Hooking Up — Last Quarter Moon

The Moon flowed into its Cancer domain overnight to form a grand water trine with Neptune in Pisces and the newly Scorpio Sun today. Shortly after Noon EDT Saturday, Luna will have entered the solar kingdom of Leo. By Saturday evening, the Leo Moon will have moved into a square aspect from the Scorpio Sun, opening the last lunar quarter phase.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The lunar last quarter, in turn, will be your chance to hook up with an awareness of the astrology and the world to come.

One way the last quarter Moon will hook you up is an awareness that it’s the halfway point between the Aries Full Moon/lunar eclipse of Oct. 18, and the Scorpio New Moon/solar eclipse of Nov. 3.

Eclipses usually take place in pairs. Occasionally there will be three eclipses in a row, as was the case from April 25 to May 25 of this year. Either way, the weeks between the first and last eclipse of a cycle will frequently be an unusual succession of days, during which an unusual amount and degree of change takes place.

During the unusual days between the opening and closing eclipse, it’s easy to get lost in the changes. The last quarter Moon this weekend will help you get oriented, beginning with the certainly of having gone halfway. Hooking you up further will be how the luminary constituents of the lunar last quarter (the Scorpio Sun and Leo Moon) orient to each other before moving to aspect the planets.

Every last quarter Moon is the last square aspect between the luminaries before every New Moon. It’s something you can see for yourself, if weather permits. At the last quarter, the half-lit Moon rises at about midnight and is about halfway across the sky by dawn. That closing separation of 90 degrees between the two greater lights is the prototype for all closing square aspects, and it has a message for you: do something.

The “something” is whatever single action (or set of actions) that makes your waking hours easier and helps you sleep better. If you start thinking about it now, you should be able to hook up with what your optimum “to do” is, and also catch up with the eclipse cycle changes thus far before the weekend is over.

Once your have acted to make your waking hours easier, and your sleep better, you can direct your attention to other things. In particular, you can work with what the Sun represents as the Moon moves towards eclipsing it on Nov. 3. 

Just as the real Sun is Earth’s sole source of daylight, the symbolic Sun of astrology correlates to the illumination consciousness brings to your life. Working with what the Sun represents after the lunar last quarter means being conscious of solar aspects during the second half of the current eclipse cycle.       

At the last quarter Moon, Sol will be moving away from (but not yet concluding) its water trine to Neptune, and on to other things. The solar business after illuminating Neptune in your life will be to hook you up with the other side of the eclipse. Business will be particularly brisk during the first day of November.

On the first day of November, the continuous Uranus-Pluto square that defines our historical era will be exact for the fourth of seven times since last year. On that same day, the Scorpio Sun will be hooking with that defining square and spreading it around with simultaneous exact aspects to Pluto (a sextile), retrograde Mercury (a conjunction), and Chiron (a water trine). It will be as if the astrology of the last five years hooks up on one day through the auspices of consciousness itself.

Simply being aware of that means you will have a role in defining the meaning and the outcome of not only Nov. 1, but also the eclipse cycle that ends on Nov. 3. If that is not being hooked up, what is?

It looks to be a different world, somehow, after Nov. 3. It also appears that a role in creating that world will be yours for the taking. It begins this weekend by simply being conscious of the fact that you will be halfway there, then acting to catch up, and finally acting to hook up with awareness. See you on the other side.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

23 thoughts on “Hooking Up — Last Quarter Moon”

  1. Nice piece Len, I also live my first quarter on the progress soli-lunar cycle, I started on a small scale do the cleaning in decapitating my sofa that was faded, after 21 years of service the opportunity to change. Anyway we need to start to unclutter our lives otherwise they are external events that will do…

    I added the link in my article in the last quarter of the Moon

    Another thing still I bought a new book which shed new light on the phases of the Moon Numerology planetary Louise haley known as Kitty you know Len? She is famous in the Canada 😉

  2. Carla, that means so much to me; you’ve been an inspiration to me this year. One of Eric’s big points in the Cancer Listen reading was about leveling the playing field — learning to see yourself as equal in merit & deserving to those among whom you would have yourself counted. It’s a significant challenge, especially as I take up this mantle, but it is one I feel everyone here coaxing me to embrace.

