Depending on your time zone, today is the second occurrence of Jupiter trine Saturn. There are three points of contact for this aspect in the current cycle. The first took place on July 17, the second is/was Dec. 12/13 depending on your time zone, and the last will be May 24, 2014. Jupiter is in Cancer and Saturn is in Scorpio. Chiron in Pisces makes this aspect into a grand water trine, which will be close to exact on May 24.
For reference, the next trine between these two planets takes place in 2026. Therefore it’s something of a rare resource, to be taken advantage of consciously. It has the feeling of a reward for a job well done, which might come in a moment of relative ease and a kind of harvest, and also as a new opportunity. That opportunity can be squandered; as a natal placement, if taken unconsciously, this is the “easy come, easy go” aspect. If taken consciously, one can build things of a lasting nature.
The Rev. Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, one of the founders of modern astrology, noted that any contact between Jupiter and Saturn is significant. From his point of view, they describe the story of the current lifetime in relationship to others; from a worldly point of view, these planets represent two of the most necessary qualities of the psyche.
Jupiter offers the ability to expand boundaries and Saturn is the ability to contain them. Jupiter asserts itself within the environment, and Saturn describes response to the environment. Jupiter can describe what one offers; Saturn describes leadership and the way one interrelates with those in authority. When they’re not working, Jupiter comes to represent excesses and Saturn represents scarcity. It’s fair to say that how the two planets blend addresses how one uses opportunity and resources; how one works with the energy of a benevolent uncle (Jupiter) and of a parent with the tendency to discipline (Saturn).
Mastering either calls for a high degree of self-knowledge and cooperation with others. These are the transpersonal planets, neither deeply intimate (such as Venus or Mars) nor alien and working below the level of consciousness (such as Neptune or Pluto)
Looking at the placements and contact of your Jupiter and Saturn can tell you about how you handle your personal role in the greater world around you. If they are not in an ordinary aspect in your chart, check the ‘minor’ aspects (septile, novile, sesquiquadrate, etc.). Also check what is at the Jupiter-Saturn midpoint — that is a kind of superaspect that will tell you a lot.
Jupiter trine Saturn shows up in the charts of a few people with an unusual degree of spiritual evolution, skilled at stretching boundaries. They include John F. Kennedy, the Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King, Ralph Nader, Gertrude Stein, Gloria Steinem, Alan Watts, Kate Millett, Thomas Merton, Carl Jung, Elton John, Aldous Huxley and J. Edgar Hoover. The lack of women in astrology databases is somewhat compensated for, in this case, by three pioneering feminists having this aspect. All of these people seemed to have the gift of redefining boundaries in some way; many were significant trailblazers who saw their role as establishing a new order.
Previously, Jupiter and Saturn were trine one another in 1993-1994 (Libra to Aquarius; then Scorpio to Pisces in three contacts). Then they were trine again in 2007 and 2008 (Sagittarius to Leo, then Capricorn to Virgo in five contacts). When they are trine next in 2026, it will be from Leo to Aries.
In my case very productive this Jupiter/Saturn trigone, I have a conjunction in the natal MC and I’m waiting to see even these benefit.
I’ll soon see the biggest Christmas in Europe market
Thanks for a tribute to this cycle that helps progress both spiritually and socially
Thank You Eric 🙂
thank you nilou! (and for that link too. I thought that was you!) and Lizzy! 🙂
Yes, such wonderful news, Daniel! Thanks for the gorgeous music – perfect for this pre-Christmassy, chilly day.
Thank you for sharing your news. That is wonderful. Yes, all very wonderful news.
This is what I found today..
‘Chiron is associated with synchronicities, which Carl Jung called “acausal” but deeply meaningful associations of otherwise unrelated events (in religious terms, miracles). […] I believe that synchronicity is a merging or meeting of two orders of reality: In a sense, it’s the intersection of the spiritual world with the material world.’
Eric Francis
Syn-cronus-icity! Thank you. Brilliant. I am having a life-is-a-miracle-of-miracles day. 🙂
When I was in high school, I was given a cassette tape of a Palestrina Mass which I subsequently fell in love with, but never knew the name of it. For years, I couldn’t find it on CD as I don’t have the tape anymore. Guess what I found yesterday:
…and in other news, I’ve been asked to write three short pieces for piano. The piece will describe three images of the Sun. The 2nd mov’t is mostly done…
I was born with a Grand water Trine: Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun.
