Always — Taurus Full Moon

The Moon reaches full opposition to the the Scorpio Sun shortly before 10:16 am EST Sunday with a dual sense of what will be, and what need not always be. It will be a Taurus Full Moon because tropical Scorpio is always opposite Taurus, and the luminaries (Sun and Moon) at the same degree of opposing signs are always a Full Moon. It will also be a good time to contemplate your own sense of ‘always’ and whether it is consistent with fact. 

Astrology by Len Wallick

It is fact that the Moon is not always opposed to the Sun from our earthly perspective. It is but a moment every month or so, and each of those monthly moments is in fact always somehow different from any other.

Even when we have another another Taurus Full Moon about this time next year, it will not be at the same time, nor at the same place on the zodiac. Even if another opposition of the luminaries should, in time’s vast expanse, duplicate both the degree and timing of Sunday’s Full Moon, it will take place in different aspect to the rest of the planets and during different events here on Earth.

Hence, even in the continual periodicity of terrestrial and celestial cycles, there is only one ‘always’ (or ‘all ways’, if you will): constant change. You might want to begin your Full Moon meditations now by sensing how you feel about that.

The dominant human paradigms of our time often resist change and give ‘always’ a negative connotation. For example, a lot of effort goes into walls that hold back the sea, levees that constrain rivers, and laws that seek to preserve political and economic stasis. A lot of expense goes into buttressing those walls, maintaining those levees and enforcing those laws.

Yet, those efforts always fail, and those expenses are always wasted. Even in the midst of the failure and waste, few see it for what it is. It is the result of a mistake. It is the error of behaving as if (or worse, actually believing) we are separate or somehow exempt from the natural world and universe. It is not necessary, and it is not inevitable to err in this way. Rather, like all mistakes, it is made.

As you might have expected, remaking humanity’s connection with the Earth and cosmos (and thus saving our butts) begins with you. No pressure, please understand. Indeed it is fortunate. 

Fortunately, whatever is made, whether a wall, a levee, a law or mistake, will not always be. Instead of resisting that fact, consider working with it, and making it work for you. The idea is not to duplicate an error when the continual periodicity of cycles returns you to the moment when you are most likely to repeat it. You can do that by emulating Sunday’s Full Moon.

Do so by knowing that you can be as you have always been, yet still distinguish yourself. You begin with awareness. Be aware of the fact that, at any given moment, your time and place are always somehow different from how they were ever before. Most importantly, be aware of when you are about to repeat a mistake. 

The key is to notice the moment before you repeat an error. You can feel it. It is a feeling of having been there before, combined with a sense of exasperation at being there again. Rather than have the exasperation push you into expensive failure, pull yourself back. Once you have mastered catching yourself in that moment, take a look around. 

Inevitably, your surroundings and/or the quality of the time will somehow be different from when you made the last flub. It will mean you can, and should, make a different outcome inspired by and appropriate to the moment. It may not sound like much, but it’s huge because a buck always passed will have stopped with you. 

Once the buck stops with you, it will feel different. You will feel your place and time as it is. You will sense the exhilaration of being connected to, rather than separate from, everything else. Finally, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part to save the world, one person at a time — with the first person being you.

Offered In Service (and dedicated to Melanie Reinhart)           

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

11 thoughts on “Always — Taurus Full Moon”

  1. Forgive me, Len, if I’m off-topic here, but I so loved this woman who introduced me to the subject of biomimicry, a relatively new field of study that looks to nature for solutions to many of our challenges in the world. In her TED talk, Janine Benyus swoons over the lives of creatures, opening up a window to the world that is simply stunning and brilliant. So, goodbye walls and levees that worked to bar nature. Let’s find a way to not only stop trying to control nature but invite nature into life, in every way possible.

    Janine Benyus TED talks:

  2. In the Len world map I noticed that the center of the France, East of the United States, East of India and the West of China was crossed by Saturn
    You felt in your mind the energy of Saturn occur?

    Excellent full moon of Weekend all 🙂

  3. Lizzy, aword, Salamander, be, Lyd, and P.Sophia: Reading each of your comments separately and considering them as a whole brings me to a very deep appreciation (emotionally as well as intellectually) of your individual and collective humanity.

    It is an honor beyond words and a privilege beyond price to receive your kind words and gracious thoughts.

  4. Thank you for your lovely comment, P Sophia. I too am haunted by the terrible suffering in the Phllippines, praying that they will receive the food, shelter water they need right now.

  5. “It is the error of behaving as if (or worse, actually believing) we are separate or somehow exempt from the natural world and universe.”

