Three Easy Steps — Partnering With Mercury

If you feel something imminent, the planets agree. You can be part of it in three easy steps. Three major planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) will have exchanged their current field of expression (that is, their current sign) for another sign by this time next week. Mercury will lead the way, entering Cancer shortly after 3 am EDT this Friday. That gives you time to take the first step.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Time and again, how and what you think correlates to what Mercury is doing. That does not mean you are a planet’s puppet. It means you can be a planet’s partner.

You can begin your partnership with Mercury by being aware of where it’s been, where it is, and where it is going. Right now, it is hosting a get-together.

Mercury is a host until Friday’s ingress to Cancer because it rules the current field of its expression: Gemini. The Sun, Venus and Jupiter are in soiree there now, symbolically sorting things out. That probably fits your situation now.

After three eclipses in four weeks, April likely feels like long ago. For those of you in the United States, a long holiday weekend may have entailed some miles traveled as well. After all of that, it would not be surprising if you needed to launder your socks and get them organized again. As with socks, so with thoughts, and that means slowing down long enough to get it done.

Even though Mercury will be first to leave its Gemini party, its apparent motion is decelerating quickly. That’s a cue for you to do the same. Just for a drill, stop and think today about your to-do list for this week. If you can find one thing you don’t really need to get done before Friday, you will have taken the next step (after awareness) in partnership with Mercury — employing discernment. That skill will come in handy very soon.

You want to take time now to practice discernment because of what Mercury’s slowdown is leading up to. It’s returning to the elemental realm of water when it enters Cancer for another retrograde.

Appropriate to the ways of water, after discerning the item to eliminate from your to-do list, go deeper to the third step — exercising your intent. Begin by taking some of the time this week gives to recall Mercury’s previous voyage through elemental water earlier this year. Mercury’s Pisces retrograde contributed to make its time in that sign more than two months, roughly from the second week of February through the second week of April.

Sort through your memory of Mercury’s long cruise across Pisces to discern what thoughts you would not want to revisit from that time, and those that you would. Then, take some time to think about how you could enhance the chances of re-creating the parts you liked, while preventing the parts you didn’t. That’s putting your intent to work, and it can be a very powerful thing if you take the opportunity just as you would take time.

One thing for sure, once Mercury enters Cancer on Friday, it will be there for a long while, until August 8. Once again because of a retrograde commencing June 26, and once again giving you the time, and a choice, of how to think about it. All it will require of you is three easy steps.

If you start thinking now, you can use the awareness of astrology and your experience from earlier this year to choose your mindset. If you begin sorting through your thoughts now, you can discern your place in partnership with Mercury. If you practice now, you can exercise your intent and make it stronger, just as you would a muscle. That way Mercury’s ingress to Cancer on Friday can be an occasion to bring the sky down to your life, while also lifting your life into harmony with the heavens. It all begins inside your head. It all begins today.

Offered In Service                        

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

12 thoughts on “Three Easy Steps — Partnering With Mercury”

  1. recog, lizzy,

    Thanks for the kind words and recog, try leaving bowls of dry cat food + bowls of water out for the waskally waccons when the peaches come in season, they love it and may spare the fruit! If trans. Jupiter is now in your first house then so is Venus and Mercury and good luck should abound. Perhaps when Sun conjuncts Jupiter on June 19th?

    On the other hand Jupiter will be broadening your horizons and maybe even something marketed by a foreign country will solve your problem. Also, Mercury retrograde shouldn’t hamper something “already started”, in fact it might reveal something overlooked in your haste. Mercury will again conjunct Venus the evening after the Sun conjuncts Jupiter, Thursday June 20, which is part of a bigger cycle between the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus (which is part of the Uranus square Pluto cycle). Keep your eyes open and spread the word about what you’re looking for.

  2. bk, You lost your cherry tree……………… sorry….& a reminder to plant a new peach tree NOW. They only produce for 10 years..& we’re’ in the 5th season. ( waskally waccoons ate the 1st.crop all but one peach I had picked the day before their raid, to see if it was ripe)
    My eclipse loss…..was my 7 year old IMac Intel Duo. on Friday May 24, about ready to settle in & design my calendar for 2014 & going into a holiday weekend…………loss of communication…….Huh?:….. with Merc, Venus, 12th H, & Jupiter just over the ASC into the 1st H..? My tech can probably reinstall Snow Leopard, & restore it as a graphic Design machine………..but it can’t take an upgrade to Mountain Lion…..rendering it vulnerable to the ever faster.flashier, video Internet content. I am able to purchase a laptop now for a modest price…………am trying to go ahead with it…..macs4u unreliable in the experience of my tech; Used Macs, not there? middle of the week middle of the day when their recording says open 9-7..? Apple, pricey, but if I am a student I save $ 300. – 500. & as much as $800. on the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. So I call my PROFESSOR YESTERDAY & TODAY…….I WAS ACCEPTED AS A STUDENT LAST SEPT. got Pell Grant Stafford Loans.but backed out v because I couldn’t afford a portable laptop..& had unreliable transportation for the 60 mi round trip commute. NOW I have a better car, & the money for the laptop………..
    NOBODY’s home??????? I want to make the purchase before Fri. when Mercury goes into Cancer & DEFINITELY BEFORE IT REACHES 13˚ CANCER THE SHADOW OF THE RETRO!
    THIS IS SO OUT OF SYNC. WITH the rest of my life now which has been fairly smooth & positive if a little challenging speed wise………………..filled with little gifts and warm interaction with my friends………Does this signify that deep down I shouldn’t be/don’t want to work with the computer? I love what it does………..20 years ago, when I worked at a Kinkos, I stayed there until 3am teaching myself to use the rental Mac they had, then returned to college for Graphic Design specifically. Any words of wisdom? I am stymied by this.

