Take It In — After The Eclipses

Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got `til it’s gone.
— Joni Mitchell

Astrology’s message after tomorrow’s Sagittarius Full Moon and lunar eclipse (which Genevieve Hathaway is covering today) will be to take life in rather than taking it for granted. This does not mean you should eat or drink too much. It means you should engage with and support the good things life offers.

Astrology by Len Wallick

You are halfway there, supporting and engaging with the good things life offers, when you read Planet Waves — and Planet Waves meets your support more than half way when you become a subscribing member. This is where a small investment will expand in your life like Jupiter, and last much longer.

Jupiter is not long for either Gemini or the western sky. After eleven months in mutable air, Jupiter has only weeks to go before its light leaves the night, beginning a year-long cruise through Cancer’s cardinal waters at about the same time. If you have the time to take in the sunset during what remains of this season, please hang out a while longer to take in Jupiter while you can.

You will know Jupiter because of the astonishing fact that it will be only the second brightest object in the twilight. Below and brighter will be Venus, rising to conjoin and enhance Jove’s ephemeral opulence. It is fitting that the Venusian emblem of value will lend its presence to the evenings following a long and trying eclipse cycle that concludes with tomorrow’s lunar eclipse.

If eclipse cycles teach us anything, it is to value what we have lest it be lost, and to do it proactively. If you love somebody, don’t wait to tell them. If you appreciate something, support it while there is something to support. It all begins with how you think, and whether your thoughts expressed bolster what you value. That’s how Mercury comes into the picture.

Mercury enters the picture with Venus and Jupiter both literally and figuratively. Depending on your location, you may or may not see its dot of reflection beneath Venus and Jupiter, but it will literally be there. Mercury will also be there figuratively, in how your thinking and expression underlie the more visible things you do. It will complete a temporary tableau you would do well to take in as if there is no tomorrow.

That’s because Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will not re-convene at sundown’s again until late February of 2058, a distant tomorrow many of us will not see. It’s not just the glyphs on the zodiac or the lights in the sky being addressed here. It is what those planets and their symbols represent. It’s taking good people in with a hearty Jovian hug. It’s the Venusian appreciation of what you’ve got. It’s your inner Mercury knowing what you have will move on as quickly as you will, ere the western sky is so lit again.

Offered In Service     

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

22 thoughts on “Take It In — After The Eclipses”

  1. Be, thank you for the extra info. According to the Cornell Ornithology lab, our herons will have flown the nest within your time frame. And in Amanda’s post tonight, the Mercury Venus conjunction complete with quizzes may coincide with some blossoming. And maybe some fruiting! in about 30 days I’ll be grazing on wild strawberries in the grass.
    Just when I thought I was done with pop quizzes!

  2. Hold on DivaCarla, I just found another conjunction next month between Venus and Mercury, due to Mercury’s slowing down before turning retrograde. It will be at 22+ Cancer, which is semi-sextile Jupiter’s degree in tonight’s lunar eclipse. This happens just as the Sun is moving into Cancer (the Aries Point), and it will also include Apollo (the slow learner!) at 22+ Cancer so there might be a pop quiz in less than a month!

  3. DivaCarla,

    The three baby herons enter the mix of this astrology by reinforcing the symbol for the degree where Jupiter is located in tonight’s lunar eclipse. Because it is the 3rd eclipse of this season, and because Jupiter is one of 3 planets that are beginning new cycles with each other, and because the other two planets are the mundane ruler (Mercury) and the spiritual ruler (Venus) of Gemini, the sign where all 3 are located, Jupiter’s challenge might be to bring what he would normally serve up to the college level student down to a more elementary level in order to teach the chicks.

    As eclipses speed up the development of events, the chicks must be educated in a short period of time. Venus and Mercury will be conjunct again in January 2014 where they will sextile Saturn, so might it mean that a period of only 8 1/2 months is all the time allotted for the chicks to learn what they need to know?

    Jupiter is considered one of the 2 societal planets, the other being Saturn. In this chart Jupiter forms a sesquiquadrate aspect with Saturn, which is a minor aspect in the same family as squares and oppositions. It could suggest that certain things associated with a more socially oriented purpose need to be re-configured in order to work on a more personal level. This would seem a likely mission for Venus and Mercury in concert with Jupiter (and Saturn). It would also seem that time is of the essence. Let’s hope the chicks (us?) are quick learners! We should follow the transits (aspects) of these 3 planets and see what develops. Take copious notes and prepare for all-night study sessions.

  4. ‘Cause part of you pours out of me
    In these lines from time to time

    Oh, you are in my blood like holy wine
    And you taste so bitter and you taste so sweet
    I could drink a case of you

    Still I’d be on my feet
    I’d still be on my feet’

    – Ms. Joni M.

    You break my heart, Len.


  5. Skies are socked in for a solid week, last Monday through this weekend in Maine. I am distressed not to have visual contact with the 3 planets, even more distressed that the apple blossoms and blueberry barrens are deprived of bees who will not fly in the cold damp.


