New edition on its way to subscribers

The new members’ edition of Planet Waves, now on its way to subscribers, includes a poetic overview of 2014 astrology as well as one that focuses on the technical points, your January monthly horoscope, a summary of all the news that “the news” is not reporting about Fukushima and other news items as well. Subscription and single issue purchase will appear below in a little while.

New edition of Planet Waves is on its way to subscribers now.
New edition of Planet Waves is on its way to subscribers now.

You can read the entire issue through a single-issue purchase, or else sign up for membership. Our free one-month trial membership, like all memberships, will give you our twice-weekly mailings plus make you eligible for discounted rates on The Mars Effect, the 2014 annual readings.

7 thoughts on “New edition on its way to subscribers”

  1. Bless you, dear Strawberry! You’re such a sweetheart. The same applies to you my gal.
    Hazel, sounds like you’re doing brilliantly. It’s wonderful that you’re giving such space to music in your life. Hope you enjoyed your first guitar lesson!

  2. Strawberry – Yep, it took no prisoners! Thanks for the hug, I needed it. I do feel that not knowing helps me get some space and breathing room, that’s exactly what it’s like. Plus, in reality, I do NOT know much about any of what’s going on, I’m just doing my thing and figuring it’ll work out in some way that I Do Not Know. Meanwhile, my first guitar lesson is tomorrow after work, so I’ll have stuff to practice this weekend. Thanks again!

  3. (((((Hazel1))))) Hugs, hon!!! Sometimes when this shit hits, it takes no prisoners. And I do agree with you — not needing to know can be the difference between having room to breathe or suffocating. I’m learning that from you.

    …how’s the guitar?

    And Lizzy, if I was in any kind of position to be proud of you (it seems there are complicated rules around who gets to be proud of whom), I would be beaming with pride, seeing all you’ve overcome these past couple of years. That kind of depth comes at a price; you’ve earned yours.

    Hugs to both 🙂

  4. I’ve been saying “I don’t know” to myself for the past week and a half now, whenever I think I know what’s happening in my life, or why something happened. It’s comforting to not know. Weird, but comforting.

  5. Me too, dear Strawberry, me too! It was a voyage through excruciating insecurity and a fight to survive financially for the last two years (for most of my adult life, to tell the truth). The jar I was in was turned upside down and I hung on for dear life till I could hang on no more. I now find myself in the most secure place I ever have in my working life, which is only an 11 month contract and still a deep hole to clmb out of, but the result of these times is that I no longer fear being so precarious any more because I’ve developed such strength during these years. I also realise that I’m far luckier than many poor souls who really do live on the brink much of their lives because of war, poverty, etc.

  6. Ditto, Lizzy! And “you may find yourself figuring out what you mean when you say the word ‘secure’, and you may notice that the world around you is far more uncertain than you imagined.”

    Right now, I actually do feel like the uncertainty is my friend. Bananas, coming from a solar Cancer. In April when the Sun was conjoined Mars, my world was slipping on marbles, & the uncertainty was excruciating. The feeling is coming back now, and with it an exhilarating sense of freedom instead. It’s as if the slightest tug could send things in a whole new direction.

    …which leads to perhaps my favorite line of the edition: “you can think of yourself as living in a different country, a different phase of history, a different quality of space and time, than you were one week ago.”


  7. “In this regard you might say that the prerequisite of gaining knowledge is not knowing. The prerequisite of feeling safe and grounded is feeling insecure. And sometimes, what comes before love is recognizing what love is not”. Stunning words and a spectacular edition. Thank you so very much, Eric and team.

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