Drop In The Sea — Neptune Station Retrograde

Neptune’s apparent motion through Pisces will have reversed by 4:25 am EDT Friday. The change of direction itself will be almost imperceptible, like a drop in the sea. The real substance of its turnaround will be Neptune’s precise grand water trine with Venus (in Cancer) and Saturn (in Scorpio). Hence, a nearly indiscernible event, like Friday’s Neptune station retrograde, will symbolically hold a powerful truth for you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

The established order treats you like a drop in the sea, but it fears the truth that you are much more. The extent of that fear is evident in how power structures worldwide react out of proportion to insignificant provocations.

Planet Waves writer Fe Bongolan reported on just such a disproportional reaction yesterday. Days ago, a small number of Turkish citizens demonstrated their love for a public park by peaceably assembling there. Big nation. Small park. A few members of the public. A drop in a sea of thousands of square miles and millions of people. Yet, from the government’s reaction, you would think it was an invasion.

Actually, it was an invasion. The invasion of a powerful truth. A notion that permeates borders. It is a concept that brutality and atrocities cannot deplete. That just as every drop of water is ultimately inseparable from the sea, every person is one with humanity. It’s no wonder the elite in possession of only artificial wealth, wielding only the power of fear, are themselves afraid. An idea long held back is threatening to wash them down history’s drain. 

For a centuries, the idea went nowhere. Just as Neptune has been all but stationary since the end of April. Now, the irrelevant ideologies employed to hold us back, and the delusional fears spread to divert us, have nearly eroded. Now, just like Neptune, the tide is about to turn. Though the first drop of sea to change direction may be impossible to discern, it will cohere inseparably with, and be amplified by, a greater flow.

That’s what Friday’s precise grand water trine will represent. Every symbolic drop of water on the zodiac will be connected through the aspect that best represents unimpeded flow. By implication, it will be your cue to improve the flow of your connection to all beings as well.

From Neptune’s rule of the boundless Pisces ocean will come a power of connection not seen since citizens of the United States recognized their humanity was inseparable from those in held in slavery.

From Venus, plying the waters of cardinal Cancer, will spring an initiative borne of recognizing your face in a crowd on the other side of the Earth. Finally, from the deep well of Scorpio, retrograde Saturn will retrieve a new container for perspective. A framework holding both a common interest in every being’s welfare and the common knowledge that every drop of water, and blood, are to be cherished as community property.

Of course, a turning tide does not last forever. It only gets things started. The grand water trine concurrent with Neptune’s retrograde station is just that — a start, but a good one for you participate with. It is for you to follow through. It is for you to know that you are not just a drop separate from the sea. It is for you to persist until as one with all beings. And if not you, please, who? If not now, when?

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “Drop In The Sea — Neptune Station Retrograde”

  1. mindbodyalchemy: Please forgive me for having missed thanking you for your comment yesterday. There was no intent on my part to skip you. Your words are welcome and well taken. Thank you.

  2. Dear Bodymindalchemy,

    You are so right with your assessment of what is happening in Turkey, Syria and the entire area. We are being called to stand up and speak truth to power. Iran is the ultimate goal because, like Libya, they will not go along with the takeover of the central banking system.
    It is our responsibility to become informed and not wait for New Age magical thinking to solve our problems for us.


  3. KittyJ: It a joy to know that you find my service resonant and useful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  4. Fe: Thank you so very much for the inspiration.

    Amanda: Thank you as always for your help with the editing, and for letting us know how to summon those who serve us and hold them accountable.

    be: Yes, you are once again right on the money correlating Ceres into the astrology of current events. Thank you so much also for the further connection to the May 20, 2012 annular solar eclipse. Your characterization of the “road to nowhere” is pitch perfect and something each of us should be aware of on our individual (as well as collective) journies. Once again you are so very good (as an old-timey coffee advertisement put it) “to the last drop”.

