Oklahoma Tornado and The Doors’ Ray Manzerek

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In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the chart of the tornado that hit Moore, OK on Monday, as well as the chart for Ray Manzarek of The Doors, who died Monday. I introduce the chart of Monsanto and talk about the March Against Monsanto that takes place Saturday, the day of a lunar eclipse that touches off a sensitive spot in Monsanto’s chart. Note, part 2 of the Enceno Macy interview is on the page — click the title above for access.

5 thoughts on “Oklahoma Tornado and The Doors’ Ray Manzerek”

  1. Great Edition Eric, much appreciated!

    I found this bit of Monsanto news today:

    The EU is so far out ahead of us in the GMO battle. The article is about Hungary plowing under about 1000 acres of what was discovered to be Monsanto GMO corn (which Europeans call Maize). It will be a hardship for the farmers who apparently did not know they were using GMO seed. Hungary is not a big country… 1000 acres is a lot of productive cropland to loose to the plow…and because the plants were growing there is uncertainty if the action was too late or not. Apparently it had not yet bloomed so they are hopeful

    How insane is it that we have to be afraid of a supposed “food” crop blooming?

    Can’t wait to read more of your investigative work on this subject!

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