12th house: Beware the Fear Factor

Terrorism is the religion of fear. It’s an ism just like the rest of them. I sent the photo (in the next post) to Rachel as an example of a picture that is straight out our darkest 12th house; this could be anybody’s kid’s room. So the message is, this could be your house. It’s not sold to us that way; it’s an ‘unconscious’ thought but we all think it. The power of this photo draws from the juxtaposing of the ordinary bed and the extraordinary commando cops on a plain old day. Terrorism spurts billions of these messages via image/concept called memes, charged with the notion of extreme fear. The killing is part of the problem and then so is the injection of fear into global consciousness, right down to you and me. I am actually staying pretty calm, though concerned, about this crisis I think in part because I have not witnessed one iota of it on television. TV is a major factor — its vibration, wavelength, sound quality (I don’t mean video, I mean television). And that conveys fear better than just about any thing else; TV is cold and it’s conducive to a lack of warmth. Photography is generally warmer and that is the intrusive part of this image. Anyway — I think we’re in a moment when we need to choose our inputs. What we put into our consciousness stirs up material in the 12th house, that hidden human interzone. It’s the place where reside our nightmares, our silent anxieties and our beyond-kinky sexual necessities (and every point along those spectra). It is the real 8th house. It’s a fertile place (where we exchange, but mainly with ourselves), and what you feed there grows dependably.

3 thoughts on “12th house: Beware the Fear Factor”

  1. Hey Eric, musicman, this has been ever so helpful to one physically shutdown stuck in space. Your writings got in the mix of this whole weekend update with folks I have not seen in a while. And the capper was watching the Nostradamus thing on the tube last night.

    I ended up flat on my back with gob after gob being released one after another. I had forgotten about weeding that other garden.

    The interesting thing I was missing is that my process is mirrored by two close assoicates. My mother in her dimentia goes back in time and lives there. She then wants me to take her home to that place. Odd, a trip. But these past couple of weeks when she goes to those places she is reconciling issues. This is parallelled by another woman friend who has had this thing going on where she asks God to bring to the surface any “sins”she has committed against others. (Never turns out to be sinful, just the shit she still carries about it.) So there is a release of negativity going on. And in our cases, a release of guilt, it seems.

    I am oversensitive to my environment, which is not healthy in these times. (But it also heightens my positive experiences. Good, bad, good, bad, good, bad.) The breakthrough that came this morning as I talked with older 2 is seeing myself walking through the world with shit falling down all around me but I was still walking. And might I add, enjoying my walk.

  2. The Darkest hour is indeed ..before the Dawn……12 th house stuff is perhaps the point at which we decide cognitively…or unconsciously……to filter out the shit….and initiate the new cycle……a bit like like your digestive system…!! In fact we could regard the whole wheel as a psychic digestive tract…!! Across the cusp gets you a whole new start…!!!

    Perhaps it is imperative that one takes a psychic “dump” before firing out initiate arrows of new growth……so that fear…..along with all other negative issues…are not unwittingly empowered…!!

    There is no doubt that terrorism plays on fear….”Fear eats the Soul”…as Werner Rainer Fassbinder’s movie extolls…….and the psychological weapon is more damaging across media channels….

    “200 channels and nothing to watch”….choose carefully….put in place a disiplined schedule of Spiritual Nurture viewing…..

    Would you let a child who is allergic to artificial colouring…eat junk…that is packed with it…?? It would kill them…..!

    It is time to take a long hard look at the media…its function in our lives….the content…the profit motive……the fallout…the casualties……

    I would seriously recommend that movies about genocide are to be avoided……but perhaps more importantly the Computer games that give young kids guns to shoot…..!

    “Hey…come on down…the more heads you blow off..the more points you get…..”

    The terrorists could be training on computer games that you or your family designed…!

    So there is now another way of looking at the credit crunch……!!!

    The 8th house issues of death…rebirth…sex…procreation…lust….and legacies ..genetics…..and our very future…..when harnessed to the power of 12th house transformation to the new cycle…are delicate….profound….and really have become beyond negotiation…..we have to start protecting our psyche…personal and collective……!! “Get on down to the new cycle plant to initiate for next year…Full Psyche scan to check for mutative thinking…”

    It is the wind of change …blowing through every ones lives…if you are not empowered to help with the healing…….refuse to continue to support the anarchy of violence that our societies currently support…..the old hippy mantra… ” I am not …nor will be …part of the problem…I am part of the solution..”

    I do not support or condone the method…..but having visited Barbados ..where there is nothing but Sugar Coated Culture in a Can……perhaps Tourism as a form of Income is redundant…and more Production..is what we need…!!

    ( I am somewhere between Karl and Groucho Marx)

    India will recover…as have all of the other sites of attack…including The World Trade Centre……

    I am goona get slaughtered for this…but who is to say that we are not better off without the money markets…driving down the percentage of wealth that goes to the working family…perhaps…as people…the political wings of these armed fanatics..(think Sinn Fein…IRA…actually now peaceful and inclusive in Government) actually have a point…perhaps they take these extreme measures because nobody is listening…..

    well…we are now…!!


  3. It is so true. It is quite a pleasant world without the television. But I am torn about staying informed. Perhaps I could wind down with the radio.

    I may have to put down the local newspapers too. Neighbors are ripping at neighbors with complaints going to the town board. I’d like to say settle down, we may need each other. Stay calm. (I am in bedroom community. Come home stressed and complain about what is not like it should be.)

    The thing is, the people I am close to are going through some really cool changes. They are positively stronger. It is a wonder.

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