You Are Equal — Cancer Solstice, Capricorn Full Moon

I am out to sing songs that will prove to you that this is your world.
Woody Guthrie

The Sun’s ingress to cardinal Cancer just before 1:04 am EDT tomorrow initiates a new season. At 7:32 am EDT Sunday, the Capricorn Full Moon will define itself in solar opposition. Seasonal advents and luminary oppositions, among astrology’s bigger occasions, are seldom so concurrent. When they are, big events are implied.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In this case, regardless of events, indications are that you can be their equal.

It is not easy for you to feel equal to the events of your lifetime. Advertising is dedicated to making you feel inferior unless and until you purchase a product to make up for a deficiency you are conditioned to perceive.

Ironically, even social advocates who profess to support you too often disparage you. Witness how frequently your are shamed as a “sheep” by champions of justice because your response to events does not meet their expectations. As if that is supposed to motivate you.

Tomorrow we enter a season for you to release yourself from the conditioning imposed by the power elite. A season when you can refuse to relate to the established order from a position of inferiority.

This weekend, the Moon asks you to shine in all of your fullness. To refuse to be shamed, even by those with whom you would link your arms in solidarity of cause. To recognize that supporting the mystery animating your body against all odds is a necessary prerequisite to any support you would receive or extend in the body. To motivate yourself by acting to prove that your equality is in deed, as well as in word, self-evident.

It begins with the Sun’s first aspect after entering Cancer tomorrow. It is a supportive aspect, a sextile to Kuiper Belt object 1992 QB1 and the centaur object Bienor, conjoined at the door into Taurus, sixty degrees away from the solstice Sun.

Back on May 17, just before 1992 QB1 changed signs for the first time since its discovery, your faithful servant anticipated in this space that it would represent “a download having been completed and unzipped at an opportune moment to yield a wealth of information that would feel like a whole new world had been revealed.” Some prominent events since that time have conformed to the metaphor, and the new world being revealed is, as Woody Guthrie would have it, potentially yours as much as it is anybody’s.

Bienor joined 1992 QB1 in the first degree of Taurus just before the June 8 Gemini New Moon. Addressing that conjunction in the context of the New Moon now coming to fruition, Finnish astrologer Kirsti Melto wrote: “Bienor gives the push to challenge oneself and conquer new territory (either figuratively or concretely), and 1992 QB1 is the bridge beyond the edge, leading to the unknown.”

Kirsti’s Melto’s description of how 1992 QB1’s conjunction with Bienor may manifest resonates with both tomorrow’s Cancer Solstice and the nearly concurrent Capricorn Full Moon.

As with every solstice, everybody on Earth is equal in entering the territory of a new season at the same time. There is no power on Earth that could possibly rob you of that equality without taking your life. Only you, however, can take possession of a solstice’s self evident equality through awareness. Your awareness, in turn, can bring you to the edge of your life both figuratively and concretely, leading you consciously over the bridge to a new and previously unknown season of being.

When you consider where in its orbit Sunday’s Full Moon will take place, the means by which Ms. Melto’s bridge might take form for you becomes evident. The Capricorn Full Moon will be conjoined to the degree with its own apogee, its furthest point from Earth, otherwise known as Black Moon Lilith.

For the mythical namesake of Black Moon Lilith, equality was an issue much as it is for you. She resolved the issue by taking responsibility for what she knew about herself and acting in integrity on that responsibility.

Lilith knew herself not to be inferior, and refused to act as though she was. The action she did take (leaving Paradise of her own volition) was the only way she could assert her equality and remain in integrity. 

That does not mean you have to leave your home in order to meet another person’s expectations of what it is to be aware, responsible or in integrity. It does mean that there are probably some things you can do to be more equal to the events you, and all of us together at the same time, are privileged to live through. For each of us, those things are different, but you probably have a good idea of what they are.