    Mia: Thank you for sharing the insights gained from a conference with Ralph Nader and Rocky Anderson, what a great experience to have had. And what a great perspective to see how a living wage is just as systematically denied the citizens of this nation as it is a birthright to citizens of other nations. It’s too bad we were so nasty to the third world nations for so long – we won’t have many friends among them if we join their ranks.

    Chief Niwots Son: That is one great lyrical poem. And pertinent beyond doubt. Thank you for sharing it.

    Burning River: Thank you for your kind words, and “amen” (or perhaps “ah-hoe”).

  5. This is beautiful, Len. Practical, reassuring, and very exciting. Thank you.

    Finally, from the deep well of Scorpio, retrograde Saturn will retrieve a new container for perspective. A framework holding both a common interest in every being’s welfare and the common knowledge that every drop of water, and blood, are to be cherished as community property.

    Yes, yes, yes!

  6. “The protest was unusual in that it brought together young and old, the rightwing and leftists, and nationalist Turks and Kurds. They complained of issues beyond the planned shopping centre from government policy on the war in neighbouring Syria to new curbs on alcohol and a recent row about kissing in public.”

    Actually, Len, it IS an invasion.
    And it has been quite active since Neptune entered Pisces in 2011-2012.

    The Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria: Recruiting Jihadists to Wage NATO’s “Humanitarian Wars”
    by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
    [EXCERPT from Part III]

    Dangerous Crossroads: Towards a Broader Middle East Central Asian War

    Escalation is an integral part of the military agenda. Destabilization of sovereign states through “regime change” is closely coordinated with military planning. There is a military roadmap characterised by a sequence of US-NATO war theaters.

    War preparations to attack Syria and Iran have been in “an advanced state of readiness” for several years.

    US, NATO and Israeli military planners have outlined the contours of a “humanitarian” military campaign, in which Turkey (the second largest military force inside NATO) would play a central role.

    In recent developments, Turkey has intimated that Ankara is considering military action against Syria if the Al Assad government doesn’t cease “immediately and unconditionally” its actions against “protesters”. In a bitter irony, the Islamist fighters operating inside Syria who are terrorizing the civilian population, are trained and financed by the Turkish Erdogan government.

    These veiled threats point towards the possible involvement of Turkish troops inside Syria, which could evolve towards a full-fledged “humanitarian” military intervention by NATO.

    We are at dangerous crossroads. Were a US-NATO military operation to be launched against Syria, the broader Middle East Central Asian region extending from North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border with China would be engulfed in the turmoil of an extended regional war.

    There are at present four distinct war theaters: Afghanistan-Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine and Libya.

    An attack on Syria would lead to the integration of these separate war theaters, eventually leading towards a broader Middle East-Central Asian war.

    The road to Tehran goes through Damascus. A US-NATO sponsored war on Iran would involve, as a first step, a destabilization campaign (“regime change”) including covert intelligence operations in support of rebel forces directed against the Syrian government.

    A war on Syria could evolve towards a US-NATO military campaign directed against Iran, in which Turkey and Israel would be directly involved. It would also contribute to the ongoing destabilization of Lebanon.

    It is crucial to spread the word and break the channels of media disinformation.

    A critical and unbiased understanding of what is happening in Syria is of crucial importance in reversing the tide of military escalation towards a broader regional war.

  7. ” An idea long held back is threatening to wash them down history’s drain. ”
    May it be so.
    Thank you, Eloquent One.

  8. All these good words of Neptune, songs, illusions of power, and wavelengths of water-bourne energy bring to my mind “A Tab In The Ocean” by Nektar:

    “Climb aboard, imaginary waves
    of thought beneath the veils of Bluey Green,
    Armoured horses with sparkling sunset eyes,
    Give a passing glance.

    Funny creatures with funny plastic lives,
    Purple thrones are set in deep disguise,
    Neptune’s world around us lies.

    Wake Up! take a chance, Climb Aboard,
    Life is changing the Ocean’s floor,
    the time is near, when nothing’s clear,
    Nothing’s left!!”

