New edition on its way to subscriebrs

This week's lead article is the result of a three-year investigation.
This week’s lead article is the result of a three-year investigation.

You can read this entire, full-to-bursting premium membership issue with either a single-issue purchase here, or a free one-month trial issue here. You’ll be treated to this extensive, investigative article (previewed in PW FM this week), some fantastic astro-news briefs, and the August Inner Space horoscopes for all 12 signs (these are the second monthly horoscopes offered each month with a paid membership).

1 thought on “New edition on its way to subscriebrs”

  1. To the People of the World: As i was writing before a downed server took Planet Waves off line earlier today: This issue contains the Inner Space Horoscopes. You have read daily horoscopes, you have seen weekly horoscopes, maybe you even follow monthly horoscopes, but you never ever find Inner Space Horoscopes anywhere but here. It’s a unique (in all the world) horoscope conceived by and lovingly nourished by Eric Francis. If there were ever a time for you to begin (or renew) a subscription, Inner Space would be the time. And if you think there is a difference between space and time, Mr. Einstein has news for you – they are the same thing. So, please don’t waste time, get spaced – Inner Space, that is.

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