Whirlwind Trip — Planning For The Eclipses

The Aries Full Moon at 7:38 pm EDT Friday will also be a penumbral (less than total) lunar eclipse, initiating a two-week cycle. The cycle will conclude with the Scorpio New Moon and hybrid (total and otherwise) solar eclipse on November 3. When you emerge from the other side of the Scorpio solar eclipse, you will probably feel as though you have been on a proverbial whirlwind trip, having traveled further and experienced more than would be usual for two weeks. Hence, for a whirlwind trip you should now prepare.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If you’ve ever traveled to many places in a short period, you know fatigue is problematic. That’s how your first priority should be to get as much sleep as possible during the next three nights.

After going into Friday without a sleep deficit, the next issue in order of importance will be less general and more specific to the impending eclipse cycle. That’s because Mercury will commence apparent reverse motion through Scorpio at 6:29 am EDT Monday, just as your trip has gotten underway.

If you were to take a poll of those who know of but are not actually knowledgeable about astrology, Mercury retrogrades and eclipses would probably be very high on the list of astrological events with a bad name. That’s how your next highest priority (after getting your rest) should be taking the time-honored advice not to believe the hype.

The term “hype” is derived from the less colloquial word “hyperbole.” It’s a term often applied to exaggerations, extrapolations, magnifications or elaborations of fact, usually made for the purpose of selling you on something. If you have any one advantage going into the metaphorical whirlwind trip that begins Friday, it’s the fact that you have been exposed to more hype than any of your ancestors going back to the first sucker punch.

So, know ahead of time that you know better, and need not be taken for a sucker. Don’t fear the beard, or anything weird. As a matter of fact, consider fear as you would consider any one-sided relationship that drains you dry — useless. Between now and Nov. 4 especially, fear can only serve to use you, not be useful to you. Fear can only waste your time.

Time is another essential element. By definition, a whirlwind trip consists of timely arrivals, closely followed by timely departures, one after another, in an unbroken chain. In order to keep the chain unbroken, especially during a Mercury retrograde, you will need to be not only well rested to begin with, and fearless throughout, but also diligent.

One dictionary definition of “diligent” is “constant in effort to accomplish something.” That’s how it would be a good idea to have something to accomplish during the two-plus weeks that follow Friday and conclude on Nov. 3. It doesn’t have to be something big. As a matter of fact, the nature of an eclipse cycle concurrent with Mercury retrograde is such that you should have an itinerary of small things towards which to apply your constant effort to a cumulative end.

Regardless of what cumulative accomplishment you may set for the eclipse cycle nearly upon us, please finally do not forget the journey — and enjoying it. For any trip, whirlwind or otherwise, to be worthwhile, you must enjoy the scenery and its changes. While the changes will vary depending on who and where you are, changes there will be.

Between this coming Friday and Nov. 3, the Sun will finish illuminating Libra’s scenery, moving on to traverse an entirely different representation of consciousness through Scorpio. During the same period, the Moon will cross more than half a dozen cusps of inner scenery to the other side of the zodiac. Eventually, after chasing the Sun down, the Moon will briefly block its light from reaching the Earth while bringing you out on the other side of your whirlwind trip at the same time.

Indeed, besides the changing solar and lunar scenery during your trip, much will transpire while you pass through as eventful an eclipse cycle as any of us have toured in a long time. 

That’s how you might want to take good look around you now before getting the good night’s sleep that should be your first priority. Get to know everything around and about you so that you will better appreciate the changes you are about to encounter. Start now so that those changes will be free from fatigue, fear and hype. Begin today so that at least some of those changes will be diligently undertaken, and enjoyed, as your own.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

22 thoughts on “Whirlwind Trip — Planning For The Eclipses”

  1. I share on my last article: between the 18/19 October lunar eclipse and the eclipse of the Sun of November 3, 2013, in translation French, thanks Len for your work of astrologer

  2. My answer Len is in Scorpio article wow this mercury, on my ascendant of solar revolution in a few days a year older.
    This is to have several pages open, in French, in English, the translator not to lose time, sacred Pixie this mercury and more in conjunction with my natal mars, is like the Moon in Aries this is precipice without thinking.
    Tonight Moon Uranus conjunction, I love is my past everywhere to bounce
    Good night 🙂

    Gift of consolation of your sentences 🙂

  3. “Venus will be opposite the degree she occupied when she occulted the Sun last year”

    Aha…Ok, Be, with DivaCarla’s prompting, I really appreciate your bringing this information of Venus’ relative positioning to us, as in coming round on Monday.

