In a corner? Chiron and Mercury show a way through

The potential to clarify and heal some relationship issues is coming to the fore this weekend, and a simultaneous aspect may grant either the mental stamina to make real progress, or else the pitfall of stuck thinking. The astrology involves Juno (emotional needs, jealousy, desire for justice) conjoining Chiron (awareness, individuality, healing) in Pisces, at the same time Mercury in Aquarius squares Saturn in Scorpio. Both aspects are exact Saturday.

Simplified chart section showing (l-r): Juno, Chiron an dNeptune in Pisces; Mercury in Aquarius; retrograde Venus nearly conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (adding an extra layer of lust and power to the weekend's forecast); Saturn and the Moon in Scorpio. View glyph key here.
Simplified chart section showing (l-r): Juno, Chiron an dNeptune in Pisces; Mercury in Aquarius; retrograde Venus nearly conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (adding an extra layer of lust and power to the weekend’s forecast); Saturn and the Moon in Scorpio. View glyph key here.

Juno conjoining Chiron in Pisces suggests the possible eruption of a “healing crisis” in the realm of the vision you hold for your intimate relationships and partnerships. It looks like Chiron is focusing its laser-beam lens on the ways in which unrealistic romantic ideals and expectations have been fed while Juno was recently conjunct Neptune.

In any kind of interpersonal relating, it’s one thing to hold out a creative, positive vision toward which to aspire. It’s another thing to proceed as if that vision is current reality, if doing so ignores the ways in which one is still clinging to outmoded or self-sabotaging behavior models and tactics. Those attachments to what is not working anymore need to be seen and addressed in tangible ways.

The asteroid Pallas in Virgo, opposite Juno-Chiron, speaks to the strategy angle of the equation. Pallas is political in nature, yet is a female mythological figure of the warrior variety; Chiron was a teacher in mythology, half man and half beast, also of the warrior variety yet far less warlike than his centaur brethren. The two share a common ground you can work productively, though it may require you to exercise some extra discernment in terms of who is or is not an adversary.

In Virgo, Pallas has the acuity of mind to see the steps necessary and translate that mental understanding into tangible, hands-on steps. Chiron in Pisces may get very creative about getting your attention — but that also means it offers some creative leeway in implementing and documenting your solutions. In Pisces, Juno taps even deeper into her social justice side, potentially lending a greater sense of, “As much as I need to be in a position of strength in this relationship, I’m only truly strong if you are, too.”

For that to be the case, it helps to eschew social conventions and expectations in relationships in favor of what might actually work for the two (or more) people in question. Social convention too often is predicated on have/have not; black/white; mine/yours; control/insecurity. Working your way out of those binding opposites, flip sides of the same coins, takes more than daydreaming of a relational utopia. It means seeing them for what they are and how they are undermining your relationship — perhaps even running the whole show from behind a velvet curtain, a show you’ll likely repeat with the next person if Chiron can’t get your attention this time around.

At the same time that Juno and Chiron are meeting up, Mercury in Aquarius is squaring Saturn in Scorpio. Mercury-Saturn squares can be great for mental discipline. If you have to plow through some high-focus work or intellectual pursuits this weekend, this aspect is on your side. However, it can also foster narrow-mindedness — in particular, the sort of narrow thinking that can get depressive.

You know the sort: you think yourself into a corner with limited (or seemingly no) positive solutions, and before you know it, that’s all you can see. With Mercury and Saturn both in fixed signs, this could present a real issue — especially if any limited thinking gets hung up on those relationship issues Chiron and Juno are emphasizing.

Some encouragement comes in the form of Mercury’s placement in Aquarius, though it is qualified. Mercury is resourceful, quick and intuitive in Aquarius, where it is exalted (holds a special dignity). It’s entirely possible that Mercury could be the spark that lights on an unexpected idea and gets it cooking. Once that fire is blazing, Saturn can keep it steady enough for you to get somewhere with it.

However, Aquarius is related to groups, which means that the idea with momentum could feel a little closer to the social expectations you’re trying to untangle, and that Juno-Chiron are spotlighting. On the other hand, Mercury in Aquarius could also signify the support available to you from your “tribe” if you reach out to others with your new way of thinking.

