After the eclipses: Settling back in to somplace new

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If you’re asking yourself, whew — what was that? You’re in good company. Any set of eclipses tends to feel like inner time travel or molecular re-arrangement or stepping through the looking glass. But I think when we get a run of three that ends with a Full Moon eclipse, the sense of building tension and impending something is that much more powerful.

Simplified chart section showing (l-r): the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Black Moon Lilith in Gemini at the moment Venus conjoins Jupiter.

Now that tension has been released, though it may have taken you the whole weekend (including yesterday, especially if you’re a U.S. reader who had the Memorial Day holiday off) to feel as though things are settling back into place. It’s rather fitting to have the ‘civil’ calendar’s beginning of summer coincide with this release of energy.

That said, are you finding that ‘settling back into place’ feels a little different somehow?

Sussing that out could take time — perhaps the next two weeks with the lunar phases, or over the next couple months as we wrap up northern hemisphere spring and begin summer. If you planted seeds Friday night or over the weekend, remember to check on them regularly (and water them — seeds need consistently moist soil in order to sprout!) during the next week or two. The ‘sprout date’ will give a marker for checking how the astrology — and your life — has shifted.

Currently, we still have a cluster of planets in Gemini: the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Black Moon Lilith (in order of degree). That can have a very mentally active, high-strung or hectic feel to it — so don’t get concerned if you are not yet noticing a dramatic sense of relaxation just because the eclipses are over. You’re not ‘doing things wrong’; you may simply have some personal astrology talking directly to the Gemini cluster — which might feel like trying to hold two different internal conversations at once.

It’s actually something you can work to your advantage if you can stay flexible with it. Mercury and Venus are still moving together, although their conjunction is slowly separating. Mercury conjoined Jupiter in Gemini yesterday and Venus does the same today at 3:29 pm EDT.

Mercury-Venus-Jupiter is acting like one event, and it’s suggesting that you explore many points of view, avoiding getting stuck in any particular one. Can you try to see life from the perspective of those in your life whom you care about? Try to really get into that space and understand where they are coming from.

This triple conjunction also suggests that there is some compassion and attractive power available. Even though Mercury is quick in Gemini and Venus is less touchy-feely there, Jupiter seems to have his arms open wide in all directions. If you’re still feeling a little tender after these three eclipses, see if you can trust the process operating behind the scenes even as you try on those different perspectives.

Whatever you’re being asked to hold in your consciousness and integrate, know that there are still some endings to work out (thanks to the mutable sign activity). It’s not a race.

18 thoughts on “After the eclipses: Settling back in to somplace new”

  1. Daniel: Sending you warmth and hugs during your process. I see you sharing your “intimate ordeals” as you put it, and thank you for opening up your world and experiences of your life here. Not a drag to me at all. A lovely spirit and heart is what I see.

    Once again, thanks to all of your comments here at PW and for your honesty and humanity. I cherish it and feel very grateful to learning from each and every one of you in your unique approaches to life and willingness to express and share.

  2. Thank you Amanda for your article and Yes this series of Eclipses in many was challenging emotionally, a little softness of the news Cycle Venus and Jupiter will rest us

  3. I’m so sorry for being such a drag. My intention is not to overtake PW with my intimate ordeals. I’m deeply grateful for your warmth and love, and right now, I really needed it. Thank you. Certainly, I know you all and many reading are embarking, ending and dealing with far more challenging things. And I’m with you arm in arm, loving you and holding you. It’s a rainy dark day in Toronto. Thank you for bringing me some light and warmth.

