Salacia, Pisces Full Moon and a Red Flag Incident

Vajra performs at Backstage Studio Productions this past Saturday night. Photo by Eric Francis.
Vajra performs at Backstage Studio Productions this past Saturday night. Photo by Eric Francis.

In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM I cover the approaching Pisces Full Moon conjunct the relatively new planet Salacia. Named of for the consort of Neptune and a goddess of the sea, I think it’s pretty special that we’re having a Full Moon in Pisces conjunct this point — though it’s difficult to predict what it might mean. That’s why I call these ‘proving moments’, wherein a planet’s properties emerge.

In the second half of the program I cover the Building 197 incident — Monday’s shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, DC (see chart). First a clarification: the suspect, Aaron Alexis, didn’t have top secret clearance — he merely had security clearance. But the irony is still there — he had security clearance despite a history of arrests, firearms incidents and a ridiculously spotty career in the Navy. What is the meaning of security?

You can see his chart here. I also look briefly at the chart of the NRA.

Here is my initial writeup on the Building 197 incident. Here is a commentary on the emotional onslaught of the news that I wrote Monday night, called Missing the Obvious.

Our musical guest tonight is Vajra, who performed this week at Backstage Studio in uptown Kingston, NY.

3 thoughts on “Salacia, Pisces Full Moon and a Red Flag Incident”

  1. Thank-you, Eric, for this useful & enlightening FM cast, particularly your reflections & understandings on the astrology surrounding both the Washington shootings & the NRA. I find the NRA truly terrifying in both their thinking & policies & the extent of their power.

    I’ve been reflecting all day upon your mention of the connection between gun ownership & gun killings, & our collective failure to expect consequences from our policies. It seems to me that this is an overwhelmingly common pattern of shortsightedness – in everything from government decisions regarding resource development (such as the Alberta tar sands) to allowing outsourcing of jobs (to gratify corporations, while creating massive unemployment at home), & minimizing environemtal regulations, which will doubtless create future famines. I believe this failure also occurs at a personal level, & while the inability to predict consequences is to be expected in the very young, it seems to carry on far beyond that life stage. A major factor there, I believe, is a failure to reflect upon potential outcomes. It’s one thing to have done that reflection, assessed some visible pitfalls, & say “I think it’s worth the risks” – but quite another to barge ahead because, on the surface, it looks like it may fulfill immediate goals, providing gratification – now. What has happened to genuine, responsible adulthood???

    It seems to me that this shortcut mentality is a large part of why we’re surrounded by the social, ecological, financial & political chaos we’re all trying to navigate. I’m thankful we have astrology to help us make our way.

  2. Thanks Eric for posting the shooting chart’s centaurs, etc. Seeing that Pholus had been transiting over Aaron’s Neptune for quite a while helps get to the core of his state of mind. At 18 Sagittarius, Pholus not only was (almost) conjunct Aaron’s Neptune (19 Sagittarius), it was quincunx his natal Sun at 18 Taurus yesterday, and the solar eclipse on May 9, 2013 at 19 Taurus as well.

    That was when Ceres was at 12 Cancer, the same degree as the MC for the chart of yesterday’s shooting. Ceres was opposite Pluto and square Uranus in that eclipse chart. Yesterday Ceres (8 Virgo) had just passed over Aaron’s Saturn (7 Virgo), which further contributes to a growing feeling I have that some concept of “family”, especially regarding nurturing, had some bearing on Aaron’s motivation to kill people.

  3. You are radiant Eric with your camera professional photographer, I have a friend who has the same, excellent for some rehearsal photos. I love also make photos, we take fast taste, even in the originality, the unreleased with the Moon in PISCES in the full moon puts photographers in honor, even amateur everything is good to take… 😉

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