    Starting today, a day filled with what could have very easily been contributed to and perceived with (had I let it) ‘fear mongering’ -thank you Patty for this. I now realize with everyone’s great comments here, it was Venus who saved me. Makes sense now, with the knowledge of her timing, she seems to be playing softly in the background and is what was carrying me through today.

    Venus’ potential is that structured rhythm holding up the whole piece. And I am so very thankful for this!

    DivaCarla, appreciate you providing that link. I listened to the interviews last year and they were really helpful for that precious time of visioning. I also recall in particular David Tresemer interview so inspiring…I will have a play again this week.

    Jude, as always for your warm kindness and awareness. I hope this Eclipse season’s power brightly shines in open heart and peace through you.

  4. One person whom I know with Sun, Venus, and Chiron all in Aries will leave Atlanta on Thursday for a GeekGirlCon performance in Seattle on Friday October 18th.
    With a 10th house natal Sun Venus and Chiron all conjunct by minutes and this natal conjunction only 6 degrees away from the eclipse point, the performance should be STELLAR.
    Wish I could be there to witness.

  5. Gotta laugh, Len. You got us all with that sleep comment. I woke three or more times last night — wind was rattling the trees, the dogs were restless — and thought of it each time.

    Thanks for the soothing Venus trine info, be, given the hysteria of the moment the Goddess of Love is just the right energy to expand upon. We got a fix but it’s temporary. That’s like a stay of execution, momentary rescue but doesn’t do much for the nerves, long term. Good reminder that this eclipse period could use our closer attention on ourselves and one another, what heals our body and mind, delights our soul.

    And I especially appreciate the Sabian’s, P. Sophia — I trust them completely to define the energy mix and the potential of this eclipse period. Magnifying those potentials during the coming days is a splendid templet for keeping our head above the fear level, which is always the key to a peaceful mind and open heart.

    Thanks for another great piece, Len. Just right!

  6. Error alert . . . Venus does NOT septile Neptune today, drat. Obviously, I didn’t get enough sleep. However, she does septile the future in a way. Today she’s 51+ (septile) degrees from where Jupiter and Saturn will meet in 2020, at 0+ Aquarius, and she ties together the north node (future) and Pluto (transform) by being semi-sextile both. Not good enough?

    Well, she WILL quintile Neptune toward the end of the month and then septile him next month, AFTER she sextiles him, and after she conjuncts the Galactic Center, and after she conjuncts Pluto and septiles Saturn (not necessarily in this order), and frankly a quintile to Neptune will more agreeable than a septile and still operate from that higher, fine-tuned level. She is still large and in her subtle way, in charge.

  7. Answering your call to prayer Diva; and Patty, re: media fear mongering, could not agree more.

    An extension of the Venus influence can be seen in her septile to Neptune today; an aspect that finds things happening for no apparent reason which appear to be irrational. However, Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and needs no rationality. He utilizes the power of Love, as in prayer.

    In the lunar eclipse chart she also rules the sign and house (6th of service and health) occupied by the Sun (consciousness) in Libra when the chart is set in D.C. She herself occupies the 7th house of partnership (a subject she excels in) and she and Sun are sort of in a way like in mutual reception (Venus in the 7th and Sun in Libra), like Pluto and Saturn.