    I thank you <3

  3. Strawberry, let me add my support to your getting naked with your medicine and the people. I know the push/pull all too well. I believe you know you can always come here to this place for a warm blanket to recharge. I can’t wait to meet you out there.

  4. You know, nilou, I got a very similar message out of working with Elisa recently. Even the depth work doesn’t have to be so damn heavy. It can be fun. I’m starting to come around; glad to hear you’re finding your lightness, as well. Love to you 🙂

  5. Love you too, Strawberrylaughter, and all of us on this journey of many journeys. And about that ‘light intensity’ paradox i was struggling with – apparently it isn’t a paradox at all!

    “It’s dark because you are trying too hard.
    Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly.
    Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply.
    Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.”

    – Aldous Huxley, Island

  6. You guys are so great.

    I love you, Len, Liz, nilou, Salamander, Chief Niwots Son, Daniel, …. & everyone else here who’s been kind — rather than all those things I feared — as I’ve lived this insanity alarmingly out in the open. Realizing my website will have to have a blog (this damn business manager, what do you do?) means I’ll have the … opportunity … to put myself out there with people in my community; people who know me, who know my husband, my barking dog. There’s no way I could have done that last August, or — let’s be honest — last week. The anonymity makes being vulnerable a little easier, & I’m so very grateful to all of you for easing me into this process of evolving in community with others through your support & receptivity. I’ve had to move through a lot of fear to get here, and the process will be ongoing, and I want to say how much I look forward to this continuing evolution with all of you.

    I would not be who I am today without you. That’s kind of a big deal to me. (((Hugs)))

  7. DivaCarla, These are exciting times we live in and even though Mars rules the eclipses this season (lunar in Aries and solar in Scorpio) the ladies of Mt. Olympus are not merely supporting players. In next weekend’s solar eclipse Pallas-Athene at 27+ Leo will trine Venus and the Galactic Center in Sagittarius, but she will also be opposite the U.S. natal (Sibly) Moon (symbol of the People) at 27+ Aquarius.

    As this chart, when set for Washington DC, has Pallas-Athene in the 9th house of legal decisions and because this chart is all about money (and Venus is in it’s 2nd house) there could be news regarding an increase in the minimum wage in the U.S (Venus rules the Sibly 6th house of work). Jupiter rules the sign Venus is in (Sagittarius) in this eclipse chart and he is associated with the house that Pallas is in (9th), and Jupiter himself is all about increase.

    Venus and Pallas in this eclipse chart not only aspect the U.S. Sibly Moon, they also make aspects to the U.S. Pluto (power, elimination) at 27+ Capricorn. Because the U.S. Moon is also conjunct the U.S. Pallas-Athene, the warrior goddess’ negotiating skills will double it’s influence in this long-lived solar eclipse. Her daddy (Jupiter) is in the eclipse chart 8th house of shared resources but at 20+ Cancer, he falls in the 8th house of the U.S. Sibly chart too.

    There is an interesting pattern in the Sibly chart between natal Juno (20 Libra) opposite natal Chiron (20 Aries) that transiting Jupiter in the eclipse chart intersects. Eclipse Jupiter also intersects the Sibly chart’s sextile between Vesta (19 Taurus) and Neptune (22 Virgo). As it turns out, transiting (eclipse) Jupiter is and will remain in the same degree (20 Cancer) for 35 days (starting last Sunday) thanks to a station retrograde; ample time for the eclipse chart’s Venus and Pallas-Athene (and GC) to bargain and negotiate with Washington’s power (Pluto) structure.

    The natal aspects between the Sibly’s Juno, Chiron, Vesta and Neptune also represent a complex history that includes unfair pay practices for the working class. Jupiter in the solar eclipse chart, his daughters Pallas-Athene and (in some myths) Venus, will be maneuvering, charming, out-foxing and maybe even black-mailing the decision makers in Washington on a number of topics and to me it looks like equal and fair pay for services might be among them.

