Also a Diamond — Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury breezes home to Gemini at 4:41 pm EDT tomorrow. While also generally recognized as the ruler of Virgo, there is no better place than mutable air for the planetary emblem of mind to really sparkle. Even though Mercury returns to Gemini annually, this year is special, compelling a sparkle or two from you.

Astrology by Len Wallick

A compelling set of circumstances combines with Mercury’s Gemini ingress tomorrow. The explicit and symbolic will converge to imply that whatever you think you are, you are also a diamond.

Foremost among the explicit circumstances is Mercury’s sparkling return from behind the Sun, as seen in this video from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite.

Before the end of the month, Mercury will also be visible from the ground along with its Gemini mates, Venus and Jupiter, like diamonds following the Sun’s daily descent.

The implicit part of Mercury’s trip to Gemini tomorrow is in the first aspect it will make after entry, a conjunction in the first degree of its rulership with the centaur object Asbolus.

The name “Asbolus” roughly translates as “soot” or “carbon dust” — evoking, in combination, the countenance of the mythical centaur who went by that name, the surface appearance of the solar system object bestowed with that name, and the basic stuff from which both you and diamonds are made: carbon.

Carbon is the basis for biology as we know it because of how each of its atoms is able to bond with at least four other atoms at the same time. Thus, carbon can form the chains and shapes that meet life’s requirements for molecules with both complexity and specificity. Yet such molecules are, in contrast to another form of carbon, also often quite fragile.

Diamonds, that other form of carbon, are the hardest natural substances. They also capture light and sparkle with unequalled beauty. They get that way after carbon is subjected to transformative temperatures and pressures deep beneath the Earth’s crust. What Mercury is combining with its ingress tomorrow could very well correlate to some transformations already in process that will leave you both less fragile and more brilliant without having to be squashed or cooked. 

Mercury’s motion from behind the Sun represents the thinking mind moving from behind consciousness and showing its brilliance. An impending appearance in the western twilight corresponds to perseverance in support of others. The entrance to Gemini almost certainly indicates a better expression of your thoughts. A conjunction with Asbolus at the same time represents, in combination, a symbolic metamorphosis of your own. That’s pretty exciting, and that’s the problem.

The most exciting prospects indicated by astrology require your participation. That entails constantly moving with the planets. Most specific to Mercury, moving on from one way of thinking to another.

It’s easier to keep thinking the same way. Additionally, astrology provides no specific guidelines, only the timing and a general sense of what the new field of thought would look and feel like. The rest is left to you. When Mercury enters Gemini tomorrow, that will be the cue.

As for what it will look or feel like, imagine what you would have to do so that others will see you as both brilliant and transformed. They could be right, you know. It’s worth some thought about what it would take to get it done. If you can do that, simply that, you will be in motion with Mercury — and you will also be a diamond.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

25 thoughts on “Also a Diamond — Mercury Enters Gemini”

  1. Thank you Len for the detour on the asteroid absolute, I just found out that he was also in mythology the Centaur who did the formations of birds flying predictions… So he would have the gift to see the future?

  2. What a lovely note to offer, Lizzy: “But just look at how women respond to you here on PW -how much joy, humour and love you give out. Have faith and relax with that out in the world, as you do here, and the rest will follow.”
    And thank you for your support to me, as well. You are a treasure.

  3. I can really understand, Daniel, cos I come from a similar background. But just look at how women respond to you here on PW -how much joy, humour and love you give out. Have faith and relax with that out in the world, as you do here, and the rest will follow|

  4. thanks Ms Lizzy! I wanted nothing more than to hang out with my dad, go for a beer and talking about loving women and loving life. He didn’t know how to be that for me because he was blocked from it. Instead our roles were reversed. I was his ear and support, the one giving to him. For a 15 year old, thats a tall order. When my first girlfriend broke up with me, I was a pretty heartbroken 16 yr old kid. He said, “she’s not worth it, move on. Women can’t be trusted anyway so better get used to it.” As I grew out and away from him, and closer to my mom, I realized that it was my task to be the father I needed for myself. To be for others the very thing I wished embodied in a father figure. But I am on the end of the stick where its hard for me to feel worthy to receive love and to state my desires and feel good about wanting that. That’s my work and it’s challenging me everyday.

  5. “In that moment, I knew I was healing not only myself but my father as well.” Thanks for sharing this beautiful story of healing and release, Daniel. I’m so happy for you.

    Strawberry – yes, grounding (and connecting with the breath) is key. But it’s also really good to let your feelings be; we get overwhelmed by our feelings and their intensity largely because we resist and fear them. It feels counterintuitive to open up fully to them and give them a field to run around in, and it is so hard to do, but every time one is able to do that, the feelings shrink in size and become just that, “feelings, nothing more than feelings”.

  6. Our dear Len will be interviewed on Roxy Lopez’s radio show in June!

    Stay tuned for details.

  7. Like something in the facets of a diamond cut, I keep getting glimmers of what my world looks like differently but then I lose my grasp of it and look again into the brilliance and try to recreate the moment of light/insight.