    In addition to her trine to her father Uranus, she is also bi-quintile Jupiter in Cancer, an aspect that blends creativity and will on a higher level (just like Neptune’s relationship with her) in a harmonious way. Factor in that on Monday and Tuesday transiting Venus will be opposite the degree she occupied when she occulted the Sun last year, a once-in-a-lifetime experience, then she can surely stop the battle with the Titans. It sounds like more than a “ripple” of the Venus transit Diva, sounds like it could be a gully-washer of Love.

  8. Dear DivaCarla – Yes! I’m picking up an alignment through my chart at 7+ to 9+ degrees, and that would include Venus at 9+ sag. For me it feels like the effects of all that water that has been clearing out the deep channels and blocked hidden places (grand trine) and is now allowing the water to flow back to and from source(s), and from there back into a natural cycle, a natural flow….lovely stuff…. concentrating on one quandry today (i love that word!). It’s amazing what one long night of sleep can do. 😉 all best, nilou

  9. This eclipse is conjunct my venus exactly, and my mars is trine the US Sibly, also in Aries. Therefore, I forecast that revenues continue to flow into the treasury from various sources like outstanding loans and taxes paid, so stop worrying. Wish the media would slow down on the fear mongering.

  10. Good morning all. It took a while to settle to sleep, and I felt the call to CALL everyone in my world together to pray about the hostage situation underway in Washington (gov’t shutdown, and all shit about to hit the fan). Consider yourself called :o). Then I could sleep.

    I am going to save this thread and read it every morning through these eclipses to give me courage, and help me steer my Kayak. Be, Thank you for the ray of hope from Venus. For the 2nd time this month, I am reminded of and re-listen to Eric UAC interview with Dale O’Brien, talking about Venus and Eros, stopping the battle of the Titans with the power of Love. It’s a powerful Myth, and it may be our way through these Eclipses and the storm of hatred that threatens to engulf.

    He offers this line: The Only thing that is going to save[the world] is ALL THINGS VENUS. I needed to hear this right now, and share it again.


    Scroll down to the Dale O’Brien interview.

    How far away are we from last year’s Venus Transit?
    During this eclipse we have the hurricane Sandy anniversary.
    Who could have predicted the political storm, or the Front Range floods?
    (hug to Chief Niwots Son)

    Listening to the David Tresemer interview on visualizing through the Venus Transit could also be useful now.

    Are we riding through a ripple from the Venus Transit right now?

  11. Hey Len, I tried that going to bed early. It worked for about an hour or so and then I woke up, looked at the lunar eclipse chart again and saw that Venus (12 Sagittarius 12) would be on the U.S. Sibly ascendant and trine the President’s Sun in Leo, and as well, trine the eclipse Uranus. Then I saw that Venus ruled the lunar eclipse chart (set in Washington, DC) with it’s Taurus rising, and because she also rules Libra, she holds sway over the Libra Sun. I dropped you in on Starlight News Blog because those folks needed something to give them hope. Now that I know all is going to be okay I can go to sleep.

  12. Chief Niwots Son, P. Sophia, DivaCarla, Salamander, and Strawberry: Thank you all for your kind words, creative interpretations, valuable contributions, and supportive ways. Beautiful eople inside and out, each and all, thank you!

  13. DivaCarla- Keeping the bow ahead is exactly the right notion for the coming chute. On a literal level, during last months flood in my area we had whitewater in the VII or VIII range, and I know the scale only goes to five. But when houses and highways are headed down the chute… Thanks for your affirmation. Ciao Bella!

    Strawberrylaughter- Stronger boats indeed, and you are right in saying that we’ve been in the Water all year, kayaking through varying degrees of turbulence- inner and outer. And your words “stronger boats” brought to my mind this ditty by Yusef Islam (the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens):


    The Soul of Nobody Knows.

  14. Oh. And as I had that thought about using my change, a butterfly came in & landed on my finger. Subtle, much?

  15. Awesome. Apropos of my “change” metaphor from the airport & a renewed commitment to listening, I noticed yesterday that my coin purse was getting overloaded & heard myself say “I need to start using all this change.”