    There are three chicks (and two eggs waiting) 50 feet up over Sapsucker Woods Pond. The Great Blue Heron is Self-Responsibility in Animal Medicine. How does that enter the mix of this astrology.

    My thanks to all of you, especially you, Len.

  6. There is always and forever a place for you at my table and at my party, Len! — and of course, in my heart.

  7. Yes, I agree with Amanda. You’ve done a truly amazing job, Carrie. It’s a terrifying (and all too frequent) story of neglect. Thank goodness your grandmother has you, hope you’ll have some proper peace and rest soon.

  8. carrie — TWO YEARS without a shower? omg… my heart just broke for your grandmother. holy shit. she is blessed to have you in her life, whether she realizes it or not (and i really hope she does). your ordeal sounds exhausting — good luck and much strength and resilience to you!

  9. “It’s the Venusian appreciation of what you’ve got”. Yes, this is becoming clearer and clearer for me. Thank you for another lovely, wise and lyrical piece, dear Len, that once again, sings off the page….

  10. wandering_yeti: Thank you for the pure poetry and palpable melody of your your journey. Congratulations on your victory over grudge, some never get there. It’s good to have you here.

    susyc: You and your spouse humble me in every way. If in some way i have reflected one small glimmer of your sheer greatness as human beings, it is only because you have inspired the miracle. Thank you so very much.

    Mia: In so many ways, you advocacy, your audacity, your moral appreciation, you are to be thanked (and appreciated) most of all.

    Sina: You are so very kind (perhaps too kind), but that gives me something to work towards, grow into, and be worthy of. Thank you so very much.

    Chief Niwots Son: Congratulations on how you have made the most of recent astrology. It demonstrates the wisdom of your choices, the strength of your character, and the destiny all of us would do well to aspire to. It is pure joy to know that my service has been useful to you along the way.

    Strawberry: You are so very, very welcome.

    be: And you are without equal in how every member of the Planet Waves community finds your continued erudite teachings enriching our understanding of astrology. Yes, 45 years is a long time, but when you include the crucial role of the Sun as the defining factor of every sundown, it’s not surprising that it would take so long to get four sign-ruling objects into the same sign once again. Thank you so very much for your pertinent Sabian citations and for your mastery of the Yod. Elisa will love you for remembering the trees.

    Daniel: Thank you for sharing your journey as well. Emptiness can be filled, and you have our support in doing so. We have no doubt you will bring meaning as nobody else could. And, yes, we must all humbly hold open the possibility that any of us could at any time be wrong (and learn from it).

    Carrie: Thank you for yet another example of your selfless service, which can only come from the deepest well of love. We feel the pain you must have had to endure. We also appreciate how, time and again, you make a difference in the lives of so many, including my own.

    aword: What a wonderful scenario to anticipate for your birthday! That is Sun watching the way it was meant to be done! Thank you for the inspiration (and, i take it, the invitation).

    liminali: Thank you for the perfect song to fit the occasion.

  11. Ah! So then, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will grace sundown for my 100 Birthday — all lined up in Pisces with Pluto and of course my Sun. That’s also the era of my Pluto opposition (and progressed Pluto opposition). Quite a party it will be — I’ll say hello to all my bright friends in tonight’s sky and remind them of the invitation to stop by in ’58.
    Thanks Len. Lovely and appreciated as always!

  12. Len,

    As always you make sweet sense of the insensible. Now I understand what this whole fiasco about my grandmother is about. It has an ending too; the last eclipse like a book-end that will (hopefully) close this unhappy episode and allow me to sail smoothly again.

    I visited with my grandma last week and found she is not being cared for by the same extended (great nieces) relatives who have pushed me, her best friend, and her son away. These women talked her out of coming with me to visit her only son who is not well. She is almost 99 and he is 81. She still lives alone and is frail, vulnerable, and easily manipulated. I have taken steps to protect myself (I was her POA on her bank accounts to pay her bills) and have called Adult Protective Services to hopefully get her the care she needs. They had allowed her to go unshowered for two years, her home has mouse droppings, it is full of old papers, old mail, lots of boxes, paper products and tons of junk along the walls and in front of every window (fire hazard). Her smoke alarm was not working and her back door has no egress steps in case of fire. Her toilet was leaking to the point that if it were not for the trailer floor joists, her toilet would have fallen through the floor. I got her a new toilet, new hot water tank, new smoke alarm (and installed it), wand shower head, and gave her the first shower she had had in 2 years. I started the long task of cleaning up her place; all this in one week. I made plans for getting her more care for when she returned from her visit with her son (my dad).

    Her friends and family convinced her (she changes depending on who is in front of her) that I was going to kidnap her and keep her with her son in assisted living. I wasn’t. Needless to say it has been a very stressful, painful, eclipse cycle and I will be glad when it is over. Thanks for letting me know there will be light at the end of this particular tunnel. You are indeed the best, Len.

