Special Days Of Venus

Venus implies that the next seven or eight days will be special, calling for a special practice on your part. For the next week or so, the brightest planet will finish traversing a slice of Capricorn that it won’t revisit for more than a year. That’s because Venus enters the shadow (or ‘echo’) phase of its impending Capricorn retrograde on Nov. 20.

Astrology by Len Wallick

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, Venus passes the point where it will return on Jan. 31, 2014, after nearly six weeks of apparent reverse motion that is to commence nearly concurrent with the solstice of Dec. 21, 2013.

That means Venus will not see the ground it is now on for a long time, and only after having gone around the zodiac through all 12 signs. That’s how you should make the next week or so something special yourself.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, whomever you meet —  go, do and meet as though you will not return again for more than a year. In other words, there are no goodbyes to be anticipated, only moments to be appreciated over the next seven or eight days. If you are like most of us, it’s high time to catch up on appreciation.

So many things have been happening so fast for so long. The events that went with being propelled from one eclipse through another over two weeks were enough for anybody. Overlapping the eclipses were three weeks of Mercury’s Scorpio retrograde in the midst of unprecedented outer planet astrology stretching over years. With all of that, it’s no surprise if some fields have gone fallow lately.

Among those acres of your life likely in need of tending are the fields of day-to-day relationship. It is the relationships with people we see the most, and appreciate the least, that are most often let go when you are trying hardest to hang on. Please don’t put cultivation off until the year-end holidays either; you know that will only get you nowhere fast.

For if Venus shows up anywhere in your life, it is as the brightest of your lesser lights. It is what you value most when it’s gone. It is the daily grandeur often looked at but seldom seen. It is what you take for granted until taken away. It’s where, when, and how truth and beauty come together as one and the same before your very eyes.

A tour of Capricorn, in turn, confers a period when Venusian ideals are most favorably made real. After that, it is up to you to make those manifestations last. You can begin this week to make your efforts count. You can both leave and enter your door resolved to feel these days as special, and show it. You can show it so as to make others feel special in turn, and remember it. All it takes is to say to yourself every day that it is as if you will soon be away for more than a year, and that you want to make sure you will be welcome back.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

15 thoughts on “Special Days Of Venus”

  1. On 20 November Venus will be with sextile my March, there is a proverb that says: one of lost ten of found, even if it leaves not under retrograde venus, were still choose to live more balanced relations, it is possible under retro Venus? I don’t mean a new relationship but with a reunion which are good and which pushes you to depression

    Good night to all and imagine your Princess or prince charming, it happens 🙂

  2. Welcome tammi. To you, craig, sina, suria (again), and smalling, my heartfelt thanks in return.

    Chief Niwots Son: Your being so very kind is an even greater motivation for me to improve.

  3. Yes, Len, thank you so very much for always showing us pattern that will eventually lead to new structures. Pandora stays very close to Venus these days, so it looks like being every woman, co-creating with every step – gentle and loving and powerful.

  4. Thank you, Len, for giving us the opportunity to treasure these days ahead, and make the very most of them, and the people we will be sharing them with.

    You are such a gift!

  5. Len- You were completely clear, it just took me half the day to wrap my bodymind around what you were communicating. This was totally on me!

  6. Hi Len
    I read your column constantly and I felt inspired today to complement you on your wisdom. You write with such grace and humility and it really is inspiring. A heartfelt thank you to you.
    Kind regards

  7. Mary: Thank you for letting us know about your new place and the task(s) before you there. Thank you also for your kind words and finding a place for my service in between the items on your to-do list.

    be: Thank you so very much once again for sharing your erudition and in-depth analysis – this time in regards to a Venus retrograde following its own tough act (transiting the Sun last year) and with a tough act to follow next year (the Mars retrograde). Your masterful anticipation of transits to Sibly once again serves to both stimulate and astonish.

    suria: That is one great poem – wish i could have written it, it say so very much, so very well. Thank you.

    Strawberry: Thank you for reminding us by your example to watch Venus in the West while we can. It is a practice that will perfect anybody’s connection with the planet on a level both below and beyond words.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for your patience and persistence. It will be my mission to be more clear and understandable for you henceforth.