    Bingo. Eclipse season, coming right up! In a crazy making way, I feel like what got shook loose in May is just now landing. Literally: these five days preceding this first eclipse will see/are seeing those things hit the ground in a real way. And, having been so long up in the air, they’ll either shatter or bounce. But what they do is what they do. It’s not my job to control the outcome.

    I’m with you, DivaCarla & Chief Niwots Son — we may be entering the chutes, but we’re in stronger boats than we were paddling in May. Tho, to be honest, the water never really eddied out much on my end. This has been one wild damn ride.

    Cheers to all. Pointy-end first!

  16. Thank you for the tips, Len Wallick.
    I intend to rest and relax for the next few days, and I’ll make sure to be aware of any hype in my surroundings.
    I intend to use Mercury Rx to make sure I submit documents thoroughly and completely, I am reviewing course material (including calculus) in preparation for graduate school, and I am reviewing the way I do my push-ups, as well as the way I consolidate my sanchin stance.

  17. I woke at 3:30 am today, and noticing stars, took my camera across the mountain to photograph Mars and Regulus together, hoping for a glimpse of ISON in the binocs. It is too early, and too small yet. (I remember watching Hale-Bopp as a fuzz ball out by Jupiter 6 months before naked eye visiblity. H-B was HUGE!) Since I am preparing for a whirlwind journey, I better catch up on my sleep tonight.

    Everything about this forecast jives with my life over the next two weeks, or two months. I have a goal, a mission, that will be completed one small task at a time, and every thing you say about the mindsets for this trip apply: diligent and fearless being foremost. What I’ve set up for myself will take more courage –and faith– than learning to ski, buying a house, or moving to NYC without knowing anyone.

    Thank you for the trip advisor, Len.

    Chief Niwots Son, I always think of Solar Eclipses especially as pointing the kayak into the chute, and keeping the bow ahead. Don’t want to take this portal sideways! I think it was two years ago or was it last year, there was a solar eclipse on the winter solstice. That one was class V rapids. Last year, tense, but not so much. This year? Well, I feel experienced and trust my equipment. I hope it doesn’t turn out to be hubris on my part. It’s gonna be rocky, and we are gonna get wet!

    PS just in case anyone imagines me as an extreme sport Diva, the only rapids I shoot are the metaphoric emotional rapids of eclipse portals. Wish I got my adrenaline fix this way instead of the stressful situations I choose instead!

  18. Len, thanks so much directing our attention to admire the scenery and changes as something good to always hold onto along the way. On this eventful journey I see our Moon’s Node will be at opposition degree, 8º Taurus further reminding us of our our need to stay ever present and aware.

    8º Taurus: A sleigh without snow.
    Independence of the will of the self from outer circumstances. Power to mould life upon the pioneer’s prophetic vision.

    As for your, and also Chief’s comments thank you to, holding potentiality in light, we have the complementary Sabian degrees and symbols. As for the Lunar Eclipse flight take off (complementing your prescription here) and also at the Solar Eclipse landing’s strong messages are both reading potential realized(!) leading our safe and promising what could very well be a prosperous flight in.

    Moon’s Eclipse
    26º Aries: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.
    Supreme endowment, and inexhaustibility of resources in all possible life realms. Sometimes obsession by potentiality.

    Sun’ Eclipse
    26º Libra: An eagle and a large white dove turning into each other.
    Necessary cooperation between mind, will, spirit-and heart, love. Power of psychological balance and compensation. Unity.

  19. Thank you Len, a beautiful metaphor for the road ahead, and great advice for the journey. I would add the reminder that the Mercury retrogradation lasts until 11 November, which naturally coincides with the completion of an upcoming business trip for this Mercurial son.

    I’ve been feeling some glimmers of the upcoming Mercury Retro, or the Eclipses, or both, and my sense is that we are heading into the rapids. I feel that when I arrive on the other side of this passage I will be clear of old emotional stickiness, and more focused on my path. Riding the rapids is never an easy feat, as it requires the diligence you bring to our attention above. I will take you advice to heart and plunge directly into the heart of the potential that beckons.

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