Virgo New Moon: How to think for yourself

Today’s Virgo New Moon is exact at 9:44 am EDT. All New Moons are a conjunction of the Sun and Moon, and this one is in a sign represented by Mercury. This means that how we think, how we feel about what we think, and our understanding of that process are all part of the equation.

Simplified chart showing the Sun and Moon conjunct in Virgo (New Moon). Jupiter is the orange '4' in Cancer, making a sextile to the New Moon; Chiron is the orange key opposite the New Moon. Also shown: Mercury in late Virgo, which it rules. View full chart here.
Simplified chart showing the Sun and Moon conjunct in Virgo (New Moon). Jupiter is the orange ‘4’ in Cancer, making a sextile to the New Moon; Chiron is the orange key opposite the New Moon. Also shown: Mercury in late Virgo, which it rules. View full chart here.

New Moons can represent starting points; the blending of ego consciousness (Sun) and intuition/emotions (Moon); and blind spots in our awareness — kind of like how it’s hard to see someone right beside you without turning your head. With a New Moon in a sign ruled by Mercury, we get a question about ‘how to think for yourself’.

One of the first things to ask yourself in any situation you’re trying to figure out is, “What don’t I know?”

That is, you have to be aware of what you don’t know in order to ask the right questions and have an idea of where to look for the answers. It’s a simple concept.

Yet in this age of lightning-fast sharing on the Internet, it’s easier than ever to take information at face value and assume you have the whole story. The irony is that it’s also easier than ever to research, fact-check and follow up on sources.

The key ingredients are making the time and having the motivation to do so. For most of us, that is not a top priority when it comes to news stories — not when you’re working two jobs, or taking classes, or battling a chronic illness, or just trying to make some time for creative expression (or, let’s face it, distracted by the Internet).

Think of it as simply considering multiple points of view. That’s as much of a thought exercise as it can be actively searching out sources from outside your usual worldview. Once you’ve made that adjustment to your mental posture, it’s possible for curiosity to take over — and then looking for alternate sources of information (or the lineage of an article you’re reading) becomes more like fun than work.

Once you start shifting perspective regularly, you might find yourself pausing before you click ‘like’ on Facebook or forward an email. What exactly are you saying if you put that information/image/etc. out there? Check your facts and test your theory.

You might also notice yourself coming out of either/or mode and beginning to take an integrated point of view, one that synthesizes different perspectives into something original and personal.

Finally, anytime you hear yourself saying, ‘I believe…’ or ‘I think…’ or ‘I thought…’ notice how much of the statement is verifiable fact. How far back can you trace your beliefs — as in, do they date back to childhood, your parents or even further? How able are you to allow them to be questioned (by yourself or by others)? It’s good to know the basis of your ideas.

Our culture doesn’t seem to put much value on doing so, but with a few basic tools, it can be done. As the astrology heats up in the coming season (we’re approaching the Libra equinox, a ‘personal is political’ Aries Point event), these will be good mental habits to cultivate. No better time than a Mercury-ruled New Moon to start.

— With Eric Francis

[Note: Eric provides additional coverage of the New Moon in the new edition of Planet Waves FM. for the influence on Chiron in the New Moon configuration, see Monday’s post; for Jupiter’s influence, Len Wallick’s Tuesday column.]

9 thoughts on “Virgo New Moon: How to think for yourself”

  1. Oh my Amanda. You’ve really hit the nail on the head for me, I’ve been a long time reader and finally plucked up the courage to comment because of these words

    blind spots in our awareness — kind of like how it’s hard to see someone right beside you without turning your head. With a New Moon in a sign ruled by Mercury, we get a question about how to think for yourself

    I have a few planets in Virgo and 2 days ago I was told that I am about to lose periheral vision in my left eye, yet to determine exactly what the condition is. I’ve been in knots trying to pin how I’ve manifested this which has ended in self attack. Time to ease up a little, your writing just gave me a wonderful clue. Thank you so much.

  2. Amanda (and Eric): Thank you for another “clip and save” keeper with a practical protocol that (if practiced consistently) will contribute to health, wealth and well being. Perfect for a New Moon in Virgo. So tasty, i’m going to read it again.

  3. Thanks for this, be! Wonderful! A kind of koan – which I will have to re-read and absorb, when I have more time.
    Lovely stuff, dear Daniel. Sounds like you’re doing great.
    Have just been offered an editing job with a UN outfit I applied for in June 2012, after a grueling 4 hour exam I made a total dogs dinner of. It’s a 4 month contract, but they’ll train me up. Hooray for Jupiter in Cancer (and one should never give up hope!).

  4. Thanks Amanda, when I read “think for yourself” it reminded me of the website called think with your heart dot com, which reminded me of a “quote” a friend sent me from that site:
    “Change begins with first accepting, being present with that which you so desperately want to change. When you allow the discomfort that is birthing your desire for change to exist, only then are you in an empowered position to create anew. – Pleiadian High Council”

    It’s taken a couple of readings of that for the meaning to begin to sink in, but the opposition of Chiron in Pisces to the Sun/Moon today has helped to clarify it. The Virgo side of the equation (the conscious side) of this opposition will be good at noting specific details of a situation to “fix” and then allowing it to take over the process. That leads to a loss of seeing/perceiving the desired goal of what is changing. Having Chiron in Pisces to “mirror” this loss of perceiving the greater goal through his persistent (but unconscious) reminder of the Piscean theme that dissolves details. Until we can accept that the details must be integrated into the whole picture (or even released) and not be the entire focus of our thinking, we won’t be fully empowered to create the change we want.

    I’m still working on this.

  5. Good reminders, thanks! This is so true esp when taking action based on ones intuition I feel. There are (or will feel like) several points to base choices on. Ultimately integrity is the highest vibration. But one thing I was helped with (thank you Mia and others) is to slow down for an allowing process. To soften ones position can feel like weakness or an emphasis on compromise. I’m trying my best in a way that promotes ease and flow to simply allow the situation to be what it is and move in that space by paying attention to how I feel. Then pausing, reflecting and then deciding. I want to learn how to do better than I have done. I think thats important too.

  6. Yes. A time to cultivate good mental habits – the key to it all. Thanks for this great, encouraging piece my dears!

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