    Natal Asbolus exact conjunct natal Ceres (16Cancer) puts the midpoint of Asbolus to Asbolus just about exactly opposite natal Saturn. It’s about Carbon in the Garden (appreciative thanks to our Chief and Joni.)

    Thx, Len. You’re the Gem.

  8. yeah Chief, Eris is hangin’ all cool like right there sayin’ “yo check this out…” Now I’ll have to mull this one over! My natal chart is continuously opening up more info to me.

    Thanks for the props! 😉 and me loves a Lox and a Schmear!

  9. Daniel- a bagel is useless without lox and a schemer, I hope they’re pumpernickel. On another note- your story of healing and redemption is worthy of acknowledgment, well done! I’m curious if your Aries planets are conjunct wild gal Eris?

    PS- Thanks for keeping our Strawberry laughing.

  10. Woa, thanks for the heads up again. The astro software on my computer doesn’t track anything after Chiron. Asbolus is on my natal moon right now. Carbon dust, yeah. Carbon is half of a good compost pile. As I learn about how pervasive marketing has become I come to realize my experience of that moon as highly influenced by sitting in front of TV’s so much as a kid, and on the internet now. “A glass bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders”. Yeah, learning to read media I see humanity’s shadow all over the themes used in the propaganda of the consumerist empire. Just keep shopping everyone, the Market will take care of everything. I guess my bioregion having the last stand of old growth in USA and enough rain to water a vast quantity of trees even now has resulted in the electronics and shopping centers not being the only voice I heard as I grew up. The birds speak loud and clear around here. Sparrows, crows, blues, robins, chickadee dee dees…I try to function something like a Lorax in the internet. I don’t know if it really works.

  11. wow, that is cool! Like my bubbie says, “Life is like a box of bagels. Sooner or later, you’ve had enough.” Okay, I made that up……

  12. Holy shit, Daniel. We ARE twins.

    My story with my dad is identical, including the healing, except that I walked away when I was 21 and didn’t see him for 18 years. Until just now, I hadn’t looked at the astrology of that day I finally called him to reconcile. Jupiter had just moved into exact conjunction with Uranus (putting pressure on both my Pluto and Jupiter) and Chiron was conjunct Neptune. And all four of them were Retrograde. How’s that for digging deep to expand beyond the old ways of being? I just remember it felt like my entire foundation had slipped out from under me and I was walking on ether. I’m beginning to feel how significant Jupiter transits can be in my life.

    It is very interesting to walk this with you, Daniel. It’s not quite like your experiences are a mirror to mine, or even an opposite, but maybe…refracted through water.

    And thank you for the perspective on holding the space. Like I said, it feels like an opening into somewhere I want to be, but I can see some work I need to do around grounding if I’m going to allow my sense of self to remain fluid in this way. For now, it’s out there.

    Thank you, again.

  13. Hi Strawberry, I too have Chiron in Aries. It’s pretty close to my Mars in Aries. I too have been best buddies with Mr. Chiron. He’s awesome. We had beers. We’re bros.

    “But does continuing to acknowledge and own the space within–which feels like a fluidity of identity–just reinforce the lack? Am I just failing to commit?”

    My opinion is, by owning the space, you direct your intention toward the healing you want. That sounds like commitment to me. Being fluid doesn’t mean weakness or lack. It feels more like allowing. In my experience, that is key. But allowing what?

    I have 2 examples I could share if its okay. A month after I took an intensive Reiki 1 initiation and about 2 weeks after I lost my virginity, I met my father on the street at night – after 19 years of not seeing him (he was a toxic man and I told him so when I was 18 when I left him). Chiron was there right beside me helping me work on my shadow and my dad’s influence on my sexual energy just as it was released into the tangible world of experience (“experiences” is the keyword for Chiron). So, I hugged my father and we had a slice of pizza and caught up. I looked him dead pan in the face and called him out quietly on his bullshit. I left him after 30min, said goodbye and didn’t look back.

    Then recently, I’ve been seeing someone casually and every time I’d see her, my cab driver was the same man picking me, and he looked exactly like my dad! I’m like, WTF! But we were chatting it up like buddies! I had no fear of him or anxiety that our banter was so close to what I knew during those few good times. In that moment, I knew I was healing not only myself but my father as well. There was a karmic relationship stained by years of mental abuse. I forgive my father and feel his wanting to be forgiven. So that story ends and falls away. That pain was brought up to the surface, is faced by direct awareness and conscious intention, and ultimately (and continuously) released through fluid non-reaction and peaceful reconciliation.

    I haven’t done enough reading on Chiron but your reference from Melanie Reinhart sounds bang on for me. Chiron being so close to my Mars in my 7th may just be the perfect pairing. I have some ideas about what it means and I’m hoping I’m on the right track.

    Thanks for sharing and allowing me to share!

  14. Thank you, Chief. I am.

    Your earlier kindness still resonates within me as I work to allow, allow, allow.