This trine has natal Pluto and Uranus at the mid point. Saturn is conjunct natal Neptune and Mercury
Ideas that once seemed like virtual reality have taken form
Yes, I second Len’s words. Thank you Eric.
I’ve really struggled with Saturn this year, having gone to great lengths to break free of limitations set by others. But now noticing that the midpoint of my Saturn-Jupiter is retrograde Eros in Pisces gives me further validation on a direction I’d newly begun working in. I’m always fascinated by how things come together when you let them breathe. Not that I’m good at that.
Thanks to you too Be! Lol; that natal Nessus I mentioned is on 22 Taurus….
also, my father is having his Uranus return; his natal Uranus is conj my natal Moon/Eris/Orius. (as always “among other aspects!”)
Thanks for the review of 2000 Saturn/Jupiter – that’s the ‘beginning’ of recent decade plus in hell; a time of loss – and gain; most certainly a re-sequencing of values and a growing awareness of how outdated family “values” can be recognized and discarded, or re-tooled and/or new “family” groups created.
Thank you, Eric, for the time and effort you put into this. It’s a thing of beauty with sublime sensibility.
Thanks for writing about the importance of this aspect Eric. When recalling that Jupiter and Saturn’s last conjunction was in Taurus in 2000, it could help define how to use its energy to our best advantage. As this series of 3 trines is the 2nd and last time they will meet in this aspect before their new cycle begins in 2020, it holds a key (Chiron) to how the next 7 years (2000) will evolve. The subject matter of this trine will somehow relate to one’s values; one’s material belongings, one’s comfort and pleasure, and the fear of losing these things (Taurus).
When Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct in 2000, they were squared by Uranus in Aquarius. The message of their square was that the following 20 years would experience unexpected challenges to what is considered of value (for individuals as well as societies), including loss. These challenges would lead to a revolution (Uranus) in our perception of what was valuable. This period of trines between Jupiter and Saturn (and Chiron) would seem to offer a chance to align our values in a way that benefits us since Jupiter sextiles the 2000 conjunction and Saturn opposes it. We could see it manifest in loss or release (Saturn in Scorpio opposite the Taurus conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 2000) that actually benefits us (Jupiter in Cancer sextile the 2000 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction) by providing a new beginning (cardinal sign Cancer).
What houses these transiting planets fall into (18 Cancer-Scorpio), what houses 22 degrees of Taurus and 18 degrees of Aquarius fall in are ways to further understand how someone will experience these aspects personally. For example, the U.S. Sibly chart has transiting Jupiter in the 8th house (shared resources), transiting Saturn in the 11th house (like-minded groups), 22 Taurus in the 6th house (health and service) and 18 Aquarius in the 2nd house (individual resources, values, fear of loss).
This might symbolize an approach to health care (2000 conjunction in the 6th house) challenged by individuals who fear loss of personal benefits (2000 conjunction squared by Uranus in the 2nd house), but because groups with similar goals (11th house transiting Saturn) join forces and pool their resources (8th house transiting Jupiter), a new way of providing health care to the U.S. citizens is begun (Cardinal sign Cancer).
Mileage will vary of course.
Eric, this is so useful, thank you. I have been trying to get my arms around natal The Buck Stops Here Nessus — having done other work that dug up extreme karmic planetary placements re me, my father and his father. I know without Astrology that “the buck stops here” with me. (familial abuse of generations). But I couldn’t find how Nessus played a part until now – the midpoint between natal Jupiter/NN/Neptune and natal Saturn is the opposite point to natal Nessus. Bingo.
Thank you.
Thank you, Eric, for the clarity. I have natal Jupiter trine Saturn and in the midst of this trine wave, I am having my natal return of both planets. I’ve been unconscious about it, and can see the excess/scarcity pattern. Uranus conjunct Jupiter, trine Saturn has an effect. Just noticed that Jupiter is square Ixion in Libra. The Sun and some sexy minor planets hold down the other angle in Pisces. This is a “now is the time” moment, as it’s my second Saturn return, I am healing an ancestral legacy. I have been conscious of the problem since early childhood. The effort to move beyond it has felt exhausting and futile. I’d like some help from these big planets, now, please.