Orius New Moon, Mercury and Mars change signs

Sasha Pearl - Friendship Street
Sasha Pearl – Friendship Street

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM I talk about the New Moon conjunct the newly-discoered centaur planet Orius, which appears prominently in the charts of many innovators, including Steve Jobs, Ed Snowden and Julian Assange. I also cover Mercury ingressing Sagittarius and Mars ingressing Libra. I also give a rant on Obamacare and talk about the chart of the Metro-North train wreck.

My musical guest is Hudson Valley-based Sasha Pearl, an extraordinary artist whose work you can explore on her website.

3 thoughts on “Orius New Moon, Mercury and Mars change signs”

  1. Went to Sasha’s website first – listened to everything there – brillant! She sings for my heart and soul. Thank you for introducing her to me/us.

    Ya, ACA – so how does forcing me to pay for health insurance that I would have been paying for if I could afford it prior to being forced to pay for something I cannot pay for? I’m confused. Thanks for speaking plainly about a level of the nonsense.

    Moon/Eric/Orius conj in Aries. So when do I become Steve Jobs? 🙂 Thanks, Eric. Informative, educational and inspirational as always.

  2. Excellent ACA rant, E … and, because “I do not know what this means [ACIM]” it appears that the dust-up hasn’t produced the response it was presumed it would; rather, the whole quasi-failure of the software roll out is bringing the many virtues of single payer into focus in a big way.

    Frankly, I don’t understand why the Pubs have made this such a bugaboo when big business isn’t all that miffed by having — as we all knew they would, given mandate — a big boon to business coming up. Business isn’t all that happy with their personal-party, now that the Baggers — who are divided equally among zealots and dunderheads — are pulling strings.

    As to the topic of the train wreck, I saw a very interesting CNN conversation last night where various folks, including scientific heads, talked about the engineer probably falling asleep — that his internal “time clock” could well have gone into overdrive no matter how much sleep he’d had prior, considering he had changed working hours within the last few days, and that those kinds of shifts are problematic for everyone. NO DUH! But … I was glad to hear it discussed, at least, rather than the usual response which is lock him up and throw away the key.

    Seems to me we are becoming, as a society, more reflective and more tuned in to REAL body issues and psychological problems. NONE of that is in the business-as-usual playbook.

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