  15. “We are stardust… (Billion year old carbon)
    We are golden… (Caught in the devil’s bargain )
    And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden…”

    – Woodstock Joni Mitchell

    Asbolus indeed, all that old carbon sitting around being Stars, Diamonds and Us- all inseparable. The Devil (pleased to meet you), Lucifer is his proper name: “The Bringer of Light.” And the Garden, well nothing less that Mother Earth, and our simple task is to learn to treat her as a Garden and not a trash dump. Seems simple enough…

    Personally, this Gemini is happy to have his ruling Planet back in the roost, along with some other wanderers. I am looking forward to more brilliant clarity and less of the murk that the last 3 months have served up in all areas of my life.

    Thank you Len for your continued insights into the Cosmic Forces.

    PS- Strawberrylaughter- you feel lighter these days, blessing to you on your good healing work.

  16. Lizzy: You are most welcome.

    Strawberry: Thank you for contributions from your own good work, correlations, and contemplations.

    Amanda: It is for me to thank you for your continued editorial help and astrological collaborations.

    be: Thank you so very much, as always, for taking us into a broader and deeper elaboration of the current, past, and future astrology as it all corresponds to important events. Your generosity is exceeded only by your erudition.

  17. I’ve been working with Chiron a lot lately (obvi) and Melanie Reinhart says one of the signatures of Chiron in Aries is a loss of the “I am.” Add to that a 12th House Sun and this is something I take seriously. But I’ve been wondering if changing my thinking around that is a) possible, and b) useful. Is it possible to switch from the “I have this hole, so I must be deficient” to something more along the lines of “I have a space within to hold the ambiguity. For transformation. For healing.” To me, “space” is a fertile word. “Hole” is empty. Whatever I am (diamond notwithstanding) I’m not empty.
    But does continuing to acknowledge and own the space within–which feels like a fluidity of identity–just reinforce the lack? Am I just failing to commit? Can one’s “I am” be fluid and still be healthy? I may have a little too much Neptune in my life right now.
    I’ll find an answer that fits, but there’s something here that feels like its got potential.

  18. The Assoc. Press had the records of more than 20 of it’s phone lines seized by the Justice Dept. we learned yesterday, and those records were for calls made and received around May 2012. In May 2012 there was a solar eclipse at 0 Gemini. Mercury plays a big part in the astrology of this story, but he’s not alone. Asbolus, among others has been leaving clues regarding this story ever since then.

    Yesterday when the AP story broke, Venus at 5 Gemini was squaring Neptune at 5 Pisces. It was one of two stories (Gemini) of government investigations and both had confusing (Neptune) elements. In the solar eclipse last Thursday, Venus was at 0 Gemini activating the solar eclipse from last year in the same degree. Asbolus is there right now at 0 Gemini awaiting Mercury’s arrival in a few hours. Eclipses make us wait for some things that are hidden (eclipsed) to be revealed.

    That May solar eclipse in 2012 had the south node at 5 Gemini (where Venus was yesterday) and the centaur Asbolus at 26 Taurus. The next solar eclipse came on November 13, 2012 and was in Scorpio. The south node (release) in that chart was at 26 Taurus, where Asbolus was last May. There was also an interesting pattern in that chart between Uranus at 5 Aries, Saturn at 5 Scorpio and Hybris (arrogance, trying to get away with something) retrograde, Atropos and Altjira, all at 5-6 Gemini. They formed a yod with Saturn in Scorpio at the apex (point of release).

    The plot thickens when we look at the current U.S. Sibly solar return chart which has Jupiter (understanding, big picture) at 5 Gemini (Venus’ degree at story’s release+south node in 2012 May solar eclipse), and conjunct Ceres (something taken from her without permission) and the south node (release), both at 4 Gemini.

    Yesterday when Venus was square Neptune, she was also opposite Hebe (enabler) in Sagittarius and they formed a T-square in mutable signs that facilitate transitioning and fluctuation. As the symbols leapfrog from one solar eclipse to the next, they provide a pathway to possible hidden players that would fill in the big picture with necessary details. Here’s another one that’s not eclipse related. The U.S. Sibly Askalaphus (an asteroid named after mythology’s tattle-tale or whistle-blower) is at 1 Virgo. Mercury and Asbolus will oppose him very soon.

    Presently, transiting Askalaphus is at 5 Leo and will soon square retrograde Saturn returning to his position in the November 2012 solar eclipse (5 Scorpio) as point planet in the yod. By this Saturday, Mercury in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces and quincunx Saturn in Scorpio. But on June 3, he will be in the sign of Cancer and form a grand trine with them. Somewhere in all this symbol jumble, there must be a diamond, don’t you think? Hmmm… . about that big diamond heist where they didn’t find all the diamonds. . .

  19. i’m looking forward to sparkling — thanks, len! i’ll do my little taurean best to let mercury loosen up my thinking some.

  20. How interesting. I’ve been looking at Asbolus and wondering why it feels like it’s the dot on the exclamation point as the culmination of all this Taurus work. Or are we one with the Spanish, for whom the exclamation point is only the beginning? Either way, I like the idea of entering this new phase with all my facets polished up to create a single, brilliant whole.
    As usual, your clarity is a gift.

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