Be aware also that the Moon will conjoin Saturn in Scorpio as Mercury and Saturn complete their square. A Scorpio Moon has the potential to weight your emotional tone toward the more moody, brooding, jealous — and passionate. Desire is going to be a motivating force this weekend, so check your desires carefully for clarity and heart. The heart wants what the heart wants — but often we mistake things like “ego” and “fear” for “heart,” to unfortunate effect.

True heart desires feel clear, light, magnanimous, joyful and often focused on something larger than ourselves. Track which situations and interactions engender those sensations this weekend if you start to feel stuck or stubborn. Chiron is on your side, for the long haul.

11 thoughts on “In a corner? Chiron and Mercury show a way through”

  1. Out and about in the world today I came across a card with such a beautiful image. It’s from a linocut print by Robert Gillmor “Arial Manoeuvres: Starlings performing aerial manoeuvres above their roost in the evening light”. I used to watch starlings over the Kent coast and reckoned they had to prepare and practice for their long journey across the Atlantic. I also used to wonder ‘how do they learn how to do that?’ The question – for me, always such a good place to start. The sort of thing I like to ponder sitting under a tree.

  2. Interesting opposition Juno, Chiron and Pallas and this double wound with mercury and Saturn and also Mars and mercury in France is made with the official announcement of Holland the Chairman and his separation with Valérie Trierveiller… its Saturn get Neptune in opposition to his Moon and Julie Gayet with his MC in Gemini, Saturn, mercury and the Sun in this sign to the square Neptune this is the ad I think but I could be wrong of a broken future career…

  3. Truth! Wandering Yeti, and something I need to hear:
    If my songs weren’t meant to be heard they wouldn’t have come through me.

    Thank you.

    In a corner. backed into a corner. acknowledging that my response to 2013 and the final watery Merc retro is a flat dull depression, so not me, and here i sit, in the corner.
    The better to contemplate Juno and Chiron, the Moon and Saturn, Venus and Pluto, and Jupiter regarding all from across the wheel. This formation with Pluto as fulcrum has repeated with players changing positions. Deja vu all over again, and all different, all over again.

    Meanwhile, comedy therapy, dance, and surrender to the izness of January sitting in the corner with Chiron for company. Maybe I’ll get a kick in the butt. Bring it on. I don’t enjoy this dullness one bit.

  4. Limited fixity of thinking: I just had some of that this morning. Every time I play an open mic and either everybody leaves before my turn or everybody talks while I play the Doubter starts throwing darts at all my ball-alloons of inspiration: I’m too old to be a new musician, no one wants to hear MY songs, there’s too many musicians I certainly don’t need to add another voice…heh, melt that one in the sun, standing with the trees, the slow fire in my belly fanned by the winds of a silent breath, refraining from following the direction of the demons in my muscles compelling a forceful exhalation that just strengthens the demon’s mojo: no, in silence the breath melts the demons from the inside out or the outside in, whatever; they have no power to steer the Silence. Give them a bone and they’ll take the whole thing, back to square one. If my songs weren’t meant to be heard they wouldn’t have come through me.

  5. Wow, Amanda — this is amazing. You’ve brought together so many themes, and in a way that really makes sense. Considering that Moon/Saturn conjunction occurs at my Moon’s position, I’m preparing myself now to work my tail off for the emotional reorientation.

    Thank you so much!!

  6. It’s also accepting who you are, your checking account balance, your family, and so on. Worrying doesn’t change anything, and neither does anger.