  4. Daniel, that sucks. Hearing that someone wants to pursue other options always hurts. It doesn’t matter how “nice” they *think* they’re being. The words and sentiment still smart for the person who doesn’t want to hear them. I’ve been there. (I never understand why that’s a suitable explanation for tearing out someone’s heart. I don’t want to hear that you’re interested in someone else or have just met someone else who *really* does it for you. Just tell me about *our* situation, leave the rest of the world out of it, please.) Lizzy has some great advice with the whole pick yourself up off the floor and have some tea idea–I’d go with a nice stiff drink, but hey, that’s me! 😉 A little song for your journey moving forward, I hope you find some light in the distance:

  5. Aw, Daniel, I’m so sorry to see you hurting! You’re amazing, and beautiful, and not at all like a cat trapped under a bed (I’ve decided that’s what your photo is…?) 😉
    It’s easy to get discouraged when we can only see how far away our goal is. But you’ve definitely planted seeds over the past few months–maybe an inventory? I’ve been looking at where I was during the last Mercury retrograde, and my poor journal is a study in restating the same thing, over and over and over. But each time I understand it better.
    You’ll get there; Baby steps, baby!

  6. The serpent appears to bite its own tail through the 2d limitations of its usual presentation. It’s not a circle, it’s a spiral. Integration feels like learning to sense in more dimensions than 3+1. Things I’m doing in other times come into view while I’m also tracking reality on a moving bike in traffic. Brain has the most detail, but heart is the mind that organizes perceptions to synthesize a cosmos. Gut mind translates for earthlings. Met some herbalists who gave me some herbs to help my heart both relax and cultivate more resilience. Reading science fiction, practicing music, playing in traffic on a bike, old versions of myself doing rituals, pentagrams, hexagrams, and the stillness of the space between all the shapes, words, and sparkles.

    Daniel: look at your north node. What does it say relative to house, sign and aspects? If you feel the sensation of deja vu you could see it as traveling in south node territory. North node contains the codes for getting out of the strange loops that remind you of unhappy yesterdays. The point is that the serpent is a spiral; you’re not actually back to where you started. Something is different. To find a way out of something you’re used to you have to do something different. Not just any arbitrary thing. Shedding light on the thing can be done in part by decoding our lunar node axis.

  7. Don’t despair Daniel dear. You’re certainly not back where you started. The spiritual/psychological path often loops back on itself, it’s never linear. You had the courage to open up and put yourself out there. Consider it as a kind of experiment. Dry your tears, put the kettle on, and as the song goes, start all over again. And as well you know, it’s the travelling that’s important, not the point of arrival.

    Good to see you back here, CaraSusanetta!

  8. I’m done, exhausted, hurting, and wondering why I’m here again. Yes: again. New? Weird new. I’m tired of the judgments and stonewalling. I’m tired of holding a space for another’s process only to be told I haven’t been responding to her. And now she’s more interested in pursuing options with other guys? Oh that feels awesome. How can I be sexually intimate with someone who hasn’t given me permission energetically to do so? Now I’m lying on the floor and feeling like throwing up again. Yes again. Why am I here again, please someone tell me? Do I lack that much self worth? I’ve surrendered to the universe and all it did was chew me up and spit me out on the floor. Or maybe I’m supposed to trust something and be more grateful this all happened now? New? I don’t feel anything new. I’ve done so much amazing work and all I’ve managed to accomplish is arriving where I started.

  9. Amanda: Thank you for reminding us to water the seeds planted during the eclipse. Thank you also for reminding us to nourish the seeds the eclipses left within ourselves by not worrying so much about whether we are “doing things wrong” with the astrology. The sky is big enough to find our individual (as well as collective) astrology.

  10. Ditto that, CaraSusanetta! The insanity AND the hyperbole. I swear I took all that Aries energy in broad-side and was bailing water through most of Taurus.

    So while I’m sure it won’t last long (I do still have two active Grand Crosses going on), things feel really, really quiet right now. Every nerve fiber is saying “ahhhhhhhhh…..”

    It reminds me of the Russian (and I’m sure there’s a version in every culture) fairytale called “Teremok” in which the fishwife complains her house is too small. The wise man tells her to bring in a goat, and then a cow, and then more and more animals until it’s filled to the rafters. When she’s finally able to let all the animals back outside, her house feels huge. I’m that house.

  11. I need to correct what I said below where it reads “With Mars now activating last year’s eclipse Vesta”, it should read – now activating the U.S. Solar Return Vesta. So sorry.

