Today’s edition available to everyone

I’ve made today’s edition available to everyone — sans horoscopes on Facebook but with the horoscope for our blog readers.

Thanks to our members for making this kind of journalism possible.

I had a lot of help on this article, especially on subjects I know the least about — the petrodollar, Iran and intra-Muslim affairs; and as is often the case, I had considerable help from Tracy Delaney getting the astrology focused and useful; and my editing team — Amanda Painter and Susan Scheck processing the text this morning in about 90 minutes. I’m opening up today’s lead article on the proposed Syria war and SKY section to the public. Thank you to Planet Waves website members who make this kind of independent journalism possible.

5 thoughts on “Today’s edition available to everyone”

  1. Thank you, Eric & the PW team, for putting this together and getting it out there to as many people as possible. I actually passed it (the main article) to my boss because he & I have talked a little about Syria and what we think the US should do. We’re both pretty much on the same page that military intervention is not a good idea (for many reasons).

    He passed along to me Peggy Noonan’s column in today’s (?) Wall Street Journal. Her beliefs & politics are generally much more conservative than mine and those of my boss, though we both appreciate her mind and clear writing. I agree with a lot of what she wrote in that opinion. I think it’s worth reading to get yet another perspective.

    I’ve been feeling like this is a real tipping point for the US as a country. If most of us citizens are opposed to intervention and it’s made to happen anyway, the gulf between “us” and Washington will grow even wider. Both of my senators (Boxer & Feinstein) as well as my representative (Pelosi) have gone on record to support military strikes against Syria, all the while admitting that their constituents are overwhelmingly against this. The argument Feinstein is using is, “they haven’t seen what I’ve seen” in terms of intellligence reports. Try again, Senator, you haven’t convinced me. But then again, she and the others feel that they don’t have to convince us.

  2. Eric,
    Your article on the SyriaScam is extremely helpful in pulling together the charades that are currently being played by our “leaders”. Thank you for this.

    In the meantime, I’m trying to answer for myself an Econ101 question that I’m not schooled to understand (and the charts are too complex and my astrology too limited to go searching there). What happens when/if we do not “control” the oil/petro-dollar factory in the middle-east? That is, even if we were to develop our own energy resources for use in the US, aren’t we still relying on this oil-based monetary system to uphold our economy? (sidebar – while local sustainable energy is not irrelevant in terms of energy needs, isn’t it currently irrelevant for national-economic reasons due to the petro-dollar being our monetary standard?). Anyway, isn’t this the foggy question motivating Syria – that is, our need to maintain our economy which is based on this petro-dollar (*and obviously I’m not trying to understand the spoils of war visavis the corporate war-toy manufacturing profiteering. That’s not engulfed in fog – it’s quite obvious.)

    Apologies for taking space here on what is most likely an elementary question regarding our petro-dollar-based economy and thanks for any response.

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