    Carrie, I’m happy to hear your father is finally playing a supportive role in your life and wish your husband (and you and your family) all the best.

  8. Salamander: Thank you. May your pending interview go according to your vision, and may the powerful astrology serve your admirable objectives. Thank you also for your support of the other reader comments.

    Lizzy: Thank you for sharing your encouraging inner progress. Thank you as well for supporting Salamander and others who have commented here.

    Strawberry: Thank you for sharing how you synchronized with the current eclipse cycle more than a year ago (impressive!), and your nascent project (exciting!) as well as your own support for the other readers here.

    mimik: Happy birthday and safe travels to you (our own Amanda Painter recently had some travel adventures of her own, so please be flexible and careful). Thank you also for your generous words of support.

    Carrie: It is a joy to know my service is useful to you as a calming perspective. Excellent take on your part regarding how Mercury retrograde does encourage us to suspend any conclusive judgement. Please convey our birthday wishes to your spouse, as well as our sincere wishes for the best outcome of his physical condition.

    nilou: You are very welcome. May your trust in your dreams be returned as rewarding a manner as your deeply erudite and lyrical contributions have rewarded all of us.

    be: Speaking of erudition, thank you for bringing yours here to share once again. Thank you for picking up my halfway point point and running with it like a champion (by the way, i agree with your perspective than an equalization is not only in order, but in process). Once again you have worked your mastery of Sibly to the benefit of helping us all understand the astrology better, and including Phil Sedgwick’s insight is very timely.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for sharing the experience of your time under the early morning Moon (which i was watching at about the same time), and for your continuing support, and for your supporting encouragement of Strawberry. Courage to you in turn during this stage of your journey. Please rest when you can, knowing that you have contributed immensely to the journeys of others.

    DivaCarla: Thank you for your kind words, your supportive citations to others who have commented here, and for bringing the Moon-Jupiter conjunction to our attention.

  9. @carecare7 I hope you and your husband will get through this difficult time. Indeed, astrology helps deal better with life’s difficulties.

    @Lizzy Thank you for the encouragements. All right, I’ve managed to get my grad admissions packet completely submitted and received. All I need to wait for is my upcoming driving lessons, and wait for my upcoming interview once my future colleagues catch up on work projects (as a result of the two week shutdown). I am very determined because the more I look at the job fields around me, the more I realize that the one thing that really inspires me is a government job in the natural sciences, and I want to reach the point where I can have a durable full-time job that suits me very well. I am looking forward to the eclipse…

    @strawberrylaughter I am glad to hear about the progress of your website and business.

  10. That’s so exciting Strawberry! You’re really taking off! Lots of luck and love with this wonderful new chapter in your life.

  11. Strawberrylaughter: I am honored to be among the esteemed company of your support team. I wish you every success in bringing Healing to the People, I will say prayers on your behalf, and will await your reports on the progress of your manifestation process. Most of all I am happy you are taking your rightful place in our tribe.

  12. Than you, Len, in so many ways your articles have extracted the same message from the planets. This eclipse is the focal point and it’s an opportunity. I need to hear it many ways!
    Be, thank you for the feminine.
    Healing prayers and peace to you Ms. Care
    The moon and Jupiter are exciting! Tomorrow morning very close, and rising closer tomorrow, though in reverse position.

  13. Chief Niwots Son, thank you for asking. And yes, I have — tentatively — begun offering my work. My website goes live in the next few days, and my web designer & self-styled business manager refuses to let me founder (to the point of insisting I learn to tweet — ugh!!), so I expect the very best from it. I don’t know how I’ve managed to collect such an amazing team of supporters, but I give gratitude daily for each of them. Consider yourself on that list 😉

  14. Strawberrylaughter: A wondering came to me today, a wondering whether you have been offering your gifts as a healer to others?

    Len: I was out under the moon early this morning, she was getting close to Jupiter, and those eternal twins Castor and Pollux. Waning. Diminishing. Drawing inwards. Trining.

