Thursday: Uranus stations direct

Dear Friend and Reader,

What exactly do we mean when we talk about Uranian energy? And why is it such a big deal when Saturn and Uranus oppose one another? Let’s take a look at Uranus, since he is stationing direct today, and see if we can’t distill the secret from the information at hand.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Eric, in his article called Born in the Sixties writes: “Uranus is all about invention, revolution, sudden and shocking changes and a spirit of freedom; it should be called Prometheus, whose spirit is that of awakening.” Isabel Hickey writes that Uranus is the energy of intuition, and is closely related to Mars because of the speed and intent with which it operates. It seeks to restructure. You could almost say that Uranus is the opposite of Saturn, because Saturn is about adhering to structure and accepting limitations. Uranus looks at a wall and sees the chance for some great pyrotechnics.

Pisces, the sign which Uranus occupies right now, is like Virgo in that it is about service to others. Hickey understands Pisces as the sign of understanding where “sacrifice is joy and suffering is lost.” Uranus in this sign may suggest humanitarian qualities and visionary nature. With Pluto changing signs, the fat Sagittarius New Moon and Uranus’ station direct, the energy of each is hard to filter out from the others. It’s almost like a crescendo between the tympani, the cello and the violin reaching fever pitch and becoming something else than the combination of all those sounds.

What does it sound like? Full speed ahead. But to what?

The current opposition between Saturn and Uranus relates directly to the Saturn-Uranus conjunction of 1988. For example, soon after the conjunction, the Berlin Wall crumbled thus symbolizing a new economy for the then Soviet Union. Without going into specific historical detail, it is clear that the conjunction of decades prior to this opposition reflect one another. We are also experiencing social and economic restructuring.

During this Saturn-Uranus opposition, we have begun to see the holes in our current capitalistic regime. We are beginning to question what is really going on, and demanding more transparency in our government. Questions of gender, sexuality, civil rights, reproduction and ethical treatment of resources and animals are coming to the surface as we struggle to find the answer to how to live our lives. The old idols are falling.

An opposition is the culmination of the energy of two planets, just like the Full Moon, which is the Moon opposite the Sun.

Now we have Uranus in Pisces, which we have seen is the sign of compassion, of dissolving the barriers thrown between one thing and another to get to the real core of the idea. We have Saturn in Virgo, which is understood as being closely related to routines, daily health maintenance, practical adherence to rules, or to put it simply: the reason we do not say ‘fuck’ in the bank and take our vitamins every day.

Uranus is being charged up by the influences of Pluto and the New Moon, both of these planets having to do with shadow material and the subconscious. It looks to me as though we are being primed to take control of our own lives. We are being given a full dose of visionary energy so that we may begin to design and construct a world we want to be involved in.

Also, Ceres is being aspected today in a square with Mercury. A full plate and a full mind right in time for Thanksgiving.

Merry Met,


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