Release point: Pisces Full Moon into the equinox

If you’ve been having a tense week, you’re not alone. Numerous factors have been contributing to this sensation, not least of which is this morning’s Full Moon in Pisces (exact just before 7:13 am EDT). With several aspects this week involving water signs, chances are you’ve been feeling everything much more acutely, and it can be hard to figure out how to respond to and work with the energy rather than react out of hand.

Simplified chart showing the Pisces Moon opposite the Virgo Sun. Also shown (from top right): Venus, Saturn and the lunar North Node in Scorpio; Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer (bottom of chart); Ceres and Vesta in Virgo opposite Neptune and Chiron in Pisces; South Node in Taurus; and Nessus in Aquarius (which is quincunx, or one sign off from an opposition to, the Sun). See glyph key here.
Simplified chart showing the Pisces Moon opposite the Virgo Sun. Also shown (from top right): Venus, Saturn and the lunar North Node in Scorpio; Mercury in Libra square Jupiter in Cancer (bottom of chart); Ceres and Vesta in Virgo opposite Neptune and Chiron in Pisces; South Node in Taurus; and Nessus in Aquarius (which is quincunx, or one sign off from an opposition to, the Sun). See glyph key here.

The conjunction between Venus and Saturn in Scorpio was exact yesterday, so any intensity associated with that should be easing up. Did you encounter new information or insights that had previously been hidden to you? (Scorpio has a secretive flavor.) If so, what do you do now with what you’ve learned from those mysterious inner depths?

The Full Moon’s sense of interpersonal tension is likely still working itself out, as you dance between options. Remember that the Virgo-Pisces axis is partly about integrating rational thought with emotion, attention to detail with the big picture; practical or technical skill with imagination and intuition.

From both sides of the duality, there is a form of ‘looking ahead’ that can be tapped into. For sure, there is great value in being fully present in whatever you are feeling in the moment. We all need an outlet, though, and sometimes leaping into action isn’t the most productive choice.

If you can engage the step-by-step planning and organizing abilities of the Sun in Virgo at the same time that you harness the visioning and dreaming powers of Pisces (or perhaps alternate between the two), you might find yourself making a kind of progress without storming the wrong castle (such as your own).

Given that the Sun is in its final days of Virgo, you might experience some edginess as you begin the weekend. It’s a common sensation as the Sun prepares to leave any sign, though signs that end seasons bring a stronger sense of impending transition. It might feel something like limbo. Especially if the weather where you are feels like it belongs to the next season rather than the one finishing, the psychological urge to start the next thing or phase intensifies.

Between now and the equinox (the Sun ingresses Libra at 4:44 pm EDT Sunday), which begins autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern, we have one more major-planet aspect involving a water sign adding its own flavor of tension to the mix. Mercury in Libra is square Jupiter in Cancer, exact at 10:20 pm EDT Thursday.

Mercury kicked off the week by activating the Uranus-Pluto square and a minor planet called Typhon, related to typhoons and a sea monster. We saw this reflected in the Navy Yard shooting, the typhoon in Japan and catastrophic flooding in Colorado. All of it is a reminder not to underestimate the speediest, smallest planet. It is, after all, closest to the Sun, which powers our entire solar system.

Mercury square Jupiter, like all squares, is a kind of tension you will likely feel internally as an urge to act — specifically, the tendency to overstate or exaggerate things based on your emotions. There’s nothing wrong with being optimistic about the planning and visioning you’re doing — if you believe it, you can do it. But notice if your mind jumps between specific details and the big picture, and how you’re feeling about it. Your feelings hold valuable information in these days.

7 thoughts on “Release point: Pisces Full Moon into the equinox”

  1. Yes, what a wave. On my way home from the open mic I described in Len’s post I found a book called Writing Down The Bones by Natalie Goldberg in a free box. A chapter called composting was like a little bomb going off in my ghost webs having just found a bunch of my journals from the 90’s filled with exactly the self absorbed trips through my cast of monsters and buddhas, demons and taoist immortals, gui and shen that she talked about as part of the writer’s process of composting. The book is just another amazingly well timed connection like breaking my kid sized guitar only to be given a full sized steel string 3 days later, and getting past my crowd of monkeys to show up and shine with the other stars at the open mic instead of putting it off for another week.