  8. Len- I read this earlier today and I had to let it sit to understand the bit about this week and the territory Venus is traversing. It didn’t make sense for a while, and i though old Mercury was direct! Having come to clarity I now feel the preciousness of these days, this last window of opportunity for a year to appreciate what is set before me. Thank you for bringing things back to this fleeting present moment.

  9. I watch Venus grow brighter as the evening sky around her dims, appreciating the beauty of the truths you offer, Len. Thank you for pointing the way to greater beauty, above and below.

  10. Special days
    – in appreciation

    trials smile and form
    their greenish-grained pulse in my chest.
    desires so speedy stillness haunts my memory.
    the old renewed new. a messenger flows
    deep silence under a back door
    from the great river through the night under
    my feet swirling and greeting my dreams
    in a wreckless laughing morning time.

  11. I’d like to clarify this. . transiting Venus squares trans. Mars in the SIBLY 10th house and this aspect is found in the charts for the Saturn station and the New Moon in March./be

  12. What a lovely thought Len, and thanks too for reminding me that Venus will be retrograde just before the holidaze start. Of all the retrogrades we experience, I only dread this one. I remember years ago that during this period, when Venus would retrograde, so much of the joy seemed drained out of relationships and events. Of course, back then I didn’t understand the concept of retrogrades as a re-examining period.

    Since I’ve been looking ahead anyway, as it relates to the U.S. Sibly chart, you brought to my attention that Venus’ shadow phase begins just as she opposes the U.S. Sun. When Venus stations retrograde on December 21 she will be conjunct, actually just barely past, the U.S. NATAL Pluto (therefore intensifying the contact over several days). When she stations direct at the end of January, she will be conjunct TRANSITING Pluto, and again, oppose the U.S. Sun in Cancer. When she returns to again conjunct the U.S. natal Pluto in direct motion next March, she will also be square trans. Mars retrograde in Libra. Mars will be conjunct the north node, now in Libra as well as square Venus and the U.S. Pluto. During that time in early March trans. Saturn will station retrograde just as a New Moon trines Jupiter….

    These integrated events; these planet-wide aspects so connected via transiting Venus to the U.S. (Sibly) natal chart seemed portentous enough for me to look at the Saturn station chart (3/2/14). As Venus nears the end of her long stay in Capricorn she will have powerfully influenced the way this country sees itself (transiting the Sibly 1st house) and what it values (transiting the Sibly 2nd house) and how its government operates (trans. Venus square trans. Mars in 10th house in Saturn station chart and New Moon chart). She will also tie the unconscious Pluto energy to the consciousness of U.S. natal Sun. The Saturn station chart reveals that Mars not only squares Venus (and the U.S. Pluto), he does it with the aid of Vesta, the north node and Ceres, all within a 6 degree orb. Mars and comrades will be challenging (square) the U.S. Pluto but also supporting (trine) the U.S. Moon and Pallas Athene in Aquarius, where centaur Nessus will be ending his many months long transit. Mars (action), Vesta (energy invested in), Ceres (nurturing), NN (path to progress) all in support of Moon (the People).

    That alone will get me through the Venus retrograde period. Knowing that she will persevere (Capricorn) with her loving agenda through the holidays and into the coming Spring to perfect (Capricorn) her divine assignment (see Venus occult Sun charts) gives me great peace of mind.
    P.S. Heads up . . Saturn stations retrograde opposite Sedna and square Damocles!

  13. Dear Len,

    Your words often cause me to step back and take a breath .. then let go of whatever else was on my to-do list for the days. Thank you for the invisible and gentle hand to guide me perhaps nearer I’m headed more awake and aware.

    I just moved to a new place that I knew little about, except that it was available and in a good location. Turns out this town has been ravaged, literally, by a shooting that happened nearly a year ago and so I take a pause as I feel my own level of change and feel so grateful that I’ve arrived in one piece, no one in my family slaughtered by assault weapons. Please god(dess) there is a way for me to serve here, to help the families in their process.

    Bless you, Len, for all the ways you care,

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