    Yes, I hear the warning to that square Len, thank you for this. As Be unscrambles it’s to Nessus. But so far, in my little understanding of personal astrology, I see a square as also holding the most opportunity. As in the ‘buck stops here’, is a good thing and means potential for change to me. And so much can be gained by this influence as you mention if we only stay aware.

    I see another opportunity on this Full Moon as it’s sextile to Varuna (and Jupiter is also there -4) helping him make his point in good aspect clear and at ease among these two water based elements.

    “In Vedic religion, Varuna (Sanskrit Varuṇa वरुण, Malay: Baruna) or Waruna, is a god of the water and of the celestial ocean, as well as a god of law of the under water world.”

    Nick Anthony Forienzia interprets, in it’s discovery chart and arrival into our awareness, that Varana is natures way, in so how we must change our way with respect to nature.
    “Varuna’s astrological role in charts is related to ecological-related events, natural disasters.”

    I woke this morning in prayer thinking of the horrible disaster thats hit, the suffering and so many lives lost in the Philippines this week. Then today, I stumble upon this, inspired by your article…”In post-Vedic texts Varuna became the god of oceans and rivers and keeper of the souls of the drowned. As such, Varuna is also a god of the dead, and can grant immortality.”

    Our Full Moon on the degree 25 Tau
    -Sabian Symbol: A Spanish Gallant Serenades His Beloved.

    I cannot think of a more beautiful symbol. Perhaps this Full Moon is a blessing from this God welcoming healing and initiation of change, a liberated environment that will further promote action and respect towards nature.

  6. Riddle-me, riddle-me, riddle-me-re, I see something you don’t see and the color of it is green. A childhood game maybe, but I see green Len, as in “the buck stops here” and in the green green grass of home. The riddle’s clue was transiting Nessus at 25+ Aquarius, squaring the Full Moon in Taurus (and Sun in Scorpio), and so was your tribute to Melanie Reinhart. Your use of her symbolical expression for Nessus as he calls us to end the repetitive mistakes and behavior of the past could not be missed.

    I see Green because the full moon is in Taurus and ruled by Venus who will be conjunct Pluto (death and rebirth) and who symbolizes money (greenbacks). Pres. Obama (a bit of a greenhorn) will have the Full Moon conjunct his natal Vesta (25+ Taurus) while the FM chart’s Nessus will oppose his natal Uranus (25+ Leo). Vesta symbolizes what we invest in; our energy, our $$, and selves, and what we are dedicated to keeping alive. This fixed grand square (Sun in Scorpio near his MC, trans. Nessus in his 1st house, the FM near his IC and his Leo Uranus in his 7th house of partnership might give a lesser man the temptation to repeat the past mistake(s).

    However, I’m betting on his 12th house Saturn (25+ Capricorn) backbone trine the Full Taurus Moon (conjunt his natal Vesta dedication) combined with his Mars conjunct the U.S. Sibly Neptune both at 22+ Virgo, to overcome that temptation. That transiting Nessus is too close to the U.S. Siby Moon and the President’s south node for him to give up now.

    I’m thinking this might be, among other things, referring to the Canadian gas pipeline he is being pressured into signing off on. A repetitive mistake for sure, and he could understandably give into it, considering all he has to deal with. But sooner or later the green grass of the states it would pass through would suffer from that decision. I’m betting on the President to not pass the buck on that decision and to keep alive the country and it’s people, free from man-made contaminating greed.

  7. Thank you Len Wallick for this article.

    Indeed, I am more reluctant to try to make changes in the world when I see the unrealistic aspects of many intentions to improve the human condition. Even attempts to improve the environment can turn out to be less effective than anticipated. The more people can understand people and ecosystems, the better the quality of people’s ideas will become.
    In addition to hollow attempts to control things, failed ideas are also the result of people projecting their egos, assuming that everyone else has the same modus operandi.

    It’s important to start by making improvements on the self, especially since it’s easier to understand oneself than to understand others.

    I’m using these energies to make changes in my life for the better, instead of being at the mercy of facing “changes” I did not ask for.

    I am developing more self-awareness so that I can do better and catch myself before I repeat a mistake.

    I had my interview this morning, and I had enough self-awareness to make sure that I responded in a way that made sure I gave a good impression.

  8. Today I am feeling for that place, that internal moment that I can count on to always illuminate my heart when my brain fails to correctly interpret/respond to the world around. Perhaps the full moon’s illumination will pinpoint that moment.

    I am always grateful for your contributions here at PW, Len. Thank you.

    PS: A “mistake” waiting to happen; the FDA is taking responses through Friday:

  9. What a beautiful piece on cultivating awareness, dear Len. Thank you! A lot of old stuff seems to be coming up for me right now that I thought I’d seen the back of – seems to be another powerful time for detoxing and clearing old habits and the same old mental thought patterns, that are so deeply engrained.

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