Like Ships In The Light — Mercury Enters Aquarius

Mercury leaves Capricorn for Aquarius shortly before 4:35 pm EST Saturday. At the same time, Venus will going the other direction, continuing its retrograde back through Capricorn. Between them will be the Sun, cloaking them in its radiance. That’s because, as they separate on the zodiac, Mercury and Venus are also passing through the sky unseen on either side of the solar glare like ships in the light.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The invisible passages of Mercury and Venus have to do with what is going on unseen inside of you. It has to do with remembering where you have been, and thoughts of where you are going. It’s about finding your own light, and finding yourself. Finally, it will be a matter of horizons, both real and symbolic.

Mercury and Venus are trading horizons this weekend for real. After months upon months as the bright, so-called “evening star” of the twilight sky, Venus will be invisible for a while on its way East.

Venus is invisible for now because it’s moving to pass between Earth and the Sun on Saturday. Venus is moving much as a New Moon does, with the Sun through the daytime sky, lost in your busy day’s light, forming an aspect called an interior (or “inferior”) conjunction with the Sun.

Later this month, Venus will appear again on the other side of the Sun, and the other side of our sky as the so-called “morning star,” which precedes dawn.

Neither have we seen Mercury for a while. That’s because it’s moving from behind the solar radiance now, after an exterior (or “superior”) conjunction with the Sun on Dec. 29. It’s going the other way. Mercury is in direct motion leaving Capricorn behind for Aquarius, and is soon to emerge from behind the Sun’s greater light to shine in the West after dusk.

That’s how you should look to your own horizons in the weeks to come, even if the harsh realities of life may obscure the shining memories that sustain you and outshine the bright ideas that motivate you.

In your darkest hours of rumination you may soon find rising with Venus a familiar light fondly remembered. Through your faithful recollection of old loves and misplaced values, you may yet kindle a new dawn.

By the same token, but on the other side of the sky, the Sun is setting further north by the day. With each setting, search. Search the sky. Search your mind. Make it your vigil and soon you may see.

In the dusk you may soon spot a spark that reflects a greater light that will bring a brighter day following night. Though your mind may often be weary at day’s end, search there too. Look for your ideas of what a better day would look like, and know that those ideas reflect a greater light of their own — that which your mind expressed brings to the world.

Though the harsh glare of urgent realities may now obfuscate the beacon of memories that sustain you, the sky is telling you that too will pass. It will pass just as Venus is now passing to a new horizon that has represented the renewal of sustenance for as long as people have walked the Earth.

Though the dim twilight no longer reveals a shiny sentinel of solace, the dreary void will soon be filled by a subtle spark. It will be a spark you can blow on and sustain in turn, even as you also turn from one horizon to another through the cycles of your life.

Though they are presently invisible, like good friends you have not seen for too long, know that Mercury and Venus are there. Know that they are there in the sky, just like good friends are always there, passing in the light of your consciousness until you see them again in another place, at another time, bringing their own light to your life again. 

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

7 thoughts on “Like Ships In The Light — Mercury Enters Aquarius”

  1. Strawberry: It is for me to thank you for accepting my service.

    Lizzy: You are very welcome.

    aword: Thank you for being so kind.

    be: Thank you for noting the issue of light pollution – prevalent even in the western part of the continent. May the helical rise of Venus later this month afford you a view equal to the inspiration you give all of us here at Planet Waves.

    Hazel1: And may you have a great weekend!

    P. Sophia: Your acute and perceptive sensitivity is sincerely valued and deeply appreciated. Thank you!

  2. Powerful and beautiful. As ever Len, your kindness and the comfort you share deeply touches my heart. Thank you.

    ..I think it may go without saying, the ‘harsh glare of urgent realities’ is not for me, being the spiritual, romanticist I am. And particularly at this point in my life the direction I am traveling seems to be moving further away from ‘urgent realities’ of the here. Not sure if that’s East, West or North…maybe East?

    So now with Venus transgressing, and will also be hidden from our view, this period has not been easy, nor fun, but as always is serving up it’s loving purpose in the awareness plan.

    It feels as though on this reverse pass it is a moment by moment challenge (crisis consciousness?) of great work in bringing myself back, to reminding me what is most important here and with that letting go of what is not! Also comes a message of, I will not come to harm. So even though I have to turn to face the Sun which feels so fully blasting on my sensitive skin, in writing this I know the deepest part of me is protected and is left revealed.

    My heart is heavy now, but also filled with hope. Knowing Is ready to go wherever and however it is called. It could do no more, or less anyway.

  3. Len, so often when reading your offerings I’ve wished I lived out west in the wide open spaces, or at least out in the country somewhere; some place that allowed a safe viewing of the night sky. One that didn’t demand keeping a watchful eye at ground level to insure a 15 minute (or a couple of hours even) “undisturbed” view of the heavens at night. A lifestyle of living in the city – where single people can thrive on their own (near doctors, groceries, gas stations, etc.) with relative ease – became a priority “value” once my family lifestyle ended. However, too much city light is often detrimental for this night-sky experience, although I do have a terrific view of the eastern morning sky in the pre-dawn hours.

    So it will be with great pleasure that I (hope to be able to) see the morning star again soon if the clouds will allow it. Like those “urgent realities that can obfuscate the beacon of memories that sustain” me, I can still picture Venus in my mind even with the clouds, knowing she is there, even if invisible, and her mission statement includes providing joy to everyone’s life as she lights the path for finding it with love.

  4. “Through your faithful recollection of old loves and misplaced values, you may yet kindle a new dawn.”

    Len, months ago you exhorted me to eradicate “wrong” from my vocabulary. I’m grateful now beyond words for the counsel — transitions are challenging enough without tarnishing the old through unfaithful recollecting. Holding space for both the “shining memories that sustain you” and the “bright ideas that motivate you” to be beautiful in their own ways keeps love and hope very much alive through the dark hours.

    thank you, my friend.

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