    Thanks you for this message, and reminder of where we stand in this profound season of eclipses and other happenings.

  15. You know Len, getting half-way through a process is no small accomplishment and I’m so glad you pointed out we are reaching that half-way point between the eclipses of the season. The 4th square between Pluto and Uranus puts us past the half way point in that process too. If I had to pick a favorite of all the changes we have been going through, I guess it would be the process of equalization between masculine and feminine energy. Ever since I started pondering the meaning(s) of the two Venus Occult Sun aspects; the rarity of it and the sign it took place in for example, it sometimes sucks up all the energy I possess.

    Perhaps that’s indicative of it’s opposition to the Great Attractor in last year’s aspect. Phil Sedgwick has said it (the GA) seems to be an “inescapable force” and that works for me! Just this past week transiting Venus opposed her degree of last year’s occultation of the Sun while at the same time she made her conjunction with the GA, and now she’s in the beginning of a new cycle with it. I think I’m getting the message, at least in one way, of just how she’s doing her part to manifest the equalization process.

    For example, in the lunar eclipse on October 18th, Venus at 12+ Sagittarius was conjunct the U.S. Sibly ascendant, a symbol of the country’s self awareness. In the solar eclipse on November 3rd, Venus at 28+ Sagittarius is conjunct the U.S. Sibly Progressed Juno, who symbolizes equality, especially between men and women. It doesn’t hurt that the Galactic Center is at 27+ Sagittarius, indicating a universal involvement in said cause.

    This month in the United States, it seemed that none of the elected members of congress could break the stalemate and get the government running again. Yet, a group of 20 bi-partisan senators worked tirelessly to negotiate legislation that would restore “normalcy” to the government and they were all women. Of course, it was finalized and “fine-tuned” by McConnell and Reid, but it was those 20 women senators that worked the magic which apparently was impossible for the male senators to achieve on their own. The one thing the 20 women senators have going for them is their insistence on civility. Isn’t that novel?

    Venus isn’t working alone of course and other examples in other charts can clue us in (make us aware) of how that might work. In the solar return for the U.S. Sibly chart this year, Venus (9+ Leo) sextiles the Moon (9+ Gemini) and they form a yod to Pluto (10+ Capricorn). The Moon in Gemini is in the 3rd house of the 2013 SR chart of communication, and she is also conjunct the U.S. Sibly natal Uranus at 8+ Gemini. Communication, yes of course, but also the business of early schooling is now coming up with innovative ways of teaching youngsters who are responding to it with enthusiasm. Of course, Venus is in the 5th house of creativity and children, and Pluto is in the 10th house of achievement.

    There are two other less obvious yods in the Sibly solar return; Juno in Aquarius sextiles Pholus in Sagittarius and they form a yod with Mercury in Cancer in the apex position. Also, Nessus in Aquarius sextiles the GC in Sagittarius and they form their yod with Vesta in Cancer. With Ceres at 5+ Leo conjunct Venus at 9+ Leo it will make the U.S. Sibly north node at 6+ Leo just about irresistible this year. In each case these symbols of feminine goddesses manifest as pushing forward the benefits of having a balanced approach to solving problems that have contributed to the breakdown of institutional functioning.

    I will continue to watch for signs of progress from these astrological indicators, knowing it is time, as decreed by the universal messengers of Pluto, Uranus and Neptune, for man and womankind to evolve to a higher consciousness. These eclipses just speed up the process and we have support from the deities (right now trans. Astraea [I will never leave you] in Capricorn making a grand trine with the U.S. Sibly Vesta in Taurus and Neptune in Virgo!).

