow becomes meaningful and prominent sometime around the Leo Full Moon.

That’s how it stands to reason that a cornucopia of people, events and/or things will, rightly or wrongly, become associated with the luminary opposition, and each other, tomorrow. Whether the associations are valid or not, there are bound to be a lot of them, hence the anticipation of being every bit as full as the Moon.

A lot of associations means a lot of choice regarding what to focus on. Realizing that you have a choice will be the key to how the next few days fill out for you.  

Of course, Valentine’s Day is full of baggage for many people in many ways. You know very well how Valentine’s Day works for you, so use that information today. Set your intent now to say ‘no’ to negativity and fill up only on the best tomorrow has to offer. Just be careful not to overdo anything.

Overdoing is a potential with any Full Moon. The luminary opposition across the zodiac and the visual appearance of a Full Moon both correlate with a maximum of some sort. Knowing that, consider another worthy focus — alternatives to excess. Avoidance is not necessary. Denial will not be called for. Just stay in touch with the concepts of ‘enough’ and ‘when’ so as to leave room for more.

Leaving room for more will be an excellent practice for the next few days. Being full of anything, good or bad, leaves no room for more. Given the dozen or more aspects the Sun and Moon will be taking during their opposition tomorrow, there are potentially more meaningful and prominent associations coming your way than you can possibly anticipate or identify. So choose carefully and conserve of yourself.

Conserving of yourself need not entail being alone. With the gregarious Aquarius Sun being fully reflected back from the leonine sign that loves the limelight best, do your best to be fully with the light others offer at week’s end.

While in the company of others, behold their being without wanting them to be more, and fill yourself with wonder as you fill the world with the sort of love that leaves everybody wanting more. If you can do that, just that, you will have fulfilled this Leo Full Moon’s highest promise the best possible way.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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15 thoughts on “Full Of Something — Leo Full Moon”

  1. Daniel: Thank you. You have a good point. As the Moon goes, so go things related to the Moon (its nodes, its apogee, etc.), especially if separate lunar events are auspiciously synchronized. In this case, we have a Full Moon just as the mean lunar node and the mean lunar apogee are both (separately and simultaneously) moving from one field of expression to another and one week before a lunar occultation (eclipse) of Saturn. It is a though the Moon is taking on a new role, subtle though it may be, and/or entering a new amplitude of expression to anticipate this year’s eclipses. So, yes, perhaps a heightened focus and intensity, maybe just a shift of focus that seems intense for the cumulative cachet that both an anaretic location of two separate lunar-related points and the timing of of the Moon’s opposition to the Sun both carry. This combined phenomenon bears watching, but i’m not sure it can bear prediction except to say there is more a sense of gradual bridging than abrupt departure involved given how the true nodes (and apogee) actually oscillate and settle into their new signs over time. i hope you find my answer satisfactory.

    Patty: Thank you again for being so kind. i’m not worthy of being compared to a great spiritual figure, but if my words somehow reflect his greater light (however dimly) it is a gratifying assurance to receive.

  2. I was hoping you would get it Len. James is the one who reminds us that failing to love thy neighbor is equivalent to murder. I think it certainly kills your own soul, and truly, that is what brings us back over and over reincarnate. I will clip your sentence, “While in the company of others, behold their being without wanting them to be more, and fill yourself with wonder as you fill the world with the sort of love that leaves everybody wanting more.” Love everyone; don’t discriminate.

  3. Hi Len,
    I have a question that I hope you could shed some light on. I have been thinking that this Full Moon’s strength is running parallel to the completion of the North Node in Scorpio on Feb 18. Both seem to have culminating themes. Would you agree? Is the end of the North Node transit something that brings a heightened focus or intensity? Then days later, the Sun joins Neptune for what feels like a beautiful respite.

  4. susyc: One of the best Valentine’s poems ever! Thank you.

    Patty: Thank you for being so generous in your appraisal.

    Lyd: You are very welcome.

    Salamander: Worry not. Your awareness will get you to what you want to be and where you want to go. We know from what you have shared to have faith in you.

    be: Thank you for picking up on the Saturn aspect to the Full Moon. And yes, of all the places to have a sinkhole just open up – a Corvette Museum? All those Corvettes just swallowed by the Earth – auspicious or what? Once again you have astutely located the pulse of the astrology in world events that say more than words alone. We are so grateful for how you combine erudition and observation!

    Chief Niwots Son: It is a joy to know my service has been useful in helping you to juggle the details. Thank you for sharing how it is working out for you.

    sina: Happy Valentines Day to you in return. It’s gratifying to know my words have come in handy for you.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for your kind words, and for sharing how you have advanced your work in good timing with the Full Moon.

    Strawberry: Those are some mighty powerful transits you are taking. Kudos for how very well (brilliantly well, actually) you are taking them! Finally, thank you for your kind support!