  9. A few weeks ago I participated in a conference call with Ralph Nader and Rocky Anderson about organizing to address the issue of the minimum wage here in America. Ralph told us that when you turn 20 in Australia, your wages immediately rise to $15 per hour, no exceptions. Of course Australians receive health care and other benefits like education. The fact that two third party presidential candidates are the ones to lead the charge for this change is telling. So, yes, Fe, “Ya better get this party started!” Ya meaning all of us.

    What happened in Sweden, is happening in Turkey and will happen here, is the messy face of change. It will, no doubt, get very messy before we arrive at our new destination. I applaud and support the people of Turkey who have the courage and moral conviction to make a stand for what they believe in. Listening to the Democracy Now! interviews this morning, they are not only protesting about building a shopping mall at the current site of a park. They are fighting against oppression, in favor of women’s rights, and countless other human rights they have been denied. When the time comes here in America I know I will be there with my big mouth doing exactly the same thing. I must remember to bring sun screen, my gas mask and goggles.

    Thanks, Len, for another wonderful article. Looking forward to your presentation tonight on Revolution Radio!


  10. Exquisitely written Len. Very moving. As is the petition Ralph Nader is promoting Amanda. It all just takes my breath away.

    Len, just as you noted how Neptune has been (practically) stationary since the end of April, so too have the nodes stood in place. Their place happens to coincide with where Ceres was in the May 2012 Solar Eclipse. I believe that Ceres would be happy to represent the Turkish public park that Fe wrote about, don’t you? As Ceres of the 2012 eclipse chart first sat where the present south node sits, a degree which has a Sabian symbol of a battle between Swords and Torches (described as a battle between Soul and Ego, and “a stage of polarization of values” as noted by Dane Rudhyar), it seems clear enough. You say the idea that “every person is one with humanity” went nowhere for centuries, and I just described the south node as a path to nowhere, so I believe we are picking up on the same wave length!

    That wavelength, surely is provided by trans. Jupiter who is approaching his opposition to the Galactic Core. As he does so, he has tuned out all other frequencies (aspects with other planets) and now I clearly understand why. This may seem, in some ways, a period of calm but now, since reading your offering, it’s reminding me more of the eye of a storm.

    Jupiter may seem to be standing back from all the activity on Friday; Neptune’s station, Mars+Pallas Athene square Neptune, Venus trine Neptune and Saturn, Mercury opposite Pluto, but in fact, he will be transmitting far and wide those super-galactic waves coming from the GC.

    The degree where Mars conjuncts Pallas-Athene on Friday, Jun 7th is the same as the south node (another road to nowhere) in the May 2012 solar eclipse. It is also the same degree where Jupiter was in the U.S. (Sibly) Solar Return, 5+ Gemini. Jupiter had as his companions in that chart Ceres (4+ Gemini), the south node (4+ Gemini) and Venus (8+ Gemini) who was conjunct the U.S. Sibly chart’s Uranus (8+ Gemini). It’s been almost a year since that solar return chart for the USA took effect, and in a few weeks it will give way to a new solar return pattern. It’s an awesome chart folks. Adjust your antennas.

  11. speaking of being a drop in the sea — and having some actual power with all the other drops, here is Ralph Nader on Democracy Now today:

    “So, here’s what we’re trying to do. August is the big recess, where the members of Congress go back home. So we want people to get 300 to 400 signatures on a summons by the people back home, summoning the congresspeople and the senators to exclusive town meetings in each district. And those of you who are watching or listening to this program and want to show how to turn this around—it’s a great economic stimulus, by the way, to give people who desperately need the necessities of life more money—if you want to take 30 million people up to $10.50 an hour, which catches up barely with 1968, even though the worker productivity has doubled, by the way, since then, just go to timeforaraise.org. Remember, this is—if we cannot do this, it’s doubtful we can change anything in this country. Timeforaraise.org. You’ll get a “whereas … whereas … whereas …” very well done summons that you can go around and get people to sign—it will be the easiest petition you’ll probably ever get to sign—to the congressperson or the senator, saying, “In August, and in a municipal building or wherever, we want you to show up, and we’re going to let you know what we want you to do.” That’s why I called it a summons instead of a petition.”


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