  16. Dear Len, thank you for what seems to be a simple yet powerful message for the times: “do something”. In this time of letting go and letting be, I may well trust my dreams, love nilou

  17. Thanks Len. This past lunar eclipse my husband got blood drawn for several tests. Tuesday (after Merc went retro) I got a call that his PSA was high; 9.1. It is supposed to be 4 or below. Several things could make it high; an infection, benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate) or cancer. He went in yesterday to see the doctor for a digital exam. The doctor said it is slightly enlarged and put him on antibiotics in case it is an infection; Dave’s blood pressure was elevated when he saw the doctor last week which could mean infection. Interestingly enough, the doctor wants a subsequent blood test in a month; 2 weeks after the antibiotics are done. That will be after the second eclipse of the pair and after Merc goes direct again. Since Scorpio rules regenerative organs and this is his prostate we are talking about, I am waiting to see how this pans out because as often happens under Merc retro, things that look broken are not really so we will just do as the doctor asked and see. My husband has his 61st birthday Nov. 6th.

    I would not have been this calm about this issue had I not read your works (and listened to you in the readings you gave me) about Merc retro. Your calming voice is still in my head and I am riding this one out feeling a lot more able to deal with everything.

    I also recently decided to refrain from my degree program for a few years in order to better establish my son’s education; my father offered to help pay our expenses which is why I can forgo the student loans that helped us make up for what Dave isn’t able to earn as a teacher. The eclipse in Aries last Friday was right on my Sedna in my 8th house and opposing Ixion in my 2nd house. Interesting.

    Thanks for being that calming voice, Len. You are truly amazing.

  18. What an eloquent, insightful article. I am a bit stunned, as I have a Scorpio Sun & Asc & Leo Moon, and 5 years ago was when I began the work that I knew was my life’s work I was born to do, and that would put me in service to humanity at this momentous time in the long epic drama of cosmic, earthy life. The Nov 3 eclipse and the line up of planets in Scorpio are all clustering close around my Sun and AC.

    It’s funny; I am traveling this week, and whenever I travel I always think that my life will be different in some way when I return. I have never felt that as strongly as I do now, with this immediate journey and turning point in the journey of my Scorpio life.

    This remarkable article makes me realize that I must be very awake on my journey, now. THANK YOU.

  19. About 14 months ago, I was in a workshop & we were looking at some different philosophies around “manifesting.” I had a goal that I really believed in, & knew was aligned with my journey, & felt a powerful resonance with. So, working with that goal, I started feeling around for the appropriate time frame that would work for bringing this into my life. The date that came to me was this November 3rd. I tried to push it forward — so impatient! — but it wouldn’t budge. That was the date that held the power for me to move into the changes necessary to achieve this goal. Of course, I knew nothing about astrology at the time. So I’ve had that date in the back of my mind all this time, trying to push things & being impatient about “waiting” that long. But as I look back over these months, there’s an absolutely clear thru-line between then and now. And as it turns out, the “waiting” may not have been just idle time on my part.

    I intend to take this very literally: “It looks to be a different world, somehow, after Nov. 3. It also appears that a role in creating that world will be yours for the taking.” Thank you, Len. Look forward to seeing you — and everything else — a little bit differently then.

  20. “It will be as if the astrology of the last five years hooks up on one day through the auspices of consciousness itself”. Wow! Thanks so much for this piece, dear Len. Really helpful.Must say that I do feel a very subtle but deep shift in consciousness taking place in me, an easing up of the old ego, of being totally identified with everything that takes place in my life.
    Salamander – Good luck with it all, sounds like you’re on an amazing path and very determined. Good for you!

  21. Thank you for this post, Len Wallick. I guess it does feel like I’m on the halfway point of getting ready for part two of my internship. With Mercury Rx, there have been a few delays and uncertainties in communication (especially regarding my graduate admissions packet), I’m going to have driving lessons to complete the finishing touches of my driving skills next week, and old tasks are being revisited. The day of my interview is still pending. I want to be able to start part 2 of my internship so that I can get the job I want. I guess this is how I can use the powerful energies coming up. With the full moon in Aries and the lunar eclipse, I felt like my values were defined, and that more than ever, I wanted to work in the natural sciences. Hopefully, after Uranus and Pluto are exact, and after the new moon/solar eclipse in Scorpio, I’ll be able to start part 2 of my internship, and feel like my life is coming together.

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