  2. Amanda, thanks so much for another very tactile, exploitative piece.

    Your interpretations really help bridge my feelings towards actually getting a better grip on the particular aspect influences. It is so useful in fine tuning the understanding of relationship of emotions to acceptance, receptivity, action, and peace which exists in-being, and of course is also present outside all around us.

    “If you can engage the step-by-step planning and organizing abilities of the Sun in Virgo at the same time that you harness the visioning and dreaming powers of Pisces (or perhaps alternate between the two), you might find yourself making a kind of progress without storming the wrong castle (such as your own).”

    Be: Thanks for bringing in your interpretation, as always is such a gift! Particularly regarding the seesaw pattern from Marc Edmund Jones book. I look forward to checking this out in more detail. And tomorrow should prove interesting…Pluto begins his station direct! Will finally offer a forward shift in movement I feel. And with the Sun soon to enter Libra, retaining one’s center with balance, offers us a helpful awareness to keep.

  3. I learned (from the Venus-Saturn conjunct in Scorpio) that the Health Care Reform Bill’s Uranus (26 Pisces 56) is where today’s Full Moon is/was. What I did with that knowledge is tell you so you will be prepared for the unexpected from the voting in the House of Representatives tomorrow. Thanks Amanda for noting that great point about Venus-conjunct-Saturn, and as well the reminder to organize step-by-step; the gift to humanity of Virgo processing.

    As for integrating the Full Pisces Moon’s emotion with Virgo Sun’s rational thought, it is supported by the pattern provided by the 10 major planet-luminary symbols which will begin to break up starting tomorrow. It is the Seesaw pattern and, in this case, the outer (unconscious) planets are on one side of the seesaw and the inner (conscious) planets are on the other side. As Venus leaves her conjunction to Saturn and moves away from the “conscious” side of the seesaw, she steps in to help negotiate any sticky points between Chiron’s opposition to Ceres (she trines him and sextiles her).

    The Moon also will be moving out of the “unconscious” side of the seesaw pattern once she conjuncts Uranus. That will be about the same time Venus trines Chiron and just before Pluto stations direct. An alchemical process began to take place this past weekend with outer planets “communicating” with inner planets across the seesaw board right up to last night’s sextile between Pluto and Venus. Now, under the Pisces Full Moon influence, the Seesaw pattern dissolves into a new pattern forming in time for the Fall Equinox. A Splash pattern which, for a while, will give us a universal approach; a “gift for ordering what to lesser ability might seem utter confusion” is what Marc Edmund Jones says about it in his book The Guide To Horoscope Interpretation. You can just feel it in the air can’t you?

  4. This full moon rather quiet and calm, I have a friend he understood that it was necessary as add at the time of the full moon so much it takes each time in the fisherman’s net. And the conjunction Venus and Saturn to the North node here help make more easily from recoil., in the company of his Sun progressed, it helps release decision-making and to reflect deeply on the impact of these emotions.
    I finally write my article on the founder of Krishna consciousness which I devour books and under a conjunction Venus meets Saturn it gives more meaning to life…
    Thanks Amanda and good Weekend to all 🙂

  5. Beautifully written, as always Amanda

    I am loving this year with so many planets in water signs.
    The feeling world is visceral and creative

  6. Thank you, Amanda, for a concise and cogent synopsis of our current astrology which will serve as both a useful reference and welcome guide.

  7. Thank you, Amanda. There is so much to keep up with! Your guidance is very much appreciated and helping me maintain a fragile sense of stability – or is that Saturn: both i reckon…

    “Jupiter has the potential to push things into overindulgence — and that might be exactly what you need. […] But creativity isn’t about maintaining control, and neither is erotic surrender or getting lost in music or even just simply feeling with all of your senses.”


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