If you are wondering where to begin, look inside yourself. Look for the feelings that convince you a purchase will make you superior. Look further for what makes you take another’s deprecation as your own. When you find whatever that is, take those feelings back. If you can do that, you will have reached an edge of your being and made a good start over the bridge, towards a season of being fully what you are as equal in this, your world.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

18 thoughts on “You Are Equal — Cancer Solstice, Capricorn Full Moon”

  1. Miss S: Thank you so very much for coming back to this post to share the great news. Congratulations!

  2. “Look further for what makes you take another’s deprecation as your own. When you find whatever that is, take those feelings back. If you can do that, you will have reached an edge of your being and made a good start over the bridge, towards a season of being fully what you are as equal in this, your world.”

    Len: I did that today. I came back to this post to let you know. Thank you for your work.

  3. Dear Len, Thank you for your very practical application and service, visioning a New Season for alm of us, indeed!

    “Tomorrow we enter a season for you to release yourself from the conditioning imposed by the power elite. A season when you can refuse to relate to the established order from a position of inferiority.”

    With my Natal North Node on my MC at 1 degree Cancer, and Sun in Cancer in 10th …I am feeling this current opposition and keeping the awareness of the great potential of expession and growth it holds front and center. The Grand Trine and Jupiter crossing to my home soon, I hope will bring good times and help with a grater flow, during what has been almost three years of much change, moving and transFormation for me. Building true security seems to be the direction and theme -Spiritually personally, and in social evolution through grasping contributing and projecting my life purpose anyway.

    Moon’s transit in Capricorn in 4th, isn’t this touching roots issues? “What keeps me limited here?” All of the, your not good enough talk and generational, family patters I continue to break free here. And I am visioning this opposition can reflect and finally break through this invisible walk to let my full heart bask in that full sunshine of home!

    Saturn in 2nd house, is finding accepting self worth …and being paid for it! This has been challenging in my new direction thus far, since I have turned away frim the corporate world and am devoted to nonprofit work and being of service here. It will come tho, we are tested in our path I believe and God wants to make sure our faith is strong and this calls for a great building of trust, inner security.

    So the culmination you say in this kite is expressed and importantly for me, in learning to receive – in Neptune’s current transit in Pisces in my 5th. One would think, of course pleasure, fun, creativity, imagination, ‘true’ love, always more passion, SEX, how blessed- easy, but with my natal Saturn there so close at 4 degrees this really is the point I need to completely blast through…finally!

    Len, thank you for your writing it has been truly a good service offered and received in practice for me.

    Blessings and happy Solstice to you/all.

  4. Thank you, Chief. I’m not there yet, by any means, but I am looking at it.

    When I was about 10 years old, a nasty little boy kicked me in the head, wearing cowboy boots (this was Montana, after all), in church. And when I went crying to my parents, the response I got was “Why was your head down near his foot?” (with some weird “were you flirting???” energy) My 10-year-old self was apoplectic. I can just hear myself raging Are you fucking kidding me? He kicked me! In the head! In church! Wearing cowboy boots!! And I’M the one who’s getting in trouble for crying??

    In my life, it’s that double standard that resonates with the Lilith story. My own BML is on the midpoint of my Pluto-Jupiter square, which happens to be where the North Node has stalled out for the last hundred years (okay, 3 months). It feels as if the Nodes refuse to move on until I come to terms with this Lilithian rage & let it go.

    The thing is, for me, this hyper-simplified incident was formative. It was the clearest possible lesson about gender relations: Boys do what they want & girls apologize for it. (My environment was obviously not the most enlightened one.) And because it cuts so deep, I haven’t been willing to go back and learn what I really need to from that incident. I’m still a little apoplectic. Really, parents? That’s what I get from you people?? WTF? But I believe the lesson is still there, waiting for me to show up with a little humility & an attitude toward healing and growing and letting go–which, after 30 years, I just might value myself enough to do.

    Because the truth is, as long as I’m still angry (which, in case it’s not clear, I am) at something, I’m locking myself into its energy. I’m co-creating my inequality by staying angry at the system that claims I’m not equal. I’m giving my power away by continuing to engage with its lies. I know I very much need to let go of this in order to move forward in my spiritual journey.

    I know this. Intellectually.

    But the problem is that I LIKE my anger. I like being pissed off about this–it tells me where I am in the world. It’s like my personal GPS: “Am I still pissed off about the systemic subjugation of women? Fuck yes, I am. Good, I know where I stand.”