  12. Thanks Amanda, that triple conjunction of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus is also energizing another eclipse; the solar eclipse in Gemini from last year. In it, Venus was retrograde at 23+ Gemini and trine Saturn at 23+ Libra, and he was retrograde too. Maybe an old romance or former boss will be getting in touch and wanting to start a new cycle?

    Tomorrow, Tuesday, when the Moon T-squares her own nodes, some interesting coincidences (?) come together with a couple of on-going charts. For example the Sun at 8+ Gemini will conjunct the U.S. Uranus. Surprise! He will also conjunct Venus in the present U.S. solar return chart which will expire in a few more weeks. For the U.S. that might mean some unexpected $$ could find its way to some important projects. Being in Gemini that could mean communities, communication, kids and/or kids schools. In the U.S. solar return chart Venus was also sextile Uranus in Aries, as well as conjunct the U.S. natal (Sibly) Uranus. Maybe some rich individual (Aries) might give some money to the communities that have been devastated recently. Wouldn’t that be nice surprise? Alas, there’s no guessing as to what Uranus will do.

    As for the Moon’s simultaneous squares to her north and south nodes, I like to think she pretty clear-minded in Aquarius and evaluating how far she’s come and how far she has to go to reach her present goal. An Aquarian Moon can be less emotional than she is in other signs but she’s still the Moon and she’s still aware of all her sensitivities and needs. She just prefers to think about it before taking action.

    On the other hand Mars at 29 Taurus is about to follow Pallas-Athene into Gemini, and he has action coming out the wazoo. He is activating the U.S. solar return chart too and is now in the same place solar return Vesta was, at 28 Taurus. Vesta (in the U.S. solar return) was trine the Moon at 28 Capricorn who was conjunct the U.S. natal Sibly Pluto. With Mars now activating last year’s eclipse Vesta and Moon, that could mean some “shared resources” at U.S. Pluto’s disposal could be “invested” in some needy situations.

    For that matter, when the Moon squares her nodes tomorrow and Pallas-Athene the war strategist, who at 0+ Gemini will trigger the eclipse from last year (because that’s the degree the Sun [and Moon] were in too), it could also generate some action. These solar eclipses can have lasting effects as you know, and when you remember all the things Gemini represents, ie. communication, communities, kids and even traveling through the community, it relates to the present and recent past news cycles. With the Boston Marathon, Oklahoma tornado, and news outlets being investigated by the government, it might be a welcome arrival to have Pallas-Athene and soon afterward, Mars coming into this arena. As Gemini’s ruler Mercury is still in Gemini and still tightly bunched with Jupiter and Venus just out of the gate in their (3) new cycles, the spotlight remains on communications, communities and kids.

    So now that the 3 eclipses are loosening their grip on us, and Pluto and Uranus are backing away to prepare for Round 4, the Moon has much to assess. For those of us in the USA, we can rejoice in transiting Vesta’s conjunction to our country’s Sun at 13+ Cancer. The home fires are still burning and a greater desire to invest here at home means adding more coals onto the fire. With the U.S also enjoying an easy trine from trans. Chiron stuck at 13+ Pisces as he prepares to station retrograde, it will affect us all; people and other countries can also benefit from his water trine with Vesta, a very healing aspect, especially for frayed nerves! If home is where the heart(h) is then maybe some family companions out on a lake or in the backyard pool might be just what the doctor would order. Yep, time to settle back into something new.

  13. OMG. So much. The past 2 months have been sheer insanity, personally and externally. Yes, I’m exaggerating, but that’s congruent with the feel of it all, now isn’t it!?!

  14. Thank you Amanda. I am remembering that eclipses send shock waves into the future (and past, for that matter) something about a 30 day interval as the first one, so we took this last eclipse with the rumble of the April eclipse. I think you advise us well to not rush, especially since it’s not about returning to “normal”. Normal is gone! There is a new normal, and who knows what it is yet.

  15. “That can have a very mentally active, high-strung or hectic feel to it”. Yes! Have been going off my head actually… Thank you so much for this piece; so very very helpful.

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