  3. Len,

    You can remind your readers next week!

    Thank you for this great article. I had just returned from the laundry mat and washing my socks when I read it and had a good chuckle. I am moving in the next several days as well so it hit a number of true notes. As you always do.


  4. Thank you Len, for another beautiful piece.
    And thank you for this great comment, Amanda “it’s just so darned easy to undermine ourselves unwittingly with careless mental and emotional postures, letting the past dictate our future with more power than it might otherwise have.”.
    And thanks to Lunesoleil, too, for your sweet and wisw comments, aways (your English is really coming on, too!).

  5. Amanda: You are most welcome. Thank you in turn for sharing your epiphany regarding power from the past as an alternative to the past having power over us.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for helping us to see farther down the road of Mercury’s ingress to Cancer.

    Darcy: To know that my service is useful to you is a great gift for me. You are very, very, welcome.

    be: My heart goes out to you regarding the loss of your faithful cherry tree. What a way to end an eclipse cycle. Your description of events is chock full of hopeful portents, however. No damage to the car. A youthful squirrel serving as the “last straw” for an old tree, and finally how you and your neighbor are responding to the event – tying it all into how your natal Sun is crossing the “T” on the continuous Uranus-Pluto square at this point in the continuum. It is as though you are part of how the astrology of our time is mediating a new world through our efforts. Thank you so much for sharing both the tragedy and the triumph of your story, which on some level could be any of our own.

    Mia: Thank you for beating me to breaking the news that, next month, i will be sharing the astrology of our times (and the modern miracle of Planet Waves) with those who listen to Roxy’s radio show.

  6. Roxy Lopez interviews Len Wallick
    Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 8-10 PM (EST) at Revolution Radio

    Can Astrology control our destiny, or do we have a choice?
    Humanity is becoming more aware, and now, right now, Uranus (revolution) and Pluto (evolution), are in square, at right angles to each other. The only question is: Have the hands on the clock moved from Midnight to our darkest morning, or from Noon to the fading of our day? It is a question only human being can answer because astrology (contrary to what most people assume) is not destiny. Destiny is how we choose, and how our choices determine our character, which in turn determines our destiny. Astrology only tells us so much, we provide the rest, including our destiny.

  7. Len,

    I’m decelerating all right. Actually, I’m coming out of shock after watching my 26 year old cherry tree topple over. The gods and goddesses were kind, it missed the car parked near by and the little squirrel that brought it down managed to escape to safety I’m pretty sure. The little squirrel (just a baby) was literally the straw that broke the camel’s back in this case. The tree was old, I’d read that cherry trees normally only produce fruit for about 20 years and it had been slowing down in recent years. Judging by the base of the trunk, it had rotted away from the inside and I believe a 30 mile wind could have brought it down. But it waited until I was on the balcony and then when the little squirrel saw the food tray (peanuts for him!) it flew from another tree into the old cherry tree and I watched it all slowly lean left and it just kept going over until it hit the earth. It was slow motion and I will never forget that scene ever. That was my Sun’s square from Uranus and opposition from Pluto.

    So yes, the Sun, Venus and Mercury are sorting things out right now, and yes, that fits my situation too. I might not figure it all out by Friday (the solar eclipse was conjunct my Uranus too) but I know the Universe is guiding me as gently as possible to the next phase. That tree, for the last 20 of its 26 years shielded my balcony from the rest of the world and now I’m feeling uprooted too. Hoping that Mercury’s ingress into Cancer will get me organized. My downstairs neighbor, a Gemini, has already promised to help me plant a new cherry tree!

  8. Thank you Len for your article that raises a beautiful triangle of upcoming water mercury liaising with Neptune and Saturn, rich experience to live and support by the thought I wish you with all my heart to you all 🙂 🙂 🙂 ))))))))))))))))))

  9. you know, len, i found mercury in pisces to be a little tricky — of course, there were also a lot of other planets in pisces, and some playing “tag” with my MC. thank you for the reminder to *consciously* select our thoughts from that time, and in so doing, to be aware of the attitude with which we approach mercury in cancer and its retrograde there.

    it’s just so darned easy to undermine ourselves unwittingly with careless mental and emotional postures, letting the past dictate our future with more power than it might otherwise have.

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