    So there’s a risk in letting go of this anger. Where will I stand? Who will I be, if not that? This is also happening very near my IC, so in a way, this is who I think/feel/believe I am on the most personal level.

    I’m drawn back to Genevieve’s Moonshine horoscope for Taurus this week: “What if what you believe is no longer true for you?”

    What if?

    With Jupiter coming home to Cancer, there may be some pretty big answers to that What if. I’m trying–really, really trying–to get there.

  5. Thanks Len and all for very rich reading. I am just now catching up and I missed the QB1 connection both in May and on Thursday my first read through. It makes perfect sense, as things unfold around me, in spite of me. So glad there is a bridge at the edge of the unknown. Sometimes one would rather walk than fly. Yet… is it one of those invisible bridges, like the one Indiana Jones had to step out into the darkness before it materialize to hold his weight across the abyss?

    Every bridge is part truss and part trust, I reckon.

  6. Thank-you to all at PW for so many insightful posts, & to all whose comments have added so much to the discussion & to my understanding of this time.
    Over the past week or so, I’ve found myself feeling that I had something to say about the current astrology, yet was unable to articulate anything useful. Gardening is a wonderful time for reflection, & it finally dawned on me, as I weeded the carrots & beans, WHY I hadn’t been my more typically verbose (Sagittarian) self.

    The Solstices fall on my nodal axis, so they have always been deeply felt seasonal events for me. However, my North Node, at 30 min. Cancer, is in my very, very quiet 12th house. Hence, my observation of Summer Solstice is a solitary thing – if the weather’s good, I go out & welcome the sunrise, & take some photos, some of which, over the years, have become paintings. Alas, this year, it was raining.

    The upcoming full moon is feeling fairly quiet for me also, offering up, so far, some useful memory connections which seem to be providing an opportunity to clear out some very old family-induced scripts of the self-critical kind. Old, old baggage can be both heavy & elusive!
    But I don’t believe we are ever too old (I’m in my 60’s) to dig it out & toss it, stepping more lightly afterward.

    Happy Solstice to all, & may the season be fruitful for each of us.

  7. Anneabelle Berrios: Thank you for your cogent comment. You have been heard gratefully. You have been understood with effect. You have been appreciated as a true friend. You are so very right.

    be: Thank you for your support and valuable-as-gold insights that leaves me in awe of both you compassion and astrological authority.

    Chief Niwots Son: Thank you for your graceful wisdom that leaves me in awe of how you teach so effortlessly by your example.

    Amanda: It was my bad, and you are too good to take it on yourself. Thank you always.

  8. Dear Len-

    You wrote: “…to shine in all of your fullness. To refuse to be shamed, even by those with whom you would link your arms in solidarity of cause.” Yes, and… To this I would add an invitation for compassion & forgiveness, for sometimes it is us that shame ourselves and unconsciously may be shaming others. Sometimes it is our own expectations that get in the way. Blessings.

  9. Len,

    Getting back to “a download having been completed and unzipped” which yields a wealth of info and feeling – FEELING! – like a whole new world was opening up, this was no doubt meant to symbolize the U.S. governments actions regarding the private communications of it’s citizens. I see that clearly, what with QB1’s new sign representing what an individual (Aries) owns and/or values (Taurus). That was brilliant Len. I can see it in other ways too. Personally, I’ve noted that there has been “download” of astrological terms heretofore unknown (and/or unused) describing the Tools of this trade/hobby/subject. At least by me and the authors of the reading material I select to read.

    I’m all for continuing education, esp. astrology, but things like “Draconic” and “Anti Scia” are whole worlds unto themselves, and not just another mere tool. At one time “apogee and perigee”, and even “aphelion and perihelion” were unfamiliar, but as tools, I was to learn they were quite useful. However, as my brother Bruce once said “it’s too day’am much” when I was going on about how astrology works. I’m feeling that same way what with all the unzipped info being downloaded these days.

