Venus in Libra: Where I Belong I’m Right

The Beatles song “Fixing a Hole” came to mind with this weekend’s astrology, as we move into the week.

As you may know, we’re in the era of a world transit — the Uranus-Pluto square. That’s a long-term event, with effects that will span from 2010 to 2020 plus or minus a few years: a big one. Uranus is in Aries; Pluto is in Capricorn.

Grand cross in the cardinal signs, which comes into full focus on Aug. 24. View a chart with all the planets. View glyph legend here.
Grand cross in the cardinal signs, which comes into full focus on Aug. 24. View a chart with all the planets. View glyph legend here.

This year, Jupiter joined the mix. It’s in Cancer, square Uranus and opposite Pluto. That’s a pattern called a T-square: three legs of a square are filled, in this case along the all-powerful cardinal cross — the signs that start the seasons. The cardinal signs represent dauntless initiative and connect with the “personal is political” Aries Point.

Yet this setup has had an empty spot, in Libra. This has felt like something was missing or out of balance. Especially with Libra being the missing leg of the cross, the whole theme of balance itself can describe the missing element.

That is, until now. Venus arrived in Libra on Friday, Aug. 16 at 11:37 am. Not only is there the presence in Libra of a major planet, it’s also the ruling planet of the sign. Just the mention of the words “Venus in Libra” is enough to make any astrologer’s heart sing. It’s a beautiful placement, but a powerful one too, which is a good thing. Venus will need that strength to stand up to the many tasks ahead.

It starts its journey with an opposition to the Aries Point. That alone is news, and it could really be news — any time a particularly strong planet makes contact with the Aries Point we might see a distinct effect in the world, and I am sure some astrologers are speculating that the demise of New York City’s absurd “stop and frisk” policy sounds rather perfectly Venus in Libra.

But this story lasts a while. And I haven’t said what it’s a story about — except that it involves multifaceted Venus (affection, attraction, love, sex, creativity, attraction of pleasure and wealth) and a series of encounters with deep planets. Venus is in formidable company on the cardinal cross, and it will be making aspects to each of the planets already there. Venus is passing through the Uranus-Pluto square with the presence of Jupiter, which is also passing through the Uranus-Pluto square.

Here’s why that’s notable: The Uranus-Pluto square has a way of staying in the background, coloring the whole experience of existing within society in these years of our lives. Like all environments, it can be difficult to discern (ref: Marshall McLuhan: the environment is invisible, including what he called the media environment).

When another planet comes along and enters the aspect structure, as Jupiter has been doing, or as Venus is about to do, we can feel the background pattern more palpably because there is some contrast. In the case of Venus, there is an emotionally grounded, visceral, sensory presence that is calling attention to the slower-moving pattern.

Moss grows on Lot 1 of the Grandmother Land. Photo by Eric.
Moss grows on Lot 1 of the Grandmother Land. Photo by Eric.

Venus is one of the most useful planets, perhaps second only to Chiron. It bestows gifts, talents and practical abilities on every level; next to Chiron it’s probably the most multifaceted planet, and unlike Chiron it doesn’t come with an edgy feeling.

Venus is giving us an opportunity to engage fully with the Uranus-Pluto square on every level. If you know your chart, consider where Libra is, and that will give you a clue about the most accessible ways for this to manifest. Said another way, Venus is giving us an opportunity to live and fully participate in these times in which we’re alive.

We need no thought of the future or the past right now: we’ve arrived at the destination, at the crossroads, and at one of the most interesting parts of the journey all at the same time.

In terms of specific details, in case you’re curious, here is the schedule of Venus aspects, which represent hotspots in the cycle. Remember, though, that this ride begins the moment that Venus ingresses Libra.

Venus ingressed Libra; opposite Aries Point on Aug. 16
Venus quincunx Neptune on Aug. 19
Venus square Pluto on Aug. 24
Venus opposite Uranus and quincunx Chiron on Aug. 26
Venus square Jupiter on Aug. 27
Venus ingresses Scorpio on Sept. 11
Venus (in Scorpio) square Mars (in Leo) on Sept. 28

6 thoughts on “Venus in Libra: Where I Belong I’m Right”

  1. Thank you, Eric, for a leg up on Venus. This piece itself should have its own legs for a long time.

  2. daniel — i’m not sure how eric would answer this, since he is experienced in writing sun-sign horoscopes and the annual editions, and i am not. 🙂 but i generally look at aspects to *specific planets* and angles (ascendant, descendant, midheaven, IC), not to the entire sign. to me that sounds a little unwieldy.

    so, personally, if a transiting planet is making an aspect to my ascendant degree, i would look at that. but if it is making an aspect to the degree where my natal sun is, i’d look at that.

    i’m not saying one cannot interpret aspects to the entire sign or house, i’m just not sure how clear it is to do so.

    anyone else have more experience in this?

  3. Eric, can I please ask you (or any readers to share) what the difference is between an aspect made to my rising sign vs. to my sun sign. I don’t understand this and get confused a lot. Should I simply be looking at my 1st house (Libra) and any planet in my 1st house (Pluto conj ascendant)?

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