  5. …and BML is one arc minute off of my Sun. That’s very interesting. Seeing the Lilithian rage through the lens of this powerful emotional stability. Very, very interesting. I am really looking forward to exploring Saturn’s retrograde this year. The preludes I’m glimpsing of it are indeed promising. Because the authority really is starting to feel like it’s coming from within. Extraordinary.

  6. Wow, I hadn’t appreciated how this Full Moon is happening as Saturn is exactly conjoined–to the arc minute–my Moon. It feels like being powerfully anchored in an emotional stability I’ve never known. Lovely.

  7. Like the so-called Len planets are aligned and the full moon on my axis of the Lunar nodes, I just live a record on WordPress launched n ° 1 in articles headlights, a first since the creation of my blog
    Excellent full moon and good feast of Saint Valentine’s day to all 🙂

  8. “While in the company of others, behold their being without wanting them to be more, and fill yourself with wonder as you fill the world with the sort of love that leaves everybody wanting more.” What wonderful message, Len! Just what I needed to hear and keep in mind this weekend.

    I’m currently going through a separation with my husband which I did via a letter he received right when Mercury reversed, and he (Gemini Sun) is taking it very hard, begging me for yet another chance, while he was the one who left me, despite my begging him not to go, in August last year!! So the reminder to treat him with “heart” is powerful, as right now, I want to tell him to “suck it up” as I had to when he left, once again!
    As a Leo sun myself, I really feel this is THE full moon of my year, giving me permission to be exactly as I am, no more, no less, and allowing all others the same respect, including my ex. It’s a freeing moment!!
    SusyC, your poem brought tears to my eyes too!
    Be, thanks too for always revealing another layer or two to the astrology of the day – it’s so appreciated.
    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone who visit Planetwaves – if we really look, we are all surrounded by love in some form or another! Don’t forget to share it around 🙂
    In love and light,

  9. In anticipation of the full moon today was full of Mercury retrograde which began in Pisces. I discovered that accommodations for a trip next week are unavailable due to water damage taking out part of the roof of my friends house. So I went into full scramble mode to make necessary changes (it’s a biz trip), including some redundancy while I sort out details. So now where things had been set, my life is now full of juggling details, which means lot’s of phone calls and emails because Mercury hit Aquarius again, so electrical communications are full. And as you prognosticated Len, I am having to be in touch with many people about many different points in the symphony.

    I wonder what tomorrow will be like?

    Len- thanks for explaining today.

  10. One of the aspects to the Full Moon tomorrow will be Saturn in Scorpio forming a T-square to it. Tuesday the Sun was exactly square Saturn and later Ceres was conjunct the north node at 1+ Scorpio and they were trined by Mercury retrograde in Pisces. The next day, yesterday, the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Ky. fell into a sink hole. We could say that Mother Earth (Ceres) was providing an opportunity (north node) to rethink (retrograde) automobiles (Mercury) and become conscious (Sun) of how they are depleting (Saturn) our future (Aquarius) resources (Scorpio).

    Today, Thursday, 80 miles as the crow flies from Bowling Green, Ky., a natural gas pipe line exploded in Knifley, Ky., not killing anyone thankfully, but destroying several homes and automobiles. Today transiting Mercury retrograde now back in Aquarius is trine Vesta in Libra and the Sun made a semi-square to Uranus in Aries. We could say that as we re-think (retrograde) our love of automobiles (Mercury) it might behoove us to consider what we invest (Vesta) in and how it can affect our future (Aquarius). Unexpected (Uranus) events can make us more conscious (Sun) of how we as individuals (Aries) are part of the greater whole (Aquarius), and just because a sink hole swallowed your back yard yesterday doesn’t mean that there won’t be an explosion in your front yard tomorrow that blows up your car. There might be a lesson here or an opportunity to study how our needs (Full Moon in Leo) could be more pragmatically (square Saturn in Scorpio) fulfilled by learning just how, for example, most cars use gasoline which require pipes under (your home) ground that can explode in order to deliver gas and gas products to you. It’s a beginning.

    More lessons to follow if necessary.

  11. I have Moon in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini, as well as Venus in Leo, so this Full Moon interpretation certainly pertains to my situation. When I am on a roll, I can get carried away, and a Saturn figure brings me down to Earth, hard. If I can somehow detect what is “enough” more often, I could reduce those moments where I feel “the sting of discipline” (though the pain of regret is a lot worse). This full moon trines my Saturn and Uranus, so I guess it means I’ll be happy with change, and emotionally disciplined.

  12. Thank you Len,

    “…behold their being without wanting them to be more, and fill yourself with wonder as you fill the world with the sort of love that leaves everybody wanting more.”

    Such a lovely offering.

  13. A Valentine for the Man I Live With
    (who happens to be a Leo)

    You have a core
    of adamantium
    within you,
    a core
    of purity
    and innocence
    that can’t
    that won’t
    be corrupted
    a core
    of indestructible
    I have always
    seen it
    not always
    respected it
    but here
    you still are.
    I am in tears.
    I am sorry
    it took me
    so long
    to learn
    to appreciate
    all the things you are
    but I am so
    glad you
    while I

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