Soon To Appear — Sun Conjunct Mercury

From out of the West!
— the opening line from “The Lone Ranger” radio shows of the early 20th Century (followed by Rossini’s musical theme — and goosebumps!)

Today, the Moon passes in front of the Sun for a solar eclipse. This weekend, Mercury passes behind the Sun for an exterior (or “superior”) conjunction. Mercury is the fourth sign-ruling planet (after Venus, Mars and Uranus) to disappear behind solar glare in recent weeks, giving symbolic support to the idea that a great deal of what has been coming is soon to appear.

Astrology by Len Wallick

That’s partially because a great deal is about to appear in the western twilight nearest you.

Jupiter is there now, near the end of a long run across the entire sky that started in the east late last year, as if to preview coming attractions.

As soon as tomorrow evening, depending on your weather and location, you may see astrology’s emblem of attraction in the twilight. That is when Venus is scheduled to make its premiere, alongside the first visible lunar crescent after today’s New Moon and eclipse, together on the red carpet of dusk. Even if you can’t see it, take a moment and think about it. Venus and the Moon are returning to the solar spotlight together at the same time, coming at you from out of the west.

If that doesn’t raise goosebumps, the corresponding events about to appear over the horizon of your life probably will.

The wide-screen picture of current astrology implies that events about to ride into your life will serve to further dispel any remaining illusion that your existence is somehow separate from the rest of us. It begins with what the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars have in common. Their cycles are short in duration, repeating many times over a lifetime. That’s how they come to be called ‘personal’.

To have the all the personal planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) in continuous collaboration behind the scenes for weeks on end is significant. It corresponds to the possibility of connections having been made, and still being made, within you — behind the glare of what consciousness informs. Recent transiting aspects made by the three planets, as they passed from Pisces, to Aries, and into Taurus, have provided a clue about what they are composing. Perhaps most notably taken have been the aspects to Saturn and Pluto.

Saturn is astrology’s arbiter of form. As Venus, Mercury and Mars have moved from making water trines from Pisces to Saturn in Scorpio, and on though opposition from Taurus, there has indeed been the sense of something taking shape, much as a waxing Moon does.

Yet, there is also a sense of a flowing transformation as the personal planets have progressed from their supportive sextiles through tense squares, and into a succession of earth trines with Pluto’s gradual Capricorn evolution. All of which is indicating how, paradoxically, the remaining sunsets of this season will probably, eventually, unmask a new day for you and your relationship with the world.

As Mercury and Mars follow the Moon and Venus out of invisible collaboration and into a new, yet somehow familiar motif in the coming weeks, you may want to start thinking now about the role you want to play. The line for white hats is forming to the west.

Offered In Service   

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

9 thoughts on “Soon To Appear — Sun Conjunct Mercury”

  1. Mia: Thank you for being the voice of conscience. If conscience is a broken record, then we could use a few more. War was never any good, and with time the no-good purveyors of war have found ways to make it worse. As the Dalai Lama has observed, war is simply obsolete except to divide the heart from the mind, and render the soul from every body. If one were to choose only one role to play under the new western sky, it would serve our planet and its beings best to resolve to never support, excuse or rationalize any war, for any purpose, ever again. The alternative, ANY alternative is a short road to the unthinkable, both inside and out.

    Lolly K. Thank you so very much for your valuable comment. Holding on to the dream is the requisite. The Reverend Jackson’s expression of keeping one’s “eyes on the prize” should never be forgotten, and works in harmony with “eyes on the skies” to empower our participation with the Universe.

    Lizzy: Heartfelt thanks to you as well. It is an occasion for joy to learn that my service resinates with your life.

    be: Thank you is not enough to express our gratitude for your words.. Once again, you are be-autiful, bringing both the depth of your erudition and the levity of your astute observations to this space. Up until now, according to the personal planets, the process has been behind the scenes – which means within, but not at the conscious level. The clues are what the outer planets offer, and if my interpretation is worthy, it will be as if each one of us has emerged on a new horizon to illuminate our common path.

    Lunesoleil: Thank you for your kind, gracious, and cogent perceptions once again.

    Chief Niwots Son: My offer of thanks to you is not adequate to convey the appreciation we feel as your every comment endows a level of dignity that raises us all to a greater level of being. In addition to your gift of lifting us towards doing better, your note from the works of posterity makes us one with those who have recorded a previous rendition of what the Moon and Venus are about to return with. You have served to inspire us to reach for the stars, even if that reach should exceed our grasp. What a priceless gift you have brought us today. Please be assured that it is appreciated.

    Genevieve: Thank you in turn for the inspiration of your example.

    aword: Many thanks for your supportive spirit and eloquence.

  2. The new form is flowing, to be sure – and it is form and or taking form nonetheless (despite or to spite the flow). I shall look for my awe and inspiration in Venus and the Moon, in the West, at Dusk.