    A man with whom I worked passed away in October last year. His family said in the obituary that he had a kind heart and unwavering integrity, and that is exactly how I knew him too. I didn’t find out that he had passed away until New Year’s Day. I kept getting these urgent inner alarms about him, so I looked on google and found an obituary. So anyway, all fall I’d had the feeling that I was not long for this world, but now I believe he was trying to communicate with me. I’ve been a little freaked out these last few weeks over the whole thing, and also very sad that he left us. Anyway, he came to me, finally getting through in a sort of lucid dream – I was awake, but I could see him in my mind and I talked out loud. We went over all of the things I needed to forgive and we laughed about all of it, and then he said, what about so and so? I said, no I can’t forgive him. He looked at me with those kind eyes and said, yes you can. What has followed is my increased awareness of how we separate ourselves from others, even with our snooty looks and attitudes about people from different parts of the world or country, the homeless, drug addicts, the uneducated. If I work in a job that pays minimum wage, will you think you are better than I? We are all united by the inner light, but if we don’t have it, we are dead. I prayed about this and asked for a scripture and what popped into my head was the gnostic gospel Thomas, 16 DORESSE interpretation of the Greek text:

    17 [16]. Jesus says: “Men indeed think I have come to bring peace to the world. But they do not know that I have come to bring the world discord, fire, sword, war. Indeed, if there are five in a house, they will become three against two and two against three – father against son and son against father – and they will be lifted up, being solitaries.”

    I believe he is referring to ascension, and we appear to be living in that time. Chiron conjunct Juno in Pisces is huge. Everyone should meditate on what Amanda said about this, clear light magnanimous and joyful heart desires. If it isn’t joyful, do a memory dump. Forgive.

  7. Thank you, be, for connecting the dots so elegantly. I’m out to get some exercise, and the sun is back to bless the early afternoon. Always helpful!

    Cycles within cycles
    their patterns drawn:
    blossom and fall
    blossom and fall.
    now, is the named certainty
    always taking form,
    the daybreak of alpha and omega,
    the horizon of
    a solstice dawn.

    the idea that i am not alone
    that my home
    is a shared space
    that is graced
    with joy and care,
    harmony works
    independent minds together
    and for each one and all
    hearts flowing through the seasons,
    there is warmth around
    – the iron vessel.

  8. nilou,

    Good pickup on the “peace talks” astrology but think how much worse it could be if Mercury in Aquarius (square Saturn in Scorpio) wasn’t also trine Mars in Libra. Mars has his forceful energy in check what with his simpatico relationship with Saturn (Saturn in Mars ruled sign and Mars in the Venus-ruled sign of Saturn’s exaltation).

    It seems to me that Juno conjunct Chiron in Pisces (and sextile Pluto in Capricorn) could be the Universe offering “a healing crisis” moment where participants might rise above expectations of the same old, same old name-calling. This is just the bluster of old dinosaur (patriarchal) ideology we witness; gasping it’s last breath. All for show.

    Bearing in mind that Saturn and Pluto are still in mutual reception (in each other’s sign which acts much like a conjunction) and they are (within orb of a) septile aspect which is irrational in nature. Astrologer Robert Wilkinson convincingly asserts that septiles offer a fork in the road of destiny, so, with (cool-air) Libra Mars (temper) trine (cool-thinking) Aquarius Mercury (logic), and partner-minded Juno conjunct healing-natured Chiron in (water-dissolving) Pisces, it’s still possible to rise above the divide.

    After all, Jupiter is opposite Pluto now and with Pluto sextile Chiron and Juno, and in mutual reception with Saturn (who together offer a fork in the road of destiny), it is now up to Jupiter whose trine aspect to Chiron and Juno (his partner) from the sign of Cancer (we’re all one big happy family) that is providing a bigger (historical) picture. Perhaps with the (feminine) Moon’s conjunction to Saturn on Saturday (Saturn’s day) and (feminine) Venus’ stationing direct so close to Pluto (exact the following Friday) that this fork in the road (thank you Pluto and Saturn + Moon) will provide for a more balanced (yin-yang) view when negotiating. It can’t hurt!

  9. Thanks, Amanda, especially for the moon warning.

    What an accurate representation of my inner battle-ground. Reminds me of the ‘peace talks’ in Switzerland. I watched the news last night thinking, I understand this is not easy, but name-calling and laying every past demeanour on the table is, at least, unhelpful.

    So far I have persuade my past-self and future-self that it’s all about ‘now’. So they have agreed to ‘let me be’.

    “Peace be with you” she said.
    “And with you”, she replied.

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