The Mars Effect — sample of the Cancer Sun/rising reading

The Mars Effect for Cancer. Design by Lizanne Webb.
The Mars Effect for Cancer. Design by Lizanne Webb.

From the introduction to THE MARS EFFECT for CANCER, which I am currently writing. Cancerians and Cancer rising may type in comments below if you have any themes you want me to address. Here is your sample:

In modern astrology there is a habit of associating the sign Aries with the 1st house in a chart. It’s true that there are some associations between signs and houses that run parallel, however, the discovery of the Thema Mundi challenges that. The chart has Cancer rising. Cancer is on the 1st house in the chart of the world.

When I saw that, the first thing I thought was: this reorients our concept of humanity from something that is inherently aggressive and individualistic (Aries on the 1st house) to something that is more embracing, oriented on nourishing others and with an inherent instinct to bring up the young.

It would also means that the Moon rules the chart of the world, not Mars. Most people are not warlike or overly aggressive; most people want to be left alone to take care of their lives and their family.

Putting Cancer on the 1st house of the global chart also describes the quality of humans that is distinctly cyclical. We are not such consistent beings, and if we are, we are consistent like the changes of the seasons — healthy people have dependable patterns. They wax and wane; they go through phases; they reach apogee and perigee in our relationships to them. The cycle may not be as predictable as that of the Moon, but it’s more akin to the Moon than it is to Mars.

The suggestion here is that with Cancer in your 1st solar house or ascendant, you have something in common with the chart of the world. I consider this proof that you belong here — or rather, proof that your sensitivity is appropriate and natural. You have a natural orientation here on this planet, no matter how challenging it may be to remain open and loving in the face of so much chaos and pain.

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Readings include two extended audio segments as well as an extended written horoscope for each of the 12 signs and rising signs. NOTE: PLANET WAVES MEMBERS MAY PURCHASE ALL 12 SIGNS FOR A SIGNIFICANT DISCOUNT.

14 thoughts on “The Mars Effect — sample of the Cancer Sun/rising reading”

  1. Shelly, your words resonate with the feelings I had when I read Eric’s piece Thema Mundi. Yes we all have Cancer somewhere in our charts (9th House for me). How wonderful to have the gift of Eric’s energy and intelligence poured into these reports, they are relevant for all signs. As an example, I have always felt at home when I travel, emeshed into the places and cultures I visit. On a visit to Argentina, my passport was stamped as an Argentine National, a little hard to explain at customs but it emphasizes my point

  2. This is just beautiful, Eric! It makes perfect sense to me (Cancer’s strong in my chart, my sister’s and both my parents) and gives me some hope for the world, which is no small feat right now.

  3. Technically Cancer rules my 11th, and I have indeed been known to mother my friends 🙂

    The Thema Mundi makes perfect sense to me as well. It resonates on a deeply subconscious level, and reminds me of the etymology of ‘galaxy’…Milky Way being virtually a translation. Also, Len, I really like your analysis regarding the Moon and Sun as joint inhabitants of the 1st.

  4. “You have a natural orientation here on this planet, no matter how challenging it may be to remain open and loving in the face of so much chaos and pain.” Do love ya Eric! (will be placing my order soon, come end of month).

  5. This is such a beautiful concept. Thank you for this perception, Eric. I recently had this exact thought in response to someone stating that humans are inherently selfish and are only out for themselves. I thought to myself, “This isn’t true, most people are actually kind, benevolent and helpful”. There is an inherent compassion deep within everyone. While there are certainly exceptions (sociopathic politicians running the show), humanity is innately Cancerian by nature and in essence.

    Perhaps this is the esoteric truth that lies behind the human condition–a concealed layer beyond the facade of our current cultural paradigm. We all desire a sense of community, belonging and we all desire to be apart of a family unit of some kind to give us a sense of roots and stability. I think this is how each of us approaches the world; what motivates us is the desire to belong, to feel accepted, and to be acknowledged and loved. All truly Cancerian and lunar attributes, indeed!

  6. When my Cancer rising girlfriend is not consumed by some family issue, she floats and bobs along with little stopping her. I can also see this in the way of the world – our home. Thanks for making the connection for us.

  7. As a Cancer Sun, I appreciate this reorienting as well. I’m 37 and for the first time in my life, about six months ago, I began allowing myself to truly feel my sensitivity instead of trying to suppress it. Through this, I have begun to create a deeper sense of belonging and purpose. The Planet Waves annual readings have been a major source of guidance for the last few years.

    It strikes me that in addition to the fact that the Thema Mundi gives us a chart wherein the moon rules the world, and thus the sensitivities and cycles of human beings, everyone has Cancer in a specific place in their charts even if they don’t have any planets there.

    Fe gave the example of her fifth house Cancer planets as they relate to creativity and her home in the world and Len the importance of understanding his Cancer Ascendant to validate his place in the world.

    I have Cancer in the eleventh and I’m definitely sensitive about eleventh house issues–my friends, groups and the collective in general–and this is also where I desire and struggle with belonging as well as get the most fulfillment from it. Not sure if my sun is speaking more in this instance or its house placement.

    Do other Planet Waves readers have any thoughts about sensitivities, cycles or their place in the world based on their natal house placement of Cancer?

  8. There is abundant information for the professional and novice alike…Thank you Eric for the energy and intelligence you pour into these readings

  9. As a Cancer ascendant, your introduction of the Thema Mundi (about 7 years ago, if memory serves) was the key to my personal astrology and validating my place in the world.

    The Thema Mundi was also the key to recovering an antiquity when astronomy and astrology were not polar opposites, but rather synonymous. For, while the radiation of the Sun is that which provides the energy necessary for life, the gravity of the Moon provides the stability necessary for seasons to be regular and cyclic so life can continue.

    If more people understood this, Carl Sagan would not have had to save the world by effectively lobbying to keep the US military from blowing the Moon to bits (which was in fact a military plan).

    This concept (of the Moon being equally as essential to life as he Sun is) is furthered by the fact that the ascendant of the Thema Mundi is at mid-Cancer, so that the first house (or first principle, if you will) includes both the latter half of Cancer and the first half of Leo (ruled by the Sun). The ancients were pretty smart – they knew what was important.

    In the same way, your introduction to “The Mars Effect” for Cancer takes us back to first principles of our being as children of both the Moon and Sun. Thank you so much. i look forward to a fuller understanding of my ascendant with the impending release of “The Mars Effect”

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