6 thoughts on “Annular Eclipse in Taurus, Plus the Cleveland Women Freed”

  1. Yes, short version of podcast is a great idea. I love the long version, but sometimes I just don’t have an hour at the end of the day to really pay attention.

  2. Johnson’s Cabinet Watched by Ants

    It is a clearing deep in a forest:
    overhanging boughs make a low place.
    Here the citizens we know during the day,
    The ministers, the department heads,
    Appear changed: the stockholders of
    large steel companies
    In small wooden shoes;
    here are the generals dressed
    as gamboling lambs.

    Tonight they burn the rice supplies;
    tomorrow they lecture on Thoreau;
    tonight they move around the trees;
    Tomorrow they pick the twigs
    from their clothes;
    Tonight they throw the firebombs;
    tomorrow they read
    the Declaration of Independence;
    tomorrow they are in church.

    Ants are gathered around an old tree.
    In a choir they sing,
    in harsh and gravelly voices,
    Old Etruscan songs on tyranny.
    Toads nearby clap their small hands,
    and join the fiery songs,
    their five long toes trembling
    in the soaked earth.

    Robert Bly

  3. When Katrina hit New Orleans the first thought that came to mind was that it was karma. Payback for what we were doing in Iraq.

    Jesuit exorcist Malachi Martin addresses the issue of power and politics in some of his interviews that are available on Youtube. His position is that the majority of politicians, perhaps 80%, are possessed by negative entities and looking at the things they do, it is not difficult to believe.

    In a short time, the members of Bohemian Grove will be gathering in Northern California for two weeks to celebrate their own position of power. It’s an annual event. They will wear robes and hats similar to the KKK and burn the effigy of a child in sacrifice to a 30 foot owl sculpture of Molech, the Canaanite version of the Egyptian god Set. The god Set was a homosexual god of evil, as per Wikipedia. Virtually all presidents, past and future, have put in an appearance at the Grove in order to get elected. You cannot make up this stuff. Vanity Fair published an article a few years back when one of their writers was able to sneak in and observe activities before being arrested and videos of Bohemian Grove are available on Youtube as well.

    The level of stink continues to rise and we, the people, remain complacent. If Katrina was payback, we have plenty heading our way.

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