    Astrology has a lot more practicing advocates now than in the ancient times and it is wonderful that there are so many ways to approach the subject. I believe what you are saying about how we are equal to the challenge (big events) and I promise I’ll be walking across that QB1 bridge too. But this download of info can be overwhelming. It must be sorted and approached in our own individual ways or else, like my bro says, it’ too day’am much. If, after study, you find the new tools comfortable to use then by all means, put them in your toolbox. If you find that the tool is cumbersome, don’t.

    All artists do not produce the same art in the same way. Neither do all astrologers. Intelligence is not (or should not be) arrived by or determined by one’s mental faculties alone. We are in period where we are literally being forced to learn the advantages of Feeling Intelligence. Sounds like you experienced some of that yourself when writing this offering, just as we all have experienced; especially in recent times. No matter which end of the apogee-perigee stick the Moon finds herself at, it’s her stick and she’s the Moon and she means for us to learn to feel as best we can. This can really get in the way of thinking and produce some pretty odd results. I think, er Feel we be better get used to it friends!

  10. Len- an honest error, these are potent times, and it is easy with an opposition like a Full Moon to present things the opposite of how they “are.” Your service is of such high value that one crisscross can in no way tarnish what you offer. Having done the exact same thing recently in my own work life, please allow me to be the first to celebrate your humanity, and your humility in owning your actions. All is forgiven. And much thanks to you Amanda for your support of Len and your service to us all.

    Strawberry- you are doing so well even rage can no longer find a home in you! What a blessing!

    Happy Solstice Friends, a blessed Mid-Summer’s, or Mid-Winter’s Day to each of you.

  11. ERRATUM NOTICE: With sincere apologies. During the Capricorn Full Moon on Sunday, it is the Cancer Sun that will conjoined Black Moon Lilith, the Moon will be opposed. The rest of the blog stands as written. i was thinking one thing and wrote quite the opposite thing. My error, my responsibility. i beg your forgiveness. i hope that this will not cause anybody to find my service unacceptable.

  12. …just when I thought I was doing well, Lilith comes along and says “so, are you gonna hang onto that rage the rest of your life, or are you gonna use all this energy to let go of it?” My first inclination was, of course, to tell her buzz off. But instead I looked at how much the rage was costing me and decided, “I can do that.”

    I can’t even imagine existing without this rage, it’s so deep in me. I can hardly breathe, just looking at it. But if there ever were a moment to grow beyond it, that moment would be now. As the Sun moves into Cancer, it slides across a square to my Pluto and then an opposition to my Jupiter. I can do this.

  13. Wow Len, as usual, nail…..head……lol.
    With me being a Cancerian (the very recent ex a Taurus) this helps very much. I knew he was moving on a fair while ago but had no idea how I was going to cope (after 12 years). This present astrology seems very very personal to me and I’m starting to realise I get to finally stand and shine in my own bright light in this next chapter. Thanks heaps Len and all the other posters, I’m finally starting to see the walls of this deep well actually has footholds to climb out when I have the strength:-)

  14. Thank you Len for this message. These last few months have been heavy with my Mother passing, the ‘business’ of someone passing and being physically in a place with no reference points taking care of that business. Perhaps the word intense would be a better fit. One is never completely prepared, and thankfully so.

    However, reading your message today brought me to a standstill. I realized, as the only child, I am the end of my tribe and a flood of ‘odd’ feelings came to the fore. Something about the word bridge…the one I am now walking and how your words brought me to that place on my bridge. Hopefully that makes some sense to you. Believe me, it makes so much sense to me right now…a connecting link.

    In appreciation, big, big thanks Len.

  15. Hi Len, speaking of ‘shining in all of my fulness,’ please forgive a bit of harmless self-promotion of my poetry. Really, just want to share myself a bit more fully with you and PlanetWaves peeps. “If you are feeling poetry starved you can hear an online open mic sponsored by Inner Child Radio. I participated last night and was able to read with some other wonderful poets. If you don’t have 2 hours to listen to the whole thing but you want to hear me, you can hear me at 32.45 minutes, 89.00 minutes and 120.25 minutes or thereabouts.

  16. Len, I look forward to your columns immensely. Your writing, along with Sarah Taylor’s and much of Eric Francis’s articulate writing, elevates this site and keeps me coming back. It’s thoughtful and insightful and the Woody Guthrie quote is wonderful. Thank you.

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