Sunday: Mercury enters Sagittarius

Dear Friend and Reader,

Mercury crosses into the realm of Sagittarius today, coming in at close second behind the Sun, which made its ingress on Friday.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Isabel Hickey tells us that Mercury in Sagittarius is a bit on the hyperactive side, with an impatience for detail and an array of thoughts that go off in all directions like shooting stars. Mercury, the planet that symbolizes the mind, in the sign of the zodiac which symbolizes the higher calling and long distance, can be like a bouncing rubber ball in a giant library: going off in all directions too fast to be caught, and bringing with it a sense of fun that may seem a bit jarring in life’s more stuffy scenarios. Mercury in Sagittarius is not one to look with reverence upon deception, and can sometimes bring an element of honesty that is wounding.

Eros squares Neptune, conjuring forth images of faith, eroticism, intoxication and the exchange of energy through deep conversation or embrace. Anything that involves a square has to do with working around something, be it inhibition, caution, old wounds; tension or fear; and a one-or-the-other mentality that, in my opinion, can make a square feel like a switch in a fuse box. It’s either ON or its OFF.

One suggestion about Eros square Neptune, which I gathered from this site and which seems to stick with me, is that the relationship between these two entities has something to do with trouble regarding boundary issues. Neptune, after all, is the great dissolver, so barriers and boundaries can be very foggy whenever he is around. Eros is sexuality and eroticism. Perhaps some boundary issues are revealed in this aspect that reveal a struggle to hold onto what belongs to you as opposed to giving it all away in the course of a relationship of some kind.

I’d like to bring up the fact that Eros does not always entail sexuality, though a visceral kind of attraction seems to go with Eros. In ancient times, Eros was the god whose statue was found in the wrestling gymnasiums and bath houses attended by men only. There is an element of homo-eroticism in this entity that could be translated into the love of the self (“homo” being Latin for “same”). This aspect, therefore, could have something to do with a close connection to a co-worker, a family member, a friend, a child or an aspect of your self.

And now, in the tradition of a hyperactive mind like my own (which is in Sagittarius) I give you a joke in closing:

“Knock, knock.” (Who’s there?) “Wanna ride bikes?”

Merry Met,


6 thoughts on “Sunday: Mercury enters Sagittarius”

  1. Hey jlo! For what it’s worth, the good of all has to be good for you. For myself, I find this a life long journey. Your intention is honorable so stay nourished. We all need you.

    I’m never happy about my birthday. It’s just another day. Please inform me of solar cycle or somethng so I can celebrate too?

  2. Thanks Love! And the greatest most positively beautiful Love energy your way!

    It’s my 33, I’ve been waiting all my life for this one!

    A smiling Jere

  3. Jere… Happy birthday, honey. May the year roll your way, with every imaginable trinket, tool and mojo for your prosperity and joy.

    (womb of the Araenya)

  4. I want to say that I appreciate the daily format on aspects. Good call. I also want to express my appreciation for those who would bust out with interpretations of those energies. What I feel/perceive with the energies that transpire in our realities is that you and I are on the brink of transition. This isn’t so much a preview of reality as much as it is a statement regarding us. Time still totters, and we still love.

    I try to see/perceive my life as one who would sacrafice for the good of all, but sometimes I’m wrong…. I don’t quite get it.

    Honestly, I just wanted to throw some decent shit out into the ether…..

    Love you all MOFO’S!!!! 😉

  5. “Hyperactive cyclist shoots Bow and Arrow at former Lover who proposed marriage after resolution of Bigamy trial…….and pleaded not guilty……!!!!”

    Now this one is a test of one’s Faith….!! Yes…No…?

    I have always found the expansive (Jupiterian) elements of Mercury… Sagittarian links a bit of a Rush…

    Like Axle Rose…Guns and Roses… and Chinese Democracy……a long time coming…!! and possibly a firework that goes off and leaves one thinking…is that it……? Now with the Neptune-Eros flavours …it sort of hypnotises us into seeing those arrows hit targets that aint necessarily..still…or tangible…..!! A sort of moving mirage… so in that sense I agree whole-heartedly that boundaries are shifting and the quicksand is getting quicker…!!

    Wittgenstein…the European Philosopher…suggested a Curve…that is the exterior parameter of our thinking…that allows us to bounce off of the premise…as a means of getting a picture of events…but allowing that this curve can shift…as our Perception of events changes…!!

    So we could argue that Neptune provides us with the frisson of Intuition that tells us that something is bubbling away out there in the extremities of our creative juices…but it has not been given shape or form yet….!!

    Eros of course leads all of us to sensualite….and feelings of great eroticism….or the blockages that prevent such feelings….!!

    Then I always let Pluto go to work and transform this sense datum into shape and form…allowing Saturn to give it structure….and Uranus to express the crossing of the threshold…..beyond what used to be considered “taboo” or “unmentionable”…!!

    We did…after all…grow up in the 1950s and 1960s when dear old Elvis was blacked out from the waist down on the Ed Sullivan show..for dancing..”provocatively..”

    There is a wonderful quote from the movie “Performance”…where Mr Jagger says…
    “nothing is true…everything is permitted…” ..the last words of the Old Man on the mountain…!!

    The song “Memo for Turner” has the immortal line…”your organ is working perfectly…but there is a part that is not screwed on”

    So if our Organs are working perfectly….and the Mirage is continuing to present options that are fleeting and transient….hang on to your hats……..!!

    It was Aldous Huxley who sagely advised…

    “deliver us from belief…but give us faith…”

    These are indeed ephemeral times…!!


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