    Ha Yes! And then there are the cicadas..if I can’t hear them now at least I can remember summertime-camping-past doing so! Thanks, Chief Niwots Son!

  3. Great post Len! Thanks for the reminder to think about the roles in life we wish to play!

  4. “Counting stars by candlelight
    all are dim but one is bright:
    the spiral light of Venus
    rising first and shining best,
    From the northwest corner
    of a brand-new crescent moon
    crickets and cicadas sing
    a rare and different tune…”

    – Terrapin Station (Robert Hunter, Jerome John Garcia)

    These words come to capture this moment, the events heralded by the appearance of Venus as the evening star, and the 17 year cycle of cicadas in Eastern North America.

    Thank you Len for your words, ones that awaken us to the new possibilities within each of our lives.

  5. Thanks Len for the first Crescent of the moon with Venus as an Eclipse of the Sun that illuminates more and more my conscience… Good cycle of the moon to you all 🙂

  6. The coming attractions. . . headlined by Venus and the sliver of Moon . . .Hi Ho Silver!

    Showing soon at a sky view near you, they promises to provide goose bumps as they lead the parade of planets coming out of the west. Those thundering hoof beats could be centaur Thereus, or maybe it’s Mercury tap-dancing his way into Gemini – his own Home On The Range, or possibly it’s Mars tripping over the Moon’s south node. Be a part of the growing anticipation for the return of your favorite Stars. You won’t want to miss a moment of it!

    I dare say Len, you have me breathless now. Ralfee Finn (of StarIQ’s Aquarium Age column) reminds us that “a solar eclipse symbolizes the power of the unconscious to overshadow conscious concerns” and, for a moment anyway, you have done that for many of us. It is the nature of life and the silver screen to keep us in the dark, holding our breath even. Don’t worry though, we won’t be disappointed if you give us clues as to what you see coming in the sky. In fact, we’ll be down right grateful, as always.

  7. “All of which is indicating how, paradoxically, the remaining sunsets of this season will probably, eventually, unmask a new day for you and your relationship with the world”. Yes. Thank you for this lovely, lyrical piece, dear Len, which as so often happens, really resonates with what’s happening with me right now.

  8. I have had the fortunate experience of holding on to the dream long enough for the universe to provide me with resources, just this week.

    Bartering use of my equipment for a day or so will return the earthy elements I need for a permaculture project relating to trees (planting). A casual conversation struck up at the gas pumps may lead to me hiring someone to handle another project relating to trees (removing). The appointment for a face to face is tomorrow evening and the drive comes in from the road on the west.

  9. Where is the Lone Ranger when you need him, Len?

    The White Hats stopped publishing their reports last fall after receiving threats against themselves and their families.

    From a Jim Kirwan article posted on May 6, 2013:

    ‘An excellent example of what this world has become can be clearly understood in an article from Iranian TV that appeared yesterday.

    “Turkish authorities are engaged in trafficking body organs of injured Syrians that are taken to Turkey for treatment, a report says.

    Syria’s official news agency SANA cited a report by Lebanese newspaper Ad-Diyar published on Saturday that Turkish authorities transfer young injured Syrians to certain hospitals in the Turkish cities of Antakya and Iskenderun.

    The report added that the Turks leave the injured Syrians alone to die after their body organs are removed in the hospitals. The dead are later sent to the Syrian border region to be buried.

    Turkish doctors have confirmed that out of 62,000 injured Syrian civilian and military people who were transported into Turkey, body organs of over 15,600 of them were excised and their bodies were sent back into Syria to be buried, Ad-Diyar stated.

    Turkish officials have made no comments over the issue so far.

    The Lebanese newspaper also states that the body organs including livers, kidneys and hearts are given to people waiting for treatment in Turkey.

    Ad-Diyar said European scientific websites acknowledged that body organ transplantation operations had increased in Turkey over the past two years, since the beginning of the crisis in Syria.

    The Syrian government says the chaos that began over two years ago is being orchestrated from outside the country.”

    And since the world’s leading black-marketer for human body parts is none other than ISRAEL, there is little doubt who is running this bone-chilling inhuman-series of crimes. This amounts to selling off parts of 15,600 from a resource pool of 62,000 people (killed in Syria).

    “Several international human rights organizations have said the militants are committing war crimes in Syria.” (3)

    In a world that has become this calloused, this hardened, to the plight of those we allow to be slaughtered like herd animals: There is nothing that can be done so long as the planet remains silent.


    As with the AIDS epidemic, Len,


    I know I sound like a broken record, but it is time for us to stand up and simply say NO to the crimes being perpetrated in our name. We are poised for A Perfect Storm. If we refuse to act, we will get what we deserve. IMHO


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