Jupiter in Cancer, the Supreme Court and Venus in Leo

What does ‘taking care of home’ look like on a broad political/social scale? Apparently it takes the form of U.S. Supreme Court decisions paving the way for greater marriage equality. Jupiter’s ingress of Cancer has given us not just the dismantling of the part of the Defense of Marriage Act that barred same-sex marriage, but it has also cleared the way for California’s repeal of Prop 8, its same-sex marriage ban.

Chart section showing (l-r) Jupiter in Cancer, Black Moon Lilith, the Sun, Mercury and Vesta in Cancer, plus Venus and Ceres in Leo.

After all, for many people ‘home’ describes their family bonds — the relationships that frame their shared living space, the family as a community or ecology and, perhaps most importantly, where their heart is.

Jupiter has landed in the first degree of Cancer, which is an extension of the Aries Point — that place where personal and collective issues often overlap, invert or mirror each other in ways that get our attention and actually change our lives. Jupiter here is bestowing aspiration, humanity and idealism to the proceedings, bolstering the presence of five other astrological bodies in Cancer, including Cancer.

As of this writing, Venus is about to leave Cancer, ingressing Leo today at 1:03 pm EDT. There it will conjoin with Ceres. Venus in Cancer brought the strength of love to our sense of home, and heightened receptivity to caring for others. In Leo, Venus brings a strength of will to our loving, and a particular dignity to our compassion.

Venus in Leo partnered with Ceres — a goddess who stood up to Pluto for her daughter when no other gods would, and with strong ties to food and nourishment — looks like a pair of lionesses in the best sense. In a pride of lions the females not only care for and protect the young, they also do the majority of hunting, as a team, to feed the entire extended family.

What might happen it you brought some fierce determination, true teamwork and the best of your maternal instincts to your daily life as part of this human family? That is spirit in action; that is love in action. And it’s a crucial ingredient as the Sun and the Jupiter enter into the Uranus-Pluto square, opening up the space for change.

3 thoughts on “Jupiter in Cancer, the Supreme Court and Venus in Leo”

  1. What do Paula Deen, Edward Snowden, the Supreme Court, George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin, witnesses in the Zimmerman trial, Wendy Davis, and the Texas governor have in common besides their US citizenship? Mercury stationing retrograde. When he stationed, he did so only one degree before conjuncting the U.S. Sibly natal Mercury. As ruler of Gemini, which is the sign where transiting Mars and Pallas-Athene have been all month (and they are both noted warriors in mythology), his stationing increased his influence which is reflected in those words uttered by the above named folks (or their representatives) and those words have inflamed and/or impassioned various groups.

    The afore mentioned individuals’ words (Trayvon’s via heresay) have been challenging and/or challenged by others. Inflaming is something Mars is good at, and this month Mars (and Pallas-Athene) have challenged transiting Neptune and Chiron in Pisces by selecting details (Gemini) from words spoken by Paula, Edward, the Supremes, George, Trayvon, Wendy et.al. Now Mars (and Pallas-Athene) are approaching a conjunction to the U.S. Sibly Mars at 21+ Gemini, who in turn squares the U.S. Neptune in Virgo.

    What trans. Neptune, Chiron, U.S. Mars and U.S. Neptune all have in common is (1) a challenge via trans. Mars-Pallas Athene, and (2) water. (Neptune is ruler of watery Pisces, and U.S. Mars squares the watery U.S. Neptune, and trans. Neptune and Chiron are in watery Pisces.) Water rules the emotional natures of we human beings and that can lead to passion. Expect more passion (water) and more flame (Mars) as the transiting duo of Mars and Pallas-Athene approach and connect with the U.S. Mars and square the U.S. Neptune starting Sunday and all through the following week. Because transiting retrograde Mercury in Cancer not only almost made an exact conjunction to the U.S. Mercury (in emotional Cancer), he has also been sextile the U.S. watery Neptune in Virgo. Therefore, the inflammatory and passionate words we will be hearing will sometimes also be foggy, inspirational or even untrue. Some things are just harder to change aren’t they?

  2. Amanda: Thank you for the image of lioness in pride. Anybody who has seen lionesses in any setting knows they are a different breed of cat – social, communicative, greater in the sum than in the parts. You, as expressed through this piece today, are likewise a different breed of cat, combining a set of admirable skills also greater than the sum of their parts and providing a heroic service every day. Thank you so very much.

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