  13. insert: …and I surrendered to that process – being totally open to the possibility that I was completely wrong.

  14. Thanks Len! In January I started out on a journey and within days I “knew” how it would all unfold. I saw it as a dream and movie unraveling. My emotions and intuition were a perfect steady stream and valued trusted friend. During the Pisces retro time in Feb and my subsequent emergence, I allowed many factors of unknowns influence my life in order to grow and expand my capacities as a loving man, and I surrendered to that process. Today I find myself at at the closing circle of that journey, indeed farther than its closing, knowing full well how it would all transpire. And I did it anyway. This final eclipse is a culmination of what it is I value about myself and my self esteem as it informs my life for these days ahead of me. My second house is lit up and glowing and its saying, don’t be afraid to leave it all behind, to walk with someone or alone. “If you love somebody, don’t wait to tell them. If you appreciate something, support it while there is something to support.” So true, and I did. But the truth should be recognized, and if *it* is not true, it will not survive; it will be empty. That emptiness is what I have been facing and I cannot ignore it.

    Thank you so much!

  15. Len,

    There was something so profound about the notion that these 3 familiar planets would not return to this same place in the sky for another 45 years that I had to think about it for a while before commenting. Why not 10 years or so (I thought to myself), but 45 years. . that’s half a normal human life span! It has to be a message for those of us alive right now. It is such a visual event; the 2 brightest planets and the 3rd (visible since forever) planet who is the fastest moving. Like the lunar eclipse which they surround, these 3 conjunctions will be attention-getting for sky-watchers.

    The ephemeris tells us that Venus and Mercury will meet again in Capricorn (achievement) less than 8 months from now (when Venus will be retrograde) and when that happens, they will sextile Saturn (ruler of Cap) in Scorpio (regeneration). As chance would have it, they will all be quincunx Jupiter’s position in this Saturday morning’s lunar eclipse. I had to see what the Sabian Symbol for Jupiter would be in this eclipse chart since he would be a release point for a dimensional yod.
    THREE FLEDGLINGS IN A NEST HIGH IN A TREE – The growth of spiritually creative processes in an at least relatively integrated mind. Dane Rudhyar reminds us that birds refer to spiritual forces, “or at least to the higher and freer aspects of the mind.” and that “man can gradually develop an integral personality.” He goes on to say “It (the integral personality) is essentially three-fold, reflecting the Divine Trinity..”

    Remembering that the degree of the eclipsed Moon on Saturday morning (and the degree where Mercury stationed retrograde on Election Day) had the Sabian Symbol of an old owl sitting (alone) on a tree branch, and that Dane Rudhyar suggests that the symbol speaks of “developing a wisdom beyond tragedy, a peace and poise beyond conflict”, and finally noting that these two symbols are about birds in trees . . . . . . . .

    I concluded that we are to remember these special visual aspects and later we will reflect back on them. Perhaps, like the 3 planets just starting out on their new cycles with each other, we, like the 3 fledglings, are just beginning a cycle of thinking and valuing and understanding what we have, and how it can lead to wisdom and a more conscious approach to life. For example, saving trees.

    But then, Jupiter is sextile Eris so I could be way off on that conclusion. 🙂

  16. This is heartbreaking and beautiful, Len. What a lovely way to wrap up these stunning eclipses. Thank you.

  17. Len- we discussed this a while back, this planetary conference is occurring just past my natal Mercury and up against my mid-heaven. And your words back then were to see this time an the opening of new opportunities and great clarity, and the opportunities are certainly coming around from all directions, and my ability to make good choices feels to be coming from a deep inner alignment. And as you say above, there is so much to appreciate in every moment. Thank you for your good words and accurate prognostications!

  18. With all the shocking daily events that bombard us with horror and fear, it can be so easy to forget, or easy to remember, how truly lucky and blessed we are to be where we are, to have what we have, and to be surrounded by the souls we are sharing this journey with.

    I’m so very grateful to be sharing in your astute wisdom, and grounded perspectives, Len, along with all the rest of the PW community.

    Len, you are the best! Planet Waves and all you bloggers are the best, and thankful for all I have learnt from all of you.

    Om Shanti,

  19. Well I love you Len, and the sensitive, intelligent and compassionate take you provide on the stars and in your responses to your readers. I hope you will be part of our lives for many years to come. You have enriched my life with your gifts.

  20. Clackity clack…stardust to earthdust and back again. Man, 3 eclipses in a row so close to my Moon has so far been quite a journey. Taking for granted? The empty spaces where grudges used to be don’t feel normal yet, the monsters keep trying to assert their whacked and frigid viewpoint. What’s short, what’s long? If a trillion Earth years was your span you’d still say ‘life is short’ when you’re closer to the end than the beginning. It’s now